August 30, 2013
Marleine Bastien, a representative of the Haitian community in Miami, at the press conference on Friday, August 30.
Stories this photo appears in:

'Defence Force officer raped Cuban detainee' claim at Miami press conference
Protesters are telling US and other media about their claims of abuse of detainees
nassaudaddy 11 years, 6 months ago
These Illegal (clowns) immigrants come to our shores without invitation, anytime they desire to come here and expect for us to give them Atlantis treatment. The Cubans are now adopting the Haitian attitude which is now that i have arrived you have to take care of me and give me food medicine medical attention and somewhere to live, and they don't care whose property the squat on. They dig holes in the ground sometimes 1 or 2 feet deep and deposit their waste there and contaminate our water system. They build squalid huts without permits and have the audacity to dare us to tear them down. I say to the Government bring Loftus Roker back and let him handle them. They brought the water badge here for the wrong reason some years age. It should have been used to empty Abaco Nassau and all the other illegally inhabited Islands of all the illegal Haitians and Cubans and all others and make one trip and drop them off at some point on their own home soil. We cannot get a room in PMH because they have all filled all the rooms and refuse to pay one dime for the best medical care they have ever received. I say Bring Loftus Back
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