May 8, 2012
Melanie Griffin
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Child abuse up by 22% in the Bahamas last year
REPORTED child abuse cases grew by an estimated 22 per cent in the Bahamas last year when compared to 2013, according to statistics released by Social Services Minister Melanie Griffin yesterday.

1,500 to be using social services debit card ‘by end of month’
NEARLY 1,500 people in New Providence will be able to utilise the Department of Social Services’ new pre-paid debit card by the end of this month, Social Services Minister Melanie Griffin has announced.

201 cases of child abuse in half a year
THERE were 201 reported cases of child abuse in New Providence from July to December 2014, 86 of which were reported cases of neglect, according to Social Services Minister Melanie Griffin.

YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Grading the Cabinet
Bernard Nottage Dr Nottage has failed dismally in his role as Minister of National Security. He has the toughest portfolio and, unfortunately, this crime situation is a social issue (parenting, poverty, etc). No amount of police could fix this; the crime dynamic is bigger than police.

5% rise in food assistance to help offset 7.5% rate of VAT
PERSONS receiving food assistance from the Department of Social Services should soon see an increase of as much as five per cent in benefits to offset the introduction of value added tax, Social Services Minister Melanie Griffin said.

Griffin praise for Loretta
SOCIAL Services Minister Melanie Griffin yesterday commended former FNM Deputy Leader Loretta Butler-Turner for “stepping forward” and taking on incumbent leader Dr Hubert Minnis for the leadership of the party.

Forum discusses Disability Bill
PEOPLE with disabilities and their caregivers in Grand Bahama attended a forum with Minister of Social Services Melanie Griffin, who is spearheading consultation on the proposed Disability Bill.

Ahead of VAT, govt seeks to 'break the cycle of poverty'
WITH just eight months until the implementation of Value Added Tax, Social Services Minister Melanie Griffin says the government is working to enact a plan to alleviate the reliance of Bahamians on welfare.

'We should listen to older people'
FREEPORT – Minister for Social Services Melanie Griffin said the majority of senior citizens in the Bahamas are capable of expressing themselves and should be allowed to do so – particularly on matters that affect them.

Griffin warns of poverty rise
SOCIAL Services Minister Melanie Griffin has revealed an alarming rise in poverty in the Bahamas.

'Sexual offences court to help end gender violence'
ESTABLISHING a sexual offences court is one suggestion of a newly-created, government-launched task force designed at ending the country’s high levels of gender-based violence.

Griffin: Budget aggressively deals with social issues
THE government’s 2013-14 budget contains an “aggressive, socially-driven, agenda that will wipe every tear from every eye,” Minister of Social Services and Community Development Melanie Griffin said.

Ministry says changes in payments could prevent end-of-month queues
OFFICIALS at the Ministry of Social Services and Community Development said a pilot study of the Proxy Means Test that will be used as part of the Conditional Cash Transfer System of the Bahamas Social Safety Net Programme went “extremely well” – despite some minor issues.

Social Services Minister: I was affected by flood
MINISTER of Social Services Melanie Griffin said she shared the plight of those living out east last week, as her yard was so flooded that she had to use unusual methods to leave the house.

'Take responsibility to reverse destructive trends'
BAHAMIANS must assume individual and joint responsibility for the positive development of their relatives if the destructive trends harming the country are to be reversed, Minister of Social Services and Community Development Melanie Griffin said.

Discussion on children's rights
OFFICIALS hosted a one-day conference for social workers, guidance counsellors and law enforcement officials about children’s rights.

No details yet on gang rape
OFFICIALS are still stumped on the details surrounding an alleged gang rape of a young school girl which came to light in the House of Assembly on Monday, Social Services Minister Melanie Griffin said yesterday.

Government to shift focus on gender affairs
THE government reaffirmed its commitment to elevate the status of the Bureau of Women’s Affairs by announcing plans to create a Department of Gender Affairs.

Griffin: 'PLP was never opposed to women's rights referendum'
THE PLP was never opposed to a referendum on granting Bahamian women the same rights as Bahamian men to pass citizenship on to their children, Social Services Minister Melanie Griffin said yesterday.

Equality pledge for women
PARLIAMENTARIANS have pledged to remove from the Constitution all forms of discrimination against women.

Discussing women's issues
THE significant gains women have made over the years, and the untold stories of Bahamian women leaders will be the focus of two panel discussions to be held as part of the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of women’s suffrage.

Minister: more residential care facilities are needed
MORE residential care facilities are needed for an ever-expanding population, says Minister of Social Services and Community Development Melanie Griffin.

'Laws exist to stop home violence'
GROWING concerns over the prevalence of domestic violence has prompted Social Services Minister Melanie Griffin to remind the public of existing legislation designed to intervene in “toxic relationships”.

$7.5M borrowing for social safety net approved
A RESOLUTION to borrow $7.5 million for the government’s Social Safety Net Programme was passed in the House of Assembly yesterday.

$7.5M allocatd for social safety net reform
THE government will allocate $7.5 million towards necessary social safety net reform, Minister of Social Services Melanie Griffin announced.

Outreach scheme helps women expand horizons
THE Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute’s decision to “significantly increase” its outreach programmes has resulted in a greater number of Bahamian women seeking careers in non-traditional job sectors, Minister of Social Services and Community Development Melanie Griffin said.

Extra opportunities for young people in Penn and Pratt centres
YOUNG ADULTS could be given new training opportunities to help them as they move into work.

Faces return to House of Assembly
THE PLP won a massive victory yesterday, and many of the faces that defined the first Christie administration are returning to the House of Assembly. Bains
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