Installation of Saint George’s Anglican Church Vestry

Saint George’s Anglican Church recently held the vestry installation service for the new church wardens and other vestry members. Church Wardens are Andrew Knowles, Priest Warden and Stankisha Pinder, People’s Warden. 

The new vestry includes Darius Ferguson, Charleen Kerney, Cleomi Parker, L Robert Knowles, Godfrey Arthur, Petrina Cartwright Elijah Knowles, Kayla Marshall, Patrice Antonio, Algier Cartwright, C Dianne Bingham, Jerome Knowles, Brenda Archer (Music)

Renee Davies (Usher Board,) Deborah Ferguson (ACW), Camille Puckerin (Guild to Sick), Andre Conliffe (Sunday School), Pamela Deveaux (Youth), Justin Ingraham (Audio Visual), Cameron Wallace (Altar Servers) and ACM, and Secretary to the Vestry Deborah Ferguson were all installed by the rector of the parish, Canon Fr Andrew Toppin.

Father Eric Miller, Dean of Students and Chaplain at Saint Anne’s School Fox Hill and Associate Priest at Christ Church Cathedral delivered the sermon.

He reminded the vestry of their duties encouraging them to be servants of the people and to carry out the parish’s vision and not be divisive. 

He also told them to work together in love for the growth and development of the parish and the community.


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