GB police relocation and politics

EDITOR, The Tribune.

CONCERNING the eviction notices handed out to the 50 police officers residing in government owned apartment units in Freeport, I would say that this is a very sensitive, touchy situation that the governing Progressive Liberal Party and the Opposition Free National Movement are wrangling over. Human lives are involved.

These hardworking police officers have families who will also be impacted by this decision, which, based on what I’ve read in National Security Minister Wayne Munroe’s press release, was made by Commissioner of Police Shanta Knowles. Feeling the sheer weight of the Davis administration, the officers apparently have enlisted the help of the FNM. The police canteens are in the Back-A-Town area of Freeport. I wasn’t shocked when I read some of the officers have been living in the canteens for up to two decades. One or two police officers have told me in the past that these government units are rarely available due to police tenants living in them for years with no apparent plans to relocate. Let me commend FNM Leader Michael Pintard for wanting to prevent officers from being put out onto the streets. In the House of Assembly on March 19 the FNM leader presented more details about some of the officers, while calling on the PLP to deal with their situation on a case-by-case basis.

This is a matter in which, while I agree with the FNM with my heart, my mind sides with the PLP. It makes good political sense to fight on behalf of potential voters. The FNM stands to gain political mileage from this situation, which is probably being framed as a looming humanitarian crisis by the impacted officers and their sympathisers. Conversely, this will hurt the two PLP incumbents on Grand Bahama. Having said that, a part of me feels as if the officers have not been completely forthcoming with Pintard and the FNM. I am left to wonder if the officers have sent Pintard and the FNM on a fool’s errand. Undoubtedly, there are uncomfortable questions they’re hoping the FNM leader won’t ask. Now that he has accomplished getting their story in the public domain, the FNM leader needs to probe the officers, with the aim of weighing his options on whether or not more resources should be utilised in fighting their battle. These officers owe it to Pintard by informing him about their situation. If you’re going to engage in a losing battle, at least go down looking valiant and fully appraised of the circumstances. From my vantage point, the case of the officers is not a compelling one. Even the legendary Ben Matlock would struggle in a court of law arguing for the defendant in this case.

One of the uncomfortable, albeit intrusive, questions that needs to be asked is, are you financially able to relocate within the three-to-six-month timeframe Commissioner Knowles has given you? Secondly, if you aren’t able, what exactly are you doing with your money, seeing that officers earn anywhere from $1,800 to $4,000 monthly? I understand that a sergeant’s salary is in ballpark of $3,300 monthly. A constable, I believe, earns about $1,800 to $2,000 monthly. An officer on a salary of between $2,000 and $4,000; and has been living in the government accommodations, is in an enviable position to save thousands annually - something the majority of working Bahamians are unable to do. At $4,000 a month, an officer is earning $48,000 annually. At $3,300, you are making $39,600. At $2,000, your yearly intake is $24,000. A gas pump attendant is earning $260 a week or $13,520 annually - $34,480 less than the officer who is earning $48,000. Yet this officer gets to live scot-free in government -owned units. At the very least, this officer should be able to save $1,000 a month. Assuming he has no medical bills, if he’s unable to do that, then that raises the question about his fiscal responsibility. An accountant who was employed at a large bank in Grand Bahama once told me that she has police clients of her bank who owe that institution as much as $70,000 in consumer debt. According to her, what makes their situation even more unsettling is that these officers don’t even own a square foot of land. Yet they owe the bank nearly $100,000.

Again, imagine not having to cough up anywhere from $700 to $1400 in either rental or mortgage payments! Yes, I heard Pintard made mention of some of the issues a few of the officers are facing. Yet their situation isn’t unique by any stretch of the imagination. Many Grand Bahamians are catching eternal hell, while having to keep up with their mortgage and rent - something these officers don’t have to deal with. I know of gas pump attendants and security officers who are earning minimum wage, but are renting. In fact, I know pump attendants with families of their own but are somehow able to make their $260 salary plus tips work. The state isn’t subsidising their living accommodations like the officers. The FNM leader spoke about the officers spending their personal resources in repairing the units that were damaged by Hurricane Dorian. This information gives one the impression that the officers had settled in permanently, with no future plans on relocating. I believe they would’ve mounted a somewhat more effective case by providing receipts on what was spent in renovating the units, even if they can appreciate that the slackness extended to them more than offsets the costs they bore. And besides, why invest your personal funds into units that will never be owned by you? Few, if any, tenants do this. That is the job of the landlord. After all, he’s collecting rent money each month.

Pintard mentioned officers who have been living in the unit for a little over five years. Many two-bedroom efficiency units in Freeport are going for upwards of $750 per month or $9,000 per year. That’s $45,000 in five years. At the very least, this sum represents the total cost the foregoing officers had the privilege of not having to pay owing to the largesse of the government. I see this as the 50 officers pandering to the FNM. Again, with my heart I am siding with the FNM. But with my head, the PLP has a rock-solid argument.


Freeport, Grand Bahama

March 19, 2025.



hrysippus 3 days, 3 hours ago

The choice of whether to believe the words of a Bahamian or the words of a Bahamian police person is a very tough one.

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