EDITOR, The Tribune.
UGLINESS created by US…your writer absolutely right billboards bigger and bigger. drove to LPIA hadn’t been that way for a while wow one-two-six-eight sheet of plywood billboards and so many.
Why not plant indigenous flowering trees the length of the Airport Boulevard from Airport to Baha Mar Boulevard - Gladstone Road - Yellow Elder…Poinciana...etc...some areas Bougainvillea all different colors (look how nice Baha Mar-West Bay looks)?
Billboards are old type advertising...why suddenly we are planting more and more all over the place?
Plant flowering bushes…trees...not so long-ago June was Poinciana Festival month. Know Cherry Trees are not Bahamian but look at the flew around which are amassed with Pink flowers…in Washington didn’t the Japanese government donate those?
Why not start a diplomatic initiative to flowers LPIA to Baha Mar…imagine around the season flowering bushes and trees...billboards are ugly but see we obviously don’t care.
March 16, 2025.
trueBahamian 2 days, 1 hour ago
Interesting! I get the feeling to want to take away the billboards. But, not to be rude two letters on billboards? I wish the biggest issue in this country was billboards. We need to focus our energy on the bigger ticket items first. We have SpaceX debris all over the Bahamas. We have a run away freight train government expenditure. Waste, fraud, mismanagement, standard political corruption, etc which goes unaddressed. I'll take the billboard problem over the total disaster that we deal with daily. Maybe we can put our failings on a billboard so that we as a country can drive pass them and be reminded constantly what needs to be fixed.
pt_90 1 day, 4 hours ago
This is the argument the govt uses for not implementing basic transparency laws. Thier claim "we have bigger problems"
So i ask, are solving these issues mutually exclusive? Each person should be able to raise what issues are dear to them. Some persons cause are health issues, some are passionate about crime, others energy, others education, others freedom of press, others traffic, some. beautificatiom, some.road paving, some labour relations, others banking or tech, some noise, others waste etc
Some of these matters are more pressing than others.
However if a person feels strongly about this, let them voice it. You voice what you feel strongly about via a letter and I'll be with you and id encourage others do the same.
We have dozens of depts and ministries who should be able to deal with these issues. The second we stay silent we have lost.
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