Electrification of Potter’s Cay to take up to a year

The delegation touring Potter's Cay dock. Photo: Earyel Bowleg/Tribune Staff

The delegation touring Potter's Cay dock. Photo: Earyel Bowleg/Tribune Staff


Tribune Staff Reporter


ENERGY and Transport Minister Jobeth Coleby-Davis has set a timeline of six months to a year for the electrification of vendor stalls at Potter’s Cay.

She toured the area with Agriculture and Marine Resources Minister Jomo Campbell, Bahamas Power and Light (BPL) officials, and others who assessed the existing infrastructure and determined suitable locations for meter boxes.

“We were looking at making sure that if we lose power in one area, we have a backup system already in place and installed,” Mrs Coleby-Davis said. “Once we energise and provide power, we will also be able to support the level of demand placed on the grid because every vendor will not have the same requirements.”

She noted that stall sizes vary, leading to different electricity needs, and said BPL must ensure the proper infrastructure is in place to accommodate all vendors.

The government has prioritised accelerating the provision of electricity to Potter’s Cay as part of efforts to improve infrastructure and safety following recent fires at the site.

“I would say safely, six months to the end of this year is what I’m hoping for,” Mrs Coleby-Davis said about the timeline. “If there are challenges, we will continue to keep the president and all of the vendors updated as we work to get them powered up.”

Ormanique Bowe, president of the Potter’s Cay Dock Fish, Fruit, and Vegetable Vendors Association, said most vendors have already installed necessary electrical components, including supplies and meter boxes.

“We had a transformer here for quite some time — eight years — locked up in there,” she said. “I’m surprised it’s still brand new, so we’re ready to go. We’re ready for electricity. We won’t have to buy ice anymore; we can put ice makers in our stalls.”

She added that electricity would significantly reduce vendors’ costs.

“We won’t have to pay $60 to $70 per night to run generators, and I’m sure our patrons will be happy because of the noise and fumes from the generators,” she said. “It makes it difficult to even have a conversation while eating.”

Ms Bowe also called for installing “powder rooms” in stalls, arguing that it is impractical for patrons to walk across the dock to find restrooms.

“This will definitely enhance the experience for patrons,” she said. “A lot of people don’t want to come to the dock for that very reason. Coming out of COVID, we need to take sanitation more seriously.”

She said poor hygiene remains an issue at the site.

“You can’t be doing whatever you want around the stalls. I tell you, early in the morning sometimes, it’s not a good sight, and it’s not a good scent.”

She added that discussions about broader upgrades to Potter’s Cay are ongoing.


One 4 weeks ago

This area needs to be privatized and held to normal business standards (health, safety, building codes, fire protection, and safety).

ThisIsOurs 4 weeks ago

Dont how electricity and bathrooms will make that area better for eating. I honestly dont get it. The place looks unpalatable (not that it's being eaten...) and smells like an open sewer every couple weeks, who'd want to eat there?

TalRussell 4 weeks ago

@ComradeThisIsOurs, the 12 individuals pictured above-got me goin'-"umm" "uhh" and "like"....how regulars could've been the 2024 year's mandatory licensing conformities', health and fire inspections performed on site at Kelly Island. -- Yes?

ExposedU2C 3 weeks, 6 days ago

In answer to your question........only the two footed filthy animals created by our disgusting political ruling class.

sheeprunner12 3 weeks, 6 days ago

Can you imagine that in 2025, Potters Cay vendors are still on gas generators????

Compare that with Fish Fry ........

JohnQ 3 weeks, 6 days ago

What a laughable pathetic story. Another example of incompetence on all sides.

TalRussell 3 weeks, 5 days ago

There's much more floating around in the air than just “something smells fishy." -- The offensive odors emanating from the surroundings has all kinds of organic to Potters Cay soil substituents-of which nasty smellin' matters things be's growing and as to their longevity. -- Yes?

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