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THE KDK REPORT: Proactive approach need so all are able to afford health care

IN Japanese culture, having a garden pond filled with Koi fish is believed to bring good fortune to home owners and their visitors.

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WORLD VIEW – Oceans: Do Caribbean countries sink or swim?

THE peoples of small island states and coastal communities have long relied on the ocean for a multitude of benefits, including recreation, the delivery of goods and tourists, and a vital source of food through fishing. However, all these benefits, and much more, are currently under grave threat due to climate change, global warming, and sea-level rise. The damage is already taking its toll, imperceptibly but steadily, and it is crucial that we take action to preserve and develop the economic opportunities that the sea around us holds.

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INSIGHT: After Watson move, are there other positions in Davis’ administration needing a shuffle?

WITH Independence almost upon us, it has been a time of taking stock – looking back over our 50 years and establishing our progress as a nation.

WORLD VIEW: CARICOM at 50: there is still hope

JULY 4, 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Chaguaramas, the foundational document that brought the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM) into existence. With high hopes and lofty ambitions, the heads of government of the four largest independent Caribbean countries at the time embarked on a journey towards regional integration. They were later joined, to varying degrees of commitment, by 10 other countries.

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THE KDK REPORT: Independence evokes thoughts of our uniqueness

THERE are approximately two trillion galaxies in the universe. The Milky Way galaxy houses Planet Earth and over 100 billion stars including the sun. To give this an accurate sense of scale, just consider that over one million Earths could fit into the sun. Now it’s easy to appreciate that despite how self-absorbed we all are, the truth is whether we’re a large nation or a tiny island, we are but a speck of dust in an infinite planetary system.

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INSIGHT – Emancipation: A milestone in Bahamas history

Emancipation was a beginning; Independence will be a continuation of this process

The passing of Dr Gail North-Saunders has been keenly felt in The Bahamas. One of our nation’s foremost historians, the news comes at a time when The Bahamas is celebrating a historic moment. Hers is a voice that has helped us understand where we have come from and, in so doing, better navigate where we are going. Fifty years ago, as The Bahamas was being born anew, her voice was guiding us then too. In the Independence supplement to mark that occasion, she wrote about the path from emancipation to Independence.

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THE KDK REPORT: Along the banks of Mangrove Cay

LOCATED 20 miles west of New Providence and spanning 104 miles long by 40 miles wide, Andros is by far the largest island in The Bahamas.

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INSIGHT: The gauntlet has been thrown – will Downtown pick it up?

FOR those of us who do not qualify as Very Important Persons, Saturday was the first chance to take a closer look at the new cruise port.

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WORLD VIEW: Strengthening the US-Caribbean relationship: A work in progress

THE relationship between the United States of America (US) and the 14-member independent member states of CARICOM as well as the Dominican Republic has entered a new phase of cooperation after 7 years of neglect between 2015 and 2022.

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INSIGHT: Authorities in the spotlight - but where are the cameras?

A SERIES of stories in recent times have again raised questions over how people are treated who get caught up in dealings with our forces in uniform.

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THE KDK REPORT: How we handle stress can have a significant impact on our health

MY earliest tangible moment of self-reflection occurred when I graduated high school. It was the first time I’d ever looked back on my life and contemplated my future; seriously contemplated that is. Before that, there were lots of times when I contemplated a piece of that future, like what the next Saturday night would hold or how many more weeks I had to wait to get my driver’s license. But nothing compared to ending the longest chapter of my life to date, the school years before I would have to leave home and all the comfort and familiarity it represented.

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‘You six will determine whether or not other women can join’ – First women police showed that they belonged

THE presence of women became more recognised in The Bahamas during the 1960s. It began with an Act being passed granting women the long-awaited right to vote, however this was just the first step. Spurgeon Bethel, a former Police Officer, stood before the House of Assembly in 1964, offering a visionary proposition.

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THE KDK REPORT: 'Mirrors don’t lie’, but there is more to see beyond the reflection

MIRRORS are a tool of visual self-reference extensively used and universally trusted, so much so that the expression “mirrors don’t lie” has become near commonplace.

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INSIGHT: While US VP visit shows value of PM’s travels, accountability is still needed

THE streets of The Bahamas came to a halt last week as the cavalcade of Kamala Harris came to town.

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As aspiring member states grow, views that the Commonwealth is in decline are unjustified

Predictions of the imminent end of the Commonwealth are legion, with major events such as the death or ascension of the British monarch provoking especially dire warnings of the Commonwealth’s certain and justifiable collapse.