Accused of breaking into home, assault and threats


Tribune Staff Reporter 


A MAN was granted bail after being accused of breaking into a woman’s home in Nassau Village and threatening her with death.

Senior Magistrate Algernon Allen, Jr, arraigned Leslie Hanna, 57, on housebreaking, threats of death and assault with a dangerous instrument.

The defendant allegedly broke into a woman’s residence on Forbes Street and threatened her with death between December 27 and 28, 2024.

During this incident, the defendant reportedly assaulted the same woman

with a piece of wood. Although the defendant pleaded not guilty to the housebreaking and threats of death charges, he pleaded guilty to the

assault charge.

Hanna claimed that he missed and hit the complainant with the piece of wood.

The defendant was given $7,000 bail with one or two sureties. Under the terms of his bail, Hanna will be fitted with a monitoring device.

He must also sign in at the Elizabeth Estates Police Station every Monday and Wednesday by 7pm.

Hanna’s trial is set to begin on March 11.

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