Munroe: Three Kemp Road churches offer facilities to assist Uriah McPhee after fire

Students and teachers at Uriah McPhee Primary School wait outside as fire disrupted classes yesterday. Photo: Nikia Charlton

Students and teachers at Uriah McPhee Primary School wait outside as fire disrupted classes yesterday. Photo: Nikia Charlton


Tribune Staff Reporter  


FREETOWN MP Wayne Munroe said three churches in the Kemp Road area have offered their facilities to assist with the education of students following a recent fire at Uriah McPhee Primary School.

On Monday, classes were dismissed after a fire and smoke accumulated on the school’s second floor. Students and staff were safely evacuated to a pavilion area.

During his contribution in the House of Assembly yesterday, Mr Munroe said: “They said the children are to be commended because having done fire drills a couple of weeks prior, they executed the plan and left the school to the rally points quickly and peacefully.”

Mr Munroe added that officials from the Ministry of Works and the Ministry of Education were on-site to assess the situation and determine the next steps for the school. He noted that the vice principal and her team had already identified potential locations for temporary classes if needed.

He thanked Pilgrim Baptist Temple Church, Saint James Native Baptist Church, and St Margaret’s Anglican Church for their support. However, he did not clarify whether students would be relocated to these facilities.

On Monday, acting Director of Education Dominique McCartney-Russell said students would begin using the virtual learning platform starting yesterday.


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