The results of the local government elections have been released by the Parliamentary Registration Department.
The results do not include results for Central Eleuthera, with a note stating that no results were sent.
The full results are as follows:
North Abaco
Polling division 2
Burrows, Deannie Janet 97
Curry, Christine 134
Laing, Marcus 73
McIntosh, Joiclen 91
Russell, Ellamae 61
Russell-Kemp, Katrina 26
Thompson, O'Keyno 73
Wells, Rosevelt 51
Central Abaco
Polling division 10, 11, 12
Cornish, Corrinne 72
Cornish, Georgia 79
Ingraham, Cecil 142
McIntosh, Javares 115
Newbold, Faren 138
Pinder, Anitra Chantel 120
Russell, Andrew 131
Toote, Churton 132
Williams, Jyles 150
South Abaco
Polling division 10
Carroll, Leon 34
Hepburn, Lawrence Julian 59
Walker, Charles 44
Williams, Arthur 73
Williams, Israel 58
Williams, Quintence 55
Williams, Trevor 67
Polling division 11
Bain, Shenique Grace 50
Darville, Kenneth Randolph 85
Dean, Cyril Alexander 91
Jennings, Gerrard Winston 88
Knowles, Hugo McKinley 74
Sands, Darron Nathaniel 76
Swann, Frederick Altiney 36
Town committee members:
Crossing Rock: Julian Lawrence Hepburn, Arthur Williams, Israel Williams, Quintence Williams & Trevor Williams.
Sandy Point: Kenneth Randolph Darville, Cyril Alexander Dean, Gerrard Winston Jennings & Darron Nathaniel Sands
North Andros
Polling division 1
Griffin, Elias 61
Miller Jr, Donald 37
McKinney-Russell, Rochelle 65
Russell, Virgil 47
Stubbs, Alfie 55
Thompson, Rosevett 48
Polling division 2
Barr, Roy 74
Cleare, Brian 99
Russell, Patricia 69
Russell, Margaret 77
Storr, James 100
Polling division 3
Cooper, Tina 62
Evans, Elcid 27
Gaitor, Dorothy 21
Murphy Roberts, Sheena 29
Smith, Andrea 36
Evans, Gabrielle 95
Evans, Tammie 85
Oliver, Alysso 66
Evans, Kendall 60
Storr, Kadra 128
Sturrup, Sarah 28
Polling division 5
Mackey, Traves 37
Pratt, Samuel 38
Rahming, Dominique 27
Polling division 6
Barr, Deandrea 27
Bowleg, Fredricka 11
Gibson, Gary 48
Polling division 7
Mackey, Edison 18
Sargent, Carvill 22
Polling division 9
Colebrooke, Catherine 59
Pickstock, Donnamae 61
Storr, Leon 47
Storr, Loney 64
Turnquest, Wayde 37
Woodside, Lashema 34
Polling division 10
Adderley, Timeka 21
Dean, Cerone 46
Johnson, Tadra 41
Murphy, Mario 54
Newton, Elizabeth 64
Newton, Pollyann 28
Oliver, Willard 42
Polling division 11
Votes: Oliver, Derry 28
Woodside, Dotlyn 6
Polling division 13
Marshall, Brindino 74
Porter, Suzanne 54
Whyms, Lynden 32
Town committee members:
Lowe Sound: Brian Cleare, Gary Gibson, Elias Griffin, Rochelle McKinneu-Russell, Margaret Russell, James Storr & Alfie Stubbs.
Mastic Point: Cathrine Colebrooke, Cerone Dean, Mario Murphy, Elizabeth Newton, Donnamae Pickstock, Sargent Carvill & Loney Storr.
Staniard Creek: Brindino Marshall, Ellen Newton, Derry Oliver, Suzanne Porter & Cassiemae Smith.
Nicholls Town: Tina Cooper, Gabrielle Evans, Tammie Evans, Traves Mackey, Samuel Pratt, Andrea Smith, Kadra Storr.
Central Andros
Polling division 9A
Johnson, Adonis Micheal 27
Neymour, Sheree Patricia Denice 21
Polling division 9B
Bowe, Felicia Asha 41
Bowleg, Doreen 37
Mackey, Tiska Tarran Tica 54
Polling division 11
Cleare Jr, Wayne A. 77
Douglas, Peter Guy 57
Farrington, Leonard 12
Green, Tavaris 79
Johnson, Glenroy 58
Martin, Holly 69
Penn, Cecil 50
Rolle, Gareth 43
Saunders, Delphene 39
Sweeting, Deon 72
Polling division 12
Cleare, Wayne A. 26
Edgecombe, Dewitt 12
Emmanuel, Sandra Mae 56
Forbes, Marvin 65
Hanna, Rodney 78
Hinsey, Timothy 30
Minnis, Leonard 22
Rahming, Prince 60
Rahming, Samuel 20
Wilson, Diann Melody 39
Town committee members:
Fresh Creek: Wayne A. Cleare Jr., Tavaris Green, Marvin Forbes, Rodney Hanna, Holly Martin, Prince Rahming, Deon Sweeting
Behring Point & Cargill Creek: Obrian Brown, Felicia Asha Bowe, Donielle Goddard, Adonis Johnson, Tiska Tarn Ticia Mackey
South Andros
Polling division 1
Bain, Charmaine 11
Taylor, Bertram 24
Polling division 3A & 3B
Rahming, Joel 45
Rahming, Kavaughn 20
Rolle, Joshua 50
Polling division 3C
Smith, Jermaine Freeman 10
Tucker, Nicketa 13
Polling division 4
McKinney, Maislen 54
Smith, Abigail 59
Smith, Fairdale 51
Smith, Kaden 55
Rolle, Bernadette 33
Polling division 5A
Ferguson-Forbes, Wayde 10
Forbes, Marilyn 27
Francis, Gary 20
Polling division 6
Forbes, Locksley 12
Hunt-Duncombe, Thalia 28
Lloyd, Theron 4
Town committee members:
Deep Creek & Kemps Bay: Estherlyn Holbert, Jeffery Johnson, Joel Rahming, Joshua Rolle, Lonix Smith, Bertrum Taylor, Nicketa Tucker.
The Bluff & Long Bay Cays: Charmaine Ferguson, Marilyn Forbes, Thalia Duncombe-Hunt, Gary Francis, Maislen McKinney, James Pratt, Abigail Smith, Fairdale Smith, Kaden Smith
Cat Island
Polling division 2
Longsworth, Marco Uncontested (No Election Held)
Smith, Jeremiah A.
Polling division 3
Pratt, Rodney Alonzo 8
Strachan, Stacy 48
Wilson, Erica Jenea 39
Polling division 4
Bannister, Linda Louise 39
Brown, Harold Jermaine 4
Dorsette, Melissa 12
Polling division 5
Adderley, Dwain Mario 41
Hanna, Joshua Caleb 50
King, Danson 35
Polling division 6
Brown, Clitus Warren Uncontested (No Election Held)
Seymour, Devon George
Polling division 7
Young, Shenique Uncontested (No Election Held)
Polling division 8
Francis, Desmond 21
Gilbert, Nathaniel 15
Town committee members:
Orange Creek: Marco Longsworth & Jeremiah A. Smith
Arthur’s Town: Stacy Strachan & Erica Jenea Wilson.
Old Bight: Clitus Warren Brown & Devon George Seymour.
The Bight: Linda Louise Bannister, Dwain Mario Adderley, Joshua Caleb Hanna & Desmond Francis.
Bain’s Town, Zonicle hill & Porte Howe: Shenique Young
Central Eleuthera
No results sent
Town committee members:
Hatchet Bay: Patricia Bain, Carol Pinder & Sheretha Sands.
Gregory Town: Cordero Rolle
South Eleuthera
Polling division 1
Allen, David 82
Carey, Lawrence 105
Carey, Ronald L. 119
Johnson, Jaden 143
McCartney, Shawna 118
Patram, Cranston 100
Pelecanos, Melinda 96
Taylor, Barbara 85
Polling division 2 & 3
Bullard, Kevano 78
Culmer, Margaritta 141
Hill, Margarita 113
Kemp, Philip 107
Leary, La Shonda Shonell 143
Leary, Maxwell 115
Maynard, Danielle 152
Munnings, Shantina 92
Sands, Robert 68
Saunders, Yasmine 103
Symonette, Carla 113
Ward, Margaret 127
Polling division 5
Collins, Craig 74
Delancy, Walter 35
Mackey, Teran 49
Smith, Daniel 44
Thompson, Clement 97
Young, McGregor James 66
Town committee members:
Rock Sound: Margaritta Culmer, Margarita Hill, La Shonda Leary, Maxwell Leary, Danielle Maynard, Carla Symonette, Margaret Ward.
Wemyss Bight Town: Craig Collins, Teran Mackey, Terika Miller, Clement Thompson, McGregor Young.
Deep Creek: Shanelle Delancy, Jackson Jolly, Julius Kemp, Franceta Miller.
Green Castle Town: Lillian Richards-Petty, Donald Wright.
Tarpun Bay Town: Lawrence Carey, Ronald L. Carey, Jaden Johnson, Shawna McCartney, Cranston Patram, Melinda Pelecanos, Barbara Taylor.
Polling division 4
McKenzie, Preston Anthony 19
McKenzie, Sherrel Marcia 40
Polling division 6
Collins, Collette Andrea 36
McKinney, Kim Marlene 58
McPhee, Shavago 55
Polling division 11
Johnson, Florence 23
Taylor, Nekera 57
Polling division 14
Brown, Teria Raquel 39
Patton-Curling, Keano Jamal 53
Town committee members:
West Exuma: Lernis Brown, Glenn Davis, Vernice Fulford, Sherrel McKenzie, Kim Marlene McKinney, Shavago McPhee & Clayton Smith
East Exuma: Janereas Curtis, Alvarez K. Ferguson, Theophilis Gray, Olivia McPhee, Monique G. Morley, Keano Patton-Curling, Glenroy Dominic Rolle, Clifford Strachan, Nekera Taylor.
East Grand Bahama
Polling division 2A
Baillou, Eric 47
Bartlett, Nolan 48
Mackey, Shanell Patrice 56
Roberts, Ericka 35
Roberts, Shavanya Eugeina 70
Roberts, Rafaleta Evelyn 55
Polling division 6
Bain, Daniel 38
Leathen, Kendal 55
Thomas, Geno Ethon 49
Ingraham, Ricardo Alonzo 37
Polling division 9B
Bonaby, Craig Anthony 21
Cooper, Helena 39
Lightbourne-Edden, Valerie 38
Town committee members:
High Rock: Daniel Bain, Nolan Bartlett, Kendal Leathen, Shanell Patrice Mackey, Rafaleta Evelyn Roberts, Shavanya Eugeina Roberts & Geno Ethan Thomas.
Freetown: Helena Andrea Cooper, Valcint McDonald Cooper, Beulahmae Higg, Valerie Lightbourne-Edden
West Grand Bahama
Polling division 2
Adderley, Jean Tristan 26
Hanna, Constance 53
Williams, Sasha 83
Polling division 3
Adderley, Keisha 104
Hield, Ericka 122
Knowles, Lena 109
Miller, Sonia 80
Sears, Anathasa 90
Polling division 4
Brown, Roy 100
Dean, Shinique Coreen 137
Rolle, Rudolp Valentino 88
Polling division 7
Burrows, Kevin 90
Davis, Lorna 91
Moxey, Quinton 49
Rollins, Sandra 71
Polling division 10A
Ferguson, Natashia 38
Wildgoose, Larry Spence S. 41
Polling division 12
Jones, Sellie 95
Martin, Jamael 52
Mufford, Rena 40
Russell, Edmund 98
Polling division 13
Delancy, Laurice 52
Forbes, Shantell 54 (TIE)
Gray, Marilyn 23
Hepburn, Anthony 68
Russell, Marvette 54 (TIE)
Polling division 14
Alviant, Chinica 38
Gray, Babara 16
Moore, Rhonda 27
Town committee members:
Pinder’s Point: Johnyk Bevans, Rochelle Higgs-Russell, Nikia Hunt, Benedict Russell, Simone Russell, George Willie & Leslie Woodside.
Eight Mile Rock West: Roy Brown, Kevin Burrows, Lorna Davis, Shinique Dean, John Missick, Walford Carmen Rolle, Denise Russell, George Smith & Joyann Stuart.
West End: Keisha Adderley, Janice Grant, Constance Hanna, Ericka Hield, Lena Knowles, Enid McDonald, Abednego Newton, Anathasa Sears & Sasha Williams.
Long Island
Polling division 4
Knowles, Ian Vaughn 99
Knowles, Jude Augustine 90
Knowles, Kendrick George 59
Simmons, Dawn Katrina 22
Polling division 5
Burrows, Kevin 50
Rolle, Jennyilee 44
Treco, David 25
Polling division 8
Knowles, Leanthia 63
Pinder, David 52
Shearer, Nekia 50
Polling division 9
Bain, Tangela 79
Burrows, Eddington 62
Capron, Kendrick 94
Glinton, Marina Melissa 99
Smith, James Vernon 86
Polling division 4
Virgil, Mario 59
Williamson, Garron 60
Johnson, Whitney 61
Johnson, Melissa 20
Polling division 6
Beneby, Princess 9
Campbell, Marvin 23
Town committee members:
Marvin Campbell, Mario Virgil, Whitney Johnson, Garron Williamson, Eddison Rose, Marcia Forbes, Audreyanna Anderson, Renado Taylor & Donald Ferguson.
Berry Island
Uncontested (No Election Held)
Town committee members: Norman Alfred Bastian, Kevin Arlington Wallace, Kevin Christian Wallace
Polling division 8
Roberts, Lorrick Charles 79
Robins, Elshadre Stephen Carrington 138
Rolle, Glenrick Zhivago 113
Rolle, Hyram Veto 33
Rolle Ellis, Mendezha Lynette 113
Toote McKenzie, Jeree Renett 47
Polling division 9
Brennen, Tanaria J. 33
Lockhart, Da'rien Santino 32
Russell, Indera Gandy 63
Saunders, Kitty Jane 59
Stuart, Keojah Shiloh Leah 48
Polling division 10
Brennen, Jaquan Marcio 76
Rolle, Triska Amadine 127
Saunders, Montez Marie 114
Polling division 11
Votes: (no results listed)
Candidates: Edgecombe, Lloyd John, Deveaux, Tarri Adawnis, Robins, Dale Ambrouse, Rolle, Paul Michael, Stuart, Mattinique Isoldé Roseanne.
Exuma Cays (Black Point)
Polling division 2
Black, Kendal 85
Brown, Silvanna 46
Nairn, William 62
Rolle, Alfred Loan 67
Rolle, Carlos 79
Rolle, Malachi 44
Town committee members:
Kendal Black, Remon Ennis, Alfred Loan Rolle, Alfed Rudolph Rolle, Carlos Rolle, Osten Rolle & Stephen L. Miller.
City of Freeport – Central Grand Bahama
Polling divisions 3, 4, 5, 6, 7A, 8, 9, 11A, 12, 13A & 14
Carey, Marco Antonio 349
Fertil-Saunders, Michelda 207
Jones, Shakaara Georgette 153
Prosper, Precious Quineilia 300
Sawyer, Ashley 201
City of Freeport – East Grand Bahama
3, 4, 7, 8, 9A, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 & 16
Adderley, Rachad Ramanno 393
Curry, Jordan Alexander 417
Newton, Roland Elexander 319
Palacious, Justin Castio 298
City of Freeport – Marco City
Polling divisions: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, &15
Culmer II, Kendal Huartworth 631
Darville Jr., Ronald Audric 574
DeGregory, Demeardi Lamar 362
Grant, Bernard Samuel 586
Malone , Berlina Darlene 345
City of Freeport – Pineridge
Polling divisions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13.
Barr, Ernie 412
Cleare-Francis, Clifton Antonio Deion 477
Jennings, Niesha 182
Strachan, Edwin Frederick 588
Town committee members:
Central Grand Bahama: Marco Antonio Carey & Precious Quineilia Prosper.
East Grand Bahama: Rachad Ramanno Adderley & Jordan Alexander Curry.
Marco City: Kendal Huartworth Culmer II, Ronald Audric Darville Jr. & Bernard Samuel Grant.
Pineridge: Clifton Antonio Deion Cleare Francis & Edwin Fredrick Strachan.
Crooked Island & Long Cay
Polling division 2
Bain, Edith Rosalie 20
Cunningham, Elvie Eloise 17
Ferguson, Reuben Nicolas 12
Town committee members: Edith R. Bain, Elvie Eloise Cunningham, David Allington Daxon, Kenneth Millington Farquharson, Patrick Donald Ferguson, Robert Velock Gibson, Dorcas Albertha Moss
Green Turtle Cay
Polling division 7
Butler, Elvardo 166
Cash, Wade 135
Curry, William Gregory 114
Levarity SR., Rontonio 190
McIntosh, Giselle 127
Newbold, Shenna 75
Sawyer, Claudia 123
Grand Cay (North Abaco)
Polling division 1
Cooper, Oliver 116
Curry, Jeremy 44
Johnson, Thomasina 49
Miller, Stacymae 72
Rolle, Gary 67
Rolle, Tony 95
Russell, George 124
Russell, Kenny 84
Russell, Lockhart Kennedy 70
Harbour Island
Polling divisions 1, 2, & 3
Albury, Quinell 129
Grant, Mario Antione 421
Higgs, Gregg Michael 98
Higgs, Mayzina Amanda 205
Higgs, Justine 372
Hudson, Keishana 181
Major, Jovon 163
Percentie, Chanella S. 188
Roberts, Harvey I. 473
Roberts-Percentie, Joseph John H. W. 416
Sawyer, Jacquirria Amber 289
Wilson, Shonell-Maxcine 170
Town committee members: Mario Antione Grant, Mayzine Amanda Higgs, Justine Higgs, Chanella S. Percentie, Harvey Roberts, Joseph John H.W. Roberts-Percentie & Jacquirria Sawyer
Great Abaco Cays
Polling division 3
Albury, Sharomon Ruth 38
Alcime, Lifaite 87
Cash, Gladys 83
Cash, James Todd 52
Gale, Jeffery 46
Mernard, Junior 36
Patterson, Deborah 54
Roberts, Stephen Donald 86
Polling divisions 11 & 12
Bain, Clarice. 148
Burrows-Archer, Andrea 96
Cartwright, Anita. 146
Harris, George. 162
Ingraham, Bertram. 149
Jolly, Fremando. 119
Lindo, Elva. 111
Moutrie, Nicolle. 177
Mullings, Dean. 138
Nixon, Gabrielle. 133
Palacious, Latoya. 190
Rolle, Kennard. 90
Rolle, Vanessa 105
Town committee members: Clarice Bain, Anita Cartwright, George Harris, Bertram Ingraham, Nicolle Moutrie, Dean Mullings & Latoya Palacious.
Mangrove Cay
Polling division 7
Clarke-Deveaux, Andrea 64
Johnson, Bernadette 23
Jones, Ricardo Vincent 59
Major, Maliancha 62
Smith, Christopher Byron 22
Taylor, Nicholas 62
Town commitee members: Jordan Elizabeth Bain, Andy Anthony Bowleg, Andrea Clarke-Deveaux, Jeffery Jolly, Maliacha Major, Stephen Herman Moxey, Nicholas Taylor.
Polling division 9
Brooks, Frenchi 27
Brown, Cleveland 35
Charlton, Ayesha 20
Farrington, Clayton 22
Polling division 10
McPhee, Luann 16
Murphy, Melony Monique 16
Rolle, Terry Leola 8
Moore’s Island
Polling division 12
Davis, Holly 126
Johnson, Ganvia 113
Johnson, Shantell 148
McBride, Sharanda 55
Stuart, Dalson Cecil 92
Stuart, Verna Lee 62
Williams, Anthony 77
North Eleuthera
Polling division 7
Albury, Aldred 10
Sawyer, Bonnie Ann 19
Smith-Greene, Cherene 16
Polling division 9
Hasty, Arnold 51
Hudson, Emmerson 47
Polling division 10
Bain, Elvis 76
Johnson, Damari J’Quay 102
Johnson, Dominic Troy 121
Kelly, Jacklin 99
Munroe, James 117
Neilly, Vernon 98
Town committee members: Ricardo Belle, Arnold Hasty, Damari J’Quav Johnson, Dominic Troy Johnson, James Munroe, Walter Munroe, Bonnie-Anne Sawyer.
Ragged Island
Uncontested (No Election Held)
Town committee members: Carl Wagner Lockhart Jr., Terry Lockhart & Amal Romell Smith
Rum Cay
Uncontested (No Election Held)
San Salvador
Uncontested (No Election Held)
Spanish Wells
Polling divisions 4, 5 & 6
Albury, Dean 60
Albury, Herbert Wilson 63
Curry, Neil 34
Higgs, Jonathan Harvey 45
Pinder, Kole Martin 62
Roberts, Robert 63
Sturrup, Dahlia Mae 84
Underwood, Esdale K. 95
Town committee members: Dean Albury, Herbert Wilson Albury, Neil Curry, Jonathan Harvey Higgs, Kole Martin Pinder, Robert Roberts, , Dahlia Mae Sturrup, Esdale K. Underwood.
Sweeting Cay
Polling division 1
Burrows, Princess Evone 48
Feaster, Dean 29
Feaster, Floyd Michael 45
Roberts-Adderley, Neceva 34
Russell, Gladstone Alexander 47
Tate, Bazel 41
Tate, Shervin Nelson 42
Town committee members: Princess Evone Burrows, Floyd Michael Feaster, Gladstone Alexander Russell, Bazel Tate & Shervin Nelson Tate.
birdiestrachan 1 month ago
Not many vote for local government.
sheeprunner12 1 month ago
Arthur Taylor needs to explain how he disenfranchised a whole section of PD5 in Long Island because they were told that they "voted" in PD6 in 2021. The boundaries are not the same for local and general elections.
PD5 is in South TC & PD6 is in North TC. So, who will represent this political no man's land???
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