Two men sentenced for breaking into Rahming’s constituency office


Tribune Staff Reporter


TWO men were sentenced to two years and two months in prison yesterday after pleading guilty to breaking into the constituency office of Marathon MP Lisa Rahming on Prince Charles Drive with a knife and a baseball bat.

Senior Magistrate Anishka Isaacs arraigned Carlton Russell, 26, and David Miller, 30, on charges of shop-breaking and possession of house-breaking instruments.

Police caught the pair attempting to enter the office at Island Luck Plaza around 2.30am on September 23. Officers found a knife, a baseball bat, and a 10lb weight in their possession.

Miller claimed his accomplice had asked him for help, but he was unaware he was about to commit a crime.

After hearing Miller’s accent, prosecutor Inspector Bowles inquired with immigration officers and discovered that he was a Jamaican man without legal status in the country.

When Magistrate Isaacs asked Miller about his employment, he claimed to work in welding. He first said he arrived in the country three months ago, then changed his statement to six months, ultimately claiming he arrived by boat on July 13.

Russell, on the other hand, apologised for his actions, saying he meant no disrespect to anyone.

Magistrate Isaacs expressed concern that the pair were found with a knife, noting it suggested they had violent intentions if they encountered someone that night.

The two were sentenced to two years and two months at the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services. Following their sentence, Miller will be handed over to immigration officers for potential deportation.

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