The scene of a fatal shooting on Dunmore Street near Rabbits Bar that claimed the life of a man known as "Tero" (inset) on February 22, 2025.
A man was gunned down while in the car with his girlfriend and young child outside a restaurant this morning.
Police responded to the scene on Dunmore Street near Rabbits Bar after receiving an alert from Shot Spotter technology about gunshots in the area.
According to Chief Superintendent Sheria King, the victim was found unresponsive with multiple gunshots wounds about his body, and the other two passengers were unharmed.
Chief Supt King said the victim was inside his car when a light-colored Japanese car pulled up, and men exited the vehicle and opened fire. She added that investigators will review surveillance footage from local cameras in the area.
The press liaison also noted that police are exploring a possible link to a separate incident reported at Montel Heights last night; however, no official connection has been confirmed.
On Thursday, police responded to gunshots on Mantol Street in Montell Heights and found a man lying unresponsive in the street with gunshot injuries shortly after 10.30pm. At that time, initial reports suggested that a white Japanese-model vehicle was observed leaving the area in a western direction.
This is a developing story.
TalRussell 1 month ago
"Chief Supt King said the victim was inside his car when a light-colored Japanese car pulled up and men exited the vehicle and opened fire." ---- Be on the lookout for a Japanese car, Really? -- Why so stuck on Japanese car culture? --- Yes?
bahamianson 1 month ago
Because it was the japanes car’s fault, just like it is the gun that shoots a person and the pitbull’s fault. It is never the person’s fault.
bogart 1 month ago
I hear you Tal. It is not wrong to have the use of the many affordable japanese vehicles of countless car colours but what should be more important for national security of police work on this small island is whether almost all vehicles have been allowed to have totally obscure tinted windows which I believe was supposed to be against the law.
TalRussell 1 month ago
@ComradeBogart, dark tinted windows or not, in which way would it have changed anything important about the situation -- Yes?
bogart 1 month ago
Dark tinted windows would be in favour of persons conducting criminal activities Todays culture which seems to have a culture of a lot of very popular cars having the heavily dark tinted windows on this small island. My first response in in respect to your mentioning the make of the "Japanese car culture",
bahamianson 1 month ago
Shot spotter is a total waste of time. Why do we have it? The crime has already been committed and it can’t help find the criminals. It is like a jail , it doesn’t work. Smart people’ rational is , hanging does not deter criminals, so stop hanging. Well, jail doesn’t stop criminals either , so stop sending people to jail, It Is Not A Deterrent. They keep reoffending. Hot spotter is a stupid idea . Did not one hear the shots ? Did spot shitter help the police find the criminals? It is time to do away with it and save the taxpayers money.
Porcupine 1 month ago
A celebration of true Bahamian Christian culture. But sure, maybe we should sue the Japanese for selling these dark tinted window cars. Just like we were going to sue the US for producing the guns used to kill people. Until we found out it was our own police importing them. How did we get so fing stupid? Read these comments above. How did this nation become so stupid?
TalRussell 1 month ago
If/when properly monitored, ShotSpotter has an accuracy rate of over 97% alert time and when monitored It can help police respond to crime scenes more quickly and precisely. -- Response time can be swift or lagged as it differs from policemans' to policemans'. -- Note: There have been times when Victims of Crime calling into policemans' have been greeted with either there's no vehicle or manpower available, so best yourself make your way to the Policemans' Staton to file a report. --- Suggestions have been made... you're welcome to drive to the station and give a policemans' a ride back to the crime scene. --- I'm not making it up. -- Yes?
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