‘CARICOM would not engage in tensions between US and China’

FOREIGN Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell.

FOREIGN Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell.


Tribune Staff Reporter 


PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis said CARICOM would not engage in geopolitical tensions between the United States and China, responding to a letter from US lawmakers urging the State Department to send a high-level delegation to the upcoming CARICOM Heads of Government meeting to help thwart “coercion” from China.

The letter suggested that the meeting could enhance the United States’ commitment to diplomatic, energy, economic, and security ties with Caribbean partners, emphasising the need for US engagement to counter China’s influence.

“CARICOM is not going to get involved in the geopolitical issues between superpowers,” Mr Davis told reporters yesterday. “We have always taken the vision of being non-aligned and respecting those matters.”

Mr Davis noted that when he chaired CARICOM in February 2023, a US delegation of more than 60 people attended, making their presence and influence felt. He said numerous promises were made, and bilateral discussions took place, adding that work must be done to build upon that initial engagement.

For his part, Foreign Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell said in a statement yesterday that the country’s relations with China are based on mutual respect and the investments in The Bahamas are on purely commercial terms, adding there is “no ideological quid pro quo”.

“We are not involved, nor do we see ourselves as engaged in or part of any ideological war or geopolitical brinksmanship,” he said. “To state the obvious, we are 50 miles off the coast of the United States with an import-based economy, where, for example, 90 percent of the food we eat is sourced by the United States.

“We have significant cultural and family ties with the people of the United States. Almost every Bahamian has a family member who is American. We have diplomatic relations with China just as the United States does. We do not interfere in China’s internal affairs and they do not interfere with ours.”

“There is no evidence to support the view that this country is being used as a platform by China to attack the United States. We would not be party to any such effort.”

He expressed the government’s commitment to the “One China” policy, adopted in 1997 to recognise Taiwan as a part of China rather than an independent state.

Mr Mitchell said The Bahamas welcomes all legitimate investments, which undergo thorough scrutiny to ensure they benefit the Bahamian people and align with regional security interests. He said the government is actively seeking affordable funding for infrastructure projects and is open to US investment if available, with a list of vetted projects ready for financing.

The letter from US lawmakers was signed by House Foreign Affairs Committee Congressman Gregory W Meeks, Congresswoman Yvette D Clarke, Congresswoman Stacey E Plaskett, and Ranking Member Stacey E Plaskett Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere Congressman Joaquin Castro.

US Charge d’Affaires Kimberly Furnish had previously called on The Bahamas to begin “reducing Chinese influence” and work with regional partners to ensure “mutual economic growth”.


Porcupine 1 month ago

Sadly, the US knows exactly who we are. They don't trust us, but will gladly coerce us. If the US wanted, they could bring The Bahamas to a state of crisis within weeks. The simple reality. Has the high ranking government official been named yet? So, the US is allowing this person to continue to disgrace our country? Wow!

birdiestrachan 1 month ago

The USA has it place and the Bahamas has it place we are no less than them. The shinning light on the hill is no longer very bright.

ExposedU2C 1 month ago

At least they, unlike us, still have a light.

ExposedU2C 1 month ago

PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis said CARICOM would not engage in geopolitical tensions between the United States and China, responding to a letter from US lawmakers urging the State Department to send a high-level delegation to the upcoming CARICOM Heads of Government meeting to help thwart “coercion” from China.

Poor sleazy Fwreddy Boy just doesn't get it. The real issue here for the Bahamas is the geopolitical tension between the Bahamas and the US. Same goes for Haiti and Jamaica. CARICOM will prove to be just the opening of the door to the very real existential threats that the Bahamas, Haiti, and Jamaica each now pose to the national security interests of the US. And as many of us know, Fwreddy Boy has devoted the better part of his political career to fueling anti-US sentiment and inflaming the annoying pimple we have become on the elephant's backside.

birdiestrachan 1 month ago

Mr Mitchell is 100percent correct. Never mind the uncle toms would they refer to any us official as boy . Instead they would rhapsodize them and bow low as if they are Gods

ExposedU2C 1 month ago

Don't you feel anything for those poor young Haitian "boys"?

birdiestrachan 1 month ago

We walk in the light of Christ. That light never goes out

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