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Minister of Education Jerome Fitzgerald discussed emails involving Save the Bays in Parliament last year.

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UPDATED: Human rights report highlights 'intimidation of nongovernmental organisations'

THE United States has highlighted the Bahamas government’s “intimidation of non-governmental organisations” and efforts by the government and authorities to inhibit “free speech through criminal libel laws” as problems for the Bahamas in its latest human rights report.

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Ministry delay forces hold-up in school repairs

WITH little over a month before the start of the 2016-2017 academic year, repairs to schools across the country face major setbacks due to an unexplained halt in submitting the Ministry of Works’ annual “scope of repairs report”.

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Debate begins on bill to create university

THE House of Assembly yesterday opened debate on a bill to establish the University of The Bahamas, with Education Minister Jerome Fitzgerald praising the government for fulfilling all of its promises concerning the standard of education in the country.

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MP dismisses email concern

EDUCATION Minister Jerome Fitzgerald yesterday dismissed calls from a law firm to provide information about the private email exchanges he shared about people connected to Save The Bays (STB) in Parliament several weeks ago, saying the leak should be the “least of their worries”.

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Alarm at MP’s use of emails

DATA Protection Commissioner Sharmie Farrington-Austin has cautioned against the practice of obtaining private citizens’ correspondence and tabling them in the House of Assembly in response to several complaints regarding private emails that were recently tabled by Education Minister Jerome Fitzgerald.

Save the Bays welcomes FBI probe

AN environmental group accused of plotting to “destabilise” the Christie administration yesterday welcomed the government’s invite to the Federal Bureau of Investigation to conduct an independent probe into its actions in relation to an ongoing feud between two Lyford Cay residents.

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‘Activists seek to topple govt’

MARATHON MP Jerome Fitzgerald yesterday accused Save The Bays of being nothing more than a “political organisation” that is seeking to “overthrow” the Progressive Liberal Party government “under the guise of an environmental group”.

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‘Pay back student loans - or face court’

THE Education Loan Authority (ELA) is owed over $100m in outstanding loan payments for its student loans cheme, Education Minister Jerome Fitzgerald said yesterday.

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Fitzgerald highlights importance of data protection

AS The Bahamas moves towards the establishment of a Freedom of Information Act, Education Minister Jerome Fitzgerald said it is “critically” important that the role of the Data Protection Act and its relationship to the Freedom of Information Act are also given similar attention.

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Fitzgerald accused of being evasive over Rum Cay school repairs

FORMER Ministry of Housing Parliamentary Secretary Brensil Rolle yesterday hit back at Education Minister Jerome Fitzgerald, accusing the Marathon MP of being “biggity and evasive” in his defence of the government’s $500,000 allotment to repair the Rum Cay All-Age School.

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Minister blasts claim PLP supporter given $500,000 school contract

EDUCATION Minister Jerome Fitzgerald yesterday criticised former Ministry of Housing Parliamentary Secretary Brensil Rolle for alleging that the $500,000 contract to repair the Rum Cay All-Age School was given to a PLP supporter.

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BGCSE RESULTS: Mathematics E, English D+

EDUCATION Minister Jerome Fitzgerald yesterday insisted he was “encouraged” by this year’s Bahamas General Certificate of Secondary Education (BGCSE) exam results despite an E average in mathematics and an English average of D+.

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Up to $7m in repairs for schools

EDUCATION Minister Jerome Fitzgerald declared this week that his ministry will be ready for the 2015-2016 school year after “mobilising” between $6m and $7m to address annual school repairs across the country.

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MARATHON MP Jerome Fitzgerald yesterday lashed out at critics he claimed attempted to politicise the 2012 Rubis fuel spill and take advantage of residents who might have been negatively affected.

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Fitzgerald: No regrets over ‘no prosecution’

MARATHON MP Jerome Fitzgerald told parliamentarians yesterday that despite the Free National Movement’s continued criticism over his signing of a nolle prosequi as the acting attorney general in 2012 to drop charges against a married couple, he would do it again today “because it was the right thing to do”.

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Fitzgerald: My wife’s role in Texaco deal not connected to Rubis fuel leak

MARATHON MP Jerome Fitzgerald yesterday said it was in an “administrative function” that Higgs and Johnson, the law firm at which his wife Zarina Fitzgerald serves as a partner, incorporated Rubis after it took over the Texaco brand in The Bahamas.

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No date for Freedom of Information Bill

EDUCATION Minister Jerome Fitzgerald said yesterday that there is “no date in mind” for the revised version of the Freedom of Information bill to be presented to Cabinet.

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YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Ministers get their final grades in Cabinet Report

EVEN if a minister has received a pass grade during these three weeks of the Cabinet Report, note that I will be watching closely and therefore they could either improve or be on a downgrade watch.

$200,000 approved for school roof repairs

EDUCATION Minister Jerome Fitzgerald has approved some $200,000 for major roof repair work at the Eight Mile Rock High School in Grand Bahama after teachers last week refused to teach in classrooms infested by mould and pigeon excrement.

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Minister says violence in schools not out of control

MINISTRY OF Education officials yesterday denied that violence is “out of control” in public schools and rejected claims that students and teachers are in “fear of their lives”.

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No Freedom of Information Act before 2016, warns Education Minister

THE revised Freedom of Information Act will not be presented to Parliament before spring 2016, according to Minister of Education Jerome Fitzgerald.

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Fitzgerald hits out at PLP backbenchers

EDUCATION Minister Jerome Fitzgerald fired back at his own party’s backbench MPs yesterday saying he wants nothing to do with their “new generation” way of thinking as expressed during the House of Assembly debate on the four Constitution Amendment Bills.

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Exam results add up to a slight improvement in maths and english

ALTHOUGH Education Minister Jerome Fitzgerald highlighted improvements in numerous BGCSE exam results yesterday, the national mathematics average remained an E while the English language average rose from a D to a D+.

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Moss ‘misguided’ in his criticism of VAT plans, says Fitzgerald

EDUCATION Minister Jerome Fitzgerald said yesterday that Marco City MP Greg Moss was “misguided” when he told parliamentarians that the government’s plan to implement value added tax (VAT) goes against party principles.

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Decision over future of school principal next week

EDUCATION Minister Jerome Fitzgerald will announce what will happen to North Andros High School principal Stephen Sands, who was convicted of manslaughter in the death of his former girlfriend more than 30 years ago, before a cabinet meeting next week.

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'No reason to question character of principal'

MINISTRY of Education officials have never had reason to question the character and leadership of an Andros high school principal convicted of manslaughter more than 30 years ago, Education Minister Jerome Fitzgerald said yesterday.

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Half of high school seniors only earn leaving certificate

WITH nearly 50 per cent of high school seniors qualifying only for leaving certificates, Education Minister Jerome Fitzgerald says officials are currently working to correct the deficiencies of the system.


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