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Fishermen ‘ride out the storm’ of high fuel costs

Bahamian fishermen yesterday said they have no choice but “to ride out the storm” of high fuel prices amid hopes that crawfish prices for the fast-approaching season can provide some offset.

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Lobster aimed at Chinese market

THE government is awaiting a response from the People’s Republic of China on whether it will approve the large-scale import of live spiny lobster from the Bahamas for Chinese consumption, Agriculture and Marine Resources Minister Renward Wells said y

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Marine biologist suggests conservation of Bahamas' seagrass habitats

NEW research on the Caribbean spiny lobster has led to one international marine biologist advocating the conservation of the Bahamas' seagrass habitats, as findings indicate the underwater gardens are responsible for nearly $20m in local lobster production. 

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Advisory issued ahead of lobster season

AS THE lobster season approaches, fisheries officials are keeping an eye out for people who are intent on violating the law concerning the illegal possession of fresh or live crawfish before the season opens next month.

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Concerns over what happens to confiscated goods and vessels

BAHAMAS Commercial Fishers Alliance (BCFA) President Adrian LaRoda has raised concerns over the proper handling of fishery goods and vessels that have been confiscated in Bahamian waters by Defence Force officials.

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Punishment could be 25 years in jail

V ALFRED Gray, Agriculture and Marine Resources Minister, wants to increase the severity of penalties on fishermen caught poaching in Bahamian waters.

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Market access, poaching threat to $70m exports

THE Bahamas' $70 million per year spiny lobster (crawfish) exports are under pressure from market access and poaching issues, the Department of Marine Resources' director told Tribune Business yesterday.


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