IVOINE INGRAHAM: Two sides of the coin on crime


Crime is not just a distant issue; it’s a pressing concern that affects us all. The prevalence of murder, arm-robbery, drug trafficking, gun proliferation, and sexual crimes is not just frightening; it’s alarming. Yet, those who understand the root causes and the perpetrators have remained silent, and the public has grown indifferent. It seems that no one cares unless it hits close to home.

Most heinous crimes are committed in the inner city, so people in the suburbs are less interested; only those who feel it know it. But make no mistake, plenty of crimes are committed in the protected areas but kept from the public because they are treated with “kid gloves”.

Every day, sirens scream through our streets, chasing the suspects of various crimes. During all hours of the day and night, the glaring fact is that the involved people seem to be repeating the crime because they have no fear or are oblivious to the consequences. Depending on the crime, there is action. Criminals are bragging that they have connections and have no fear of being arrested. Well, the court system, regardless of what explanation is given, justifies how a person can be on bail for committing several murders. Make it make sense.

In what civilisation can a person who gunned down an innocent person or supposedly retaliative kill be on the street to do it again? Who is sitting on the bowl making these decisions? The rationale given is highly disrespectful; Bahamians are not fools.

We must have thrown in the towel or abdicated their responsibility to the boogeyman. What needs to be answered is who is sitting in a smoke-filled room and coming up with the conclusions. What kind of passivity is this? These are the questions we should be asking.

Despite the current state of affairs, we must hold onto hope for a fairer justice system. We need to see more efforts to ensure justice is served and shake off the Bahamas’ growing reputation as ‘the wild, wild west.’ We can’t let fear rule our streets. We need a justice system that instils hope and confidence in our citizens.

Armed robbery is commonplace. People must gently give up their car keys or risk losing their lives in a civilised Bahamas. Why do we have these cameras? Are they going far enough? Are they being installed in every area, leaving no area untouched? Criminals are everywhere and do not have a colour, socioeconomic difference, or neighbourhood. Why can’t we trace the ring that is doing this? Does anyone care?

Rape happens all the time, but the seriousness is not given. The humiliation and destruction of the person psychologically, mentally and emotionally do not add too much or are even taken into consideration in sentencing. Even in a plea deal, the minimum should be set higher. On the other hand, does raping a full-grown woman equate to raping a child or even two sisters under ten years. Where is the humanity in deflowering a baby? Should the rapist get any options? Lord have mercy!

What is most disturbing is that white-collar crime is protected, no matter the severity. The newspaper does not carry it, the names are permanently deleted, and everything is quiet.

The police chase our sons down through the bushes, and corporate criminals are interviewed in different circumstances while millions are misappropriated. Even the name of the crime changes to embezzlement or misappropriation, but purse snatching is called armed robbery. Therein lies the problem. There are two rules: the corporate is interviewed and sent home, and the fellow from over the hill is interrogated and sleeps in the filthy cell.

Not so long ago, our sons were set up, arrested, sentenced and imprisoned for donkey years for the importation and distribution of marijuana. Now, the slicksters are fighting for who is going to deal with the same marijuana, only this time, the money derived won’t be frozen like our sons. It’s okay for them to sit in the airconditioned room and share the spoils; even the church is lobbying for their share.

The police kick the door down and arrest a single lady for selling ‘thirty days’, but the liquor merchants can do whatever they wish, open one inch from the churchyard, no respect, but it’s okay.

We must stop sugarcoating these inconsistencies and call it as it is, or it will never change. The ability to retain a hotshot lawyer is the difference if the culprit goes to jail. We could be honest. There are two rules: one for the wealthy and powerful and another for the rest.

Faced with reality, unless and until we level the playing field, the citizens won’t trust the system. Why should they?


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