March 28, 2013
Minister of National Security, Dr. Bernard Nottage.
Stories this photo appears in:

No new date set for debate of Gaming Bill
DR Bernard Nottage, leader of Government Business, yesterday could not confirm when the controversial Gaming Bill debate will start.

Nottage takes medical leave
NATIONAL Security Minister Dr Bernard Nottage is taking a leave of absence to seek medical attention in the United States. It is unknown when he will return.

Debate begins on reform of life inside Fox Hill
IT SITS on about 74 acres on the junction of Fox Hill and Yamacraw roads and is possibly the largest and ugliest blight on the face of the Bahamas’ judicial system.

Minister 'not deaf' to police concerns
WHILE National Security Minister Dr Bernard Nottage yesterday could not say when the shift system would come to an end, he told told reporters that “he was not deaf” to the concerns of the Police Staff Association.

Nottage to table cost breakdown
WHEN Parliament reconvenes today National Security Minister Dr Bernard Nottage says the complete breakdown of taxpayer dollars spent on the January 28 gaming referendum will be tabled.

Reforms planned in new prisons bill
IN AN effort to bring much needed reforms to the prison system and upgrades to its infrastructure, the government plans to move the Correctional Services Bill 2013.

Minister conducts security assessment of Exuma ports
MINISTER of National Security Dr Bernard Nottage conducted a security assessment of the various ports of entry in the Exuma chain.

Cash for Gold concerns over legal moves
ONE disgruntled cash for gold operator says it is clear the government has already made up its mind over possible restrictions on the industry, considering last week’s announcement to table in Parliament a measure to prevent “cash for gold crimes”.

Ankle bracelets contract 'may not be renewed'
THE government’s contract with the company that supplies ankle bracelets for suspects on bail may not be renewed, with National Security Minister Bernard Nottage saying the government has not been satisfied with the results of the system to date.

Bahamas avoids serious consequences after upgrade in trafficking report
“Serious consequences” could have arisen had the Bahamas been again classified as a Tier Two Watch and subsequently downgraded on the United States’ Trafficking in Persons report, National Security Minister Bernard Nottage said.

Minister wants an end to cash for gold
NATIONAL Security Minister Bernard Nottage called for the closure of the country’s cash for gold stores, as well as a ban on copper exports, in light of statistics showing that more than half of all armed robberies are involving jewellery or copper.

Government concern over ankle bracelets
NATIONAL Security Minister Dr Bernard Nottage said yesterday the government is “concerned” about the effectiveness of the ankle bracelet monitoring system and greater restrictions need to be placed on offenders.

Govt to seek help to deal with crime
THE government is in talks with the US Embassy for assistance with all law enforcement agencies, National Security Minister Bernard Nottage said yesterday.

Dr Nottage is back in Nassau and resting
PRIME Minister Perry Christie confirmed yesterday that Dr Bernard Nottage is back in Nassau and resting at home.

Bahamian society 'not dealing with violence against women'
WITH statistics showing that just under 50 women have died at men’s hands over five years, National Security Minister Bernard Nottage said he believes Bahamian society is not dealing with the issue of violence against women effectively enough.

Nottage: Talking about shutting down web shops is not my job
NATIONAL Security Minister Dr Bernard Nottage said the police force has enough personnel to shut down web shops if that is the final order from the courts.

Nottage: Discussion on treatment in police custody 'not necessary'
DISCUSSIONS over how suspects are to be treated while in custody “ought not be necessary” as police already know what correct procedure is, National Security Minister Dr Bernard Nottage told The Tribune yesterday.

Nottage: We will win the war against crime
THE country’s national security and law enforcement agencies can, and will, win the war on crime, says Minister of National Security, Dr Bernard Nottage.
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