August 14, 2012
Kirkland Pratt
Stories this photo appears in:

Lack of training blamed for police brutality
THE high number of police brutality complaints may result from a lack of psychological preparedness training in new recruits, one mental health professional believes.

The Sudanese Nuer and Dinka Tribes and the Ivy League Brat
If you have ever been less than honest and have felt self-conscious because you see yourself as particularly truthful, then you have experienced cognitive dissonance. Festinger (1959) posited the Cognitive Dissonance theory, which asserts that cognitive dissonance occurs whenever your view of yourself conflicts with your performance in any area.

The sweetheart deal: Part 3
In recent years, the term family values has become a rallying cry against the increase in fragmented and nontraditional families within the Bahamas.

The sweetheart deal
Some years ago I contracted a rental property in a quiet area of western Nassau. On conferring with the property manager regarding the tenants of the agreement, he made it clear that my neighbours were prominent and very private people who at no time wished to engage their neighbours.

The psychology of pet ownership
Suffice it to say, most Bahamians have chased a stray potcake out of their yard as a child before caring for one as an indoor or yard pet.
Do we have a God – gene?”
A few nights ago, while channel surfing, I came across an American cult classic, The Blue Lagoon. The film tells the story of two young children marooned on a tropical island paradise in the South Pacific.

THINK UP: A psychological perspective on gambling
Much is abuzz about gambling and its legalisation in the Bahamas.

THINK UP: Emotional intelligence made simple
Emotional Intelligence or EQ means being aware of and knowing how to control emotional responses to situations.

Are you the 'other smart' at work?
Let us suppose you get caught in school traffic in the eastern part of New Providence, public buses make daredevil moves as you veer on the sidewalk to save your car from becoming a mangled piece of steel.

Are you a sucker for punishment?
While grocery shopping a while back I ran into a girlfriend who I hadn’t seen in years. We were happy to meet up and share on our eventful past.

Cliques: A non-starter for progress
At age 19, I recall being fascinated by my fledgling professional experience. I got to wear a tie and serve the public.

'If ya don't listen ya ga feel'
What do bicycle tire tubes, extension cords, leather belts, and broom sticks have in common? They are all instruments of corporal punishment.

Pageant patty, preachers and politicians
What do they have in common? Each of the above is elected and wins our hearts collectively by majority appeal or vote. But is this right? How is it that although we choose our ambassadors by accepted standard criteria we are disappointed so soon afterwards?
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