Minister of Labour Pia Glover-Rolle addresses questions during a session of the House of Assembly on February 19, 2025. Photo: Nikia Charlton
Tribune Staff Reporter
LABOUR Minister Pia Glover-Rolle revealed yesterday that the government had rehired 491 retired public servants under the Davis administration, 98 percent of whom receive a pension and a salary.
The Free National Movement called her justification –– that ministries lack succession planning –– “laughable.”
Mrs Glover-Rolle noted that in October 2021, Cabinet reversed the Minnis administration’s decree that rehired retirees not receive both a pension and a salary.
Critics have long lamented how often the government rehires retirees, but the rare revelation of how many have been rehired in the last three years shocked many yesterday.
Mrs Glover-Rolle disclosed the figures during a rare question and answer period in the House of Assembly, responding to Free National Movement leader Michael Pintard. She said 480 of the retired public officers receive their pension and salary.
The government’s website still says that rehired officers “are usually required to forgo their pension during the period of re-engagement,” despite the Davis administration’s policy change.
Mrs Glover-Rolle said after taking office in September 2021, she realised there were no clear succession plans in place because of poor human resource management over the years, which created a “hollow middle” caused by a lack of promotions and training.
“A human resource structure has to have succession planning, it has to have clearly identified understudies, there has to be the pouring in of institutional knowledge from the persons that attrition out to the persons that remain in the system,” she said. “That has not happened in our government agencies across the service and that is something that we have been working on in the past three years.”
She said re-engaged retirees serve as consult- ants to help with public service reforms by passing on their experience and expertise, adding that two ministries have already submitted succession plans. She expressed optimism that, over time, the government would no longer need to rehire retirees.
She expressed hope that as the government’s plan unfolds, there will eventually be no need to rehire retirees in the public service. She acknowledged that unions have raised concerns about the issue and emphasised the importance of a well-managed human resources system that prioritises training. While the goal is to eliminate the practice, she said that a small number of retired public servants have been rehired to maintain continuity and ensure proper succession planning within government ministries.
Nonetheless, Free National Movement leader Michael Pintard said the administration’s actions mean “hundreds of long-suffering civil servants and young, qualified Bahamians” have been “pushed even further down the line, watching job opportunities go to the same people who already had their turn.”
“We have even bigger questions: How much is the PLP’s rehiring spree costing the Bahamian people? Who are the hundreds of retirees that the government believes we simply cannot do without — what essential functions they are carrying out? Will the government be prepared to publish the full list of these individuals along with the terms of their contracts?”
ExposedU2C 1 month ago
These old leeches are being allowed to suck the life blood out of the Public Treasury while taking good paying government job opportunities away from younger Bahamians. Most younger Bahamians have been completely abandoned by this Davis led government and they should not even entertain voting for any of these corrupt PLP politicians in the next general election, especially the older ones.
And someone please remind Pia that well written and up to date comprehensive job descriptions are vital to succession planning for any job, especially a government job. The old timers are often able to cling to their jobs well past their retirement age simply because they are allowed to be the only one who knows what they do or how to do what they do, and that greatly hinders a younger person's ability to step into their shoes.
Sickened 1 month ago
PLP - The party of corruption!
DonAnthony 1 month ago
Taxpayers in this country are getting ripped off! Greedy old people squeezing out the young. This double dipping (receiving a salary and pension) should be illegal.
Sickened 1 month ago
Don't forget housing allowance - even for those people living on the same island as their job.
tetelestai 1 month ago
No, it shouldn't be illegal. You earn your pension because you toiled for 30+ years - government should not be allowed to capriciously claw back pension. The issue is to ensure that there are enough qualified people to perform jobs so that any government does not have to re-hire retirees.
OMG 1 month ago
How about the last director of education telling certain practical teachers that they would be rehired when reaching pensionable age. This of course was a blatant lie and they ignored qualified teachers, with their own accommodation, knowledge of the children and with proven exam results. What did they do in their wisdom, either leave that subject such as woodwork without a teacher or hire a Cuban teacher with all the costs involved and absolutely no interest in becoming part of the community.. I absolutely agree that if there is a young qualified Bahamian looking for employment then it is unfair and blatantly wrong to re hire a recently retired person.
moncurcool 1 month ago
This is exactly how you kill a country and an economy.
This is just unbelievable.
Sickened 1 month ago
Hiring back the same people (who didn't train anyone while they worked there) to train people. ROFL. God is going to send a big ass hurricane this year to rid us of all the stupid people. PLP will be pushed out to sea. Hold your applause for after the event.
One 1 month ago
Unfortunately when sh*t hits the fan. They use all the money and connections they made to escape. The poor people face the effects alone. Then once the disaster is clear the leeches come back to profit off of the aid and recovery meant for the poor. The young people really need to band together to secure their future. This old generation manages things selfishly like the world should come to an end once they die.
quavaduff 1 month ago
This is blatant corruption and detrimental to the younger educated generation of Bahamians. Why would any respectable government condone such hiring practices?
TalRussell 1 month ago
“WE must get real as to the government's intent." -- No number of SpaceX Sonic Booms will hide the rehiring 481.18 done retired public servants of whom all are double dipping by being paid both a pension and a new salary. -- Can't pave roads nor spend but a few thousand dollars to mechanically repair Fire Engines but somehow can find $31,471,700 MILLIONS of BD$ to fund questionable retirees for just the first year -- Over 3 years $94,415,100 MLLIONS.... All on borrowed money. ... Is it corruption? -- Should it become a criminally chargeable action? -- Yet they are only able to afford Yellow Grits and Tuna Salad breakfasts for school childrens' whilst pictured "popping the champagne bottles in Exuma. -- This is not made up. -- It's their own reality. -- Yes?
ExposedU2C 1 month ago
Davis and his "boys" are nothing but evil criminal thugs, period. And you know it!
Porcupine 1 month ago
People have too much dirt on these guys. Yes, the party of corruption. Is that Socrates sitting in the foreground?
hj 1 month ago
And then some people wonder why while taxes keep increasing the national debt increases also. Not to mention the "consultants" fees, the government contracts,and the increasing number of civil servants. Thank Brave,Michael and Simon when you see them.
TalRussell 1 month ago
In best of situations there you are sitting around in your 80s' -- collecting your regular government pensionable retirement cheques -- whilst expecting something financial which will also includes a new motor car and gas to fall in your lap -- and along comes Minister "Double Dippin'" Pia Glover-Rolle, who answers your rehired financial dreams. -- Not making this up -- 'Tis an exact transcript of fact. -- Easily we could be talking an additional fleet numbering in hundreds of motor cars. --- Even less senior could end up with Scooters or Jitney passes. -- Yes?
BONEFISH 1 month ago
Both parties have rehired retirees, The PLP does it simply more blatantly. This country really needs the full implementation of the FOIA. As for the idiotic comment of hj,the financial secretary is a civil servant and not a politician. You need to travel to the family islands in the MICAL district and see how those islands are partially still in the nineteen century.
hj 1 month ago
Never said that Simon was a politician. Reading properly,if it is something you can do,is always helpful. Politicians are not the only ones that can mess up a country. Civil servants can also do a great job
sheeprunner12 1 month ago
Who are these re-hirees? What are they needed for?
The People who are paying them should know.
If the union boss voice note is correct, it sounds like a gravy train leading up to the General Election.
bahamianson 1 month ago
Retired individuals serve as consultants? You mean like the Prime Minister senior financial consultant , if I am not mistaken, Jerome Fritzgerald? You mean like Carlos Reid as a consultant? You mean like Rodney Moncur as a consultant? Both Mr Reid and Moncur were hired to consult on gang violence and it has not amounted to any less murders. It was a waste of money. You mean like the last commissioner of police whom was hired because of his experience? Wasn’t he let go last year from the same prime minister whom brought him back after he was let go under the Fnm? We need Donald Trump and Doge Bahamians to cut wasteful spending , then tell the people the government is running out of money . They increases taxes and spend wastefully . They want people to pay their fair share … that line is a bunch of crap. The government has a surplus of funds to squander…
quavaduff 1 month ago
You lost me when you said we need the rapist felon tRump for anything. And the doge folks are really screwing up per the response from most Americans.
hrysippus 1 month ago
Four hundred and ninety pensioners back on board, , Fill Up’s gravy train, we can ill afford. . So we’ll borrow more and raise more tax, . Gubmint workers can stay chill and relax, . With an election on the horizon looming, . Positions secure and deficit blooming, . Who cares that thirteen billion is our debt, . Something our grandchildren will sure regret. . The trappings of power are sweet and plump. . If you tink that’s a lie then just ask tramp. .
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