April 9, 2015
Former Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson.
Stories this photo appears in:

Former AG: It is time to criminalise marital rape
FORMER Attorney General Allyson Maynard Gibson says that after a decade of discussions on violence against women, it is time for action, urging the government to pass legislation criminalising marital rape.

The search begins for next UB president
THE University of The Bahamas has appointed a presidential search committee to find its next president.

FTX’s Bahamas attorney quiet on $1m ‘bonus’ claim
FTX’s Bahamas attorney yesterday declined to comment on allegations that a “former Bahamian government official” was offered a $1m “bonus” if they could expedite obtaining the necessary licences to operate from this nation.

‘Harris success should spur equality here’
FORMER Attorney General Allyson Maynard Gibson said Kamala Harris’ election to Vice President of the United States should cause Bahamians to think about how men and women can be treated equally in The Bahamas through passage of an Equal Pay Act and a mandate that boards of public companies have at least 50 percent female representation.

Former AG joins the blogging world
ALLYSON Maynard Gibson, a former attorney general, has joined the world of blogging, hoping to spark intelligent discussions about national affairs.

Former AG pays tribute to Justice Ricardo Marques
FORMER Attorney General Allyson Maynard Gibson offered her condolences Thursday on the death of retired Supreme Court Justice Ricardo Marques. Mr Justice Marques died on Thursday.

'Potential for privacy to be violated' with bill
THE potential exists for politicians to violate the personal privacy of Bahamians under the Minnis administration’s Interception of Communication Bill, former Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson said Sunday as she encouraged Bahamians to pay clos

Allyson Maynard-Gibson pays tribute to Dr Bernard Nottage
FORMER Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson remembered Dr Bernard Nottage as a loyal friend, colleague and mentor yesterday.

Former AG regrets only communications over Baha Mar
FORMER Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson said if she were to have any regrets over the previous Government’s handling of Baha Mar, it is that there was not “stronger” or “more regular” communication regarding the process.

Nolle prosequis used in cases with little chance of success
THE Office of the Attorney General released its 2014-2017 report of its activities and initiatives Friday, revealing steady improvement in its functioning across several metrics.

‘April is not over yet’ says AG over release of Baha Mar documents
ATTORNEY General Allyson Maynard-Gibson remained tightlipped yesterday when asked about the government’s pledge to have the sealed Supreme Court documents on the Baha Mar sale made public this month, saying “April is not over yet.”

Davis and Maynard-Gibson avoid Fitzgerald questions
DEPUTY Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis and Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson focused on Baha Mar’s long-promised opening on Friday morning rather than address the controversy surrounding Education Minister Jerome Fitzgerald.

Attorney General says Baha Mar documents released this month
THE release of the sealed Supreme Court Baha Mar documents will take place this month, Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson assured yesterday, although it is uncertain whether the documents will be made public before the government’s self-imposed deadline.

Attorney General hopes interceptions bill will be passed by next government
WITH the dissolution of Parliament imminent, the Christie administration’s Interceptions of Communications Bill will not be debated and passed this term. However, officials hope ongoing consultations with stakeholders will help the legislation to pass during Parliament’s next sitting, Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson said yesterday.

Govt ‘on track’ over Baha Mar documents
THE Christie administration is “fully on track” to honouring its commitment to push for the release of the sealed Supreme Court Baha Mar documents before the scheduled April soft opening of the beleaguered West Bay Street mega resort, Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson said yesterday.

AG concerned at people undermining judiciary in calling for Baha Mar details
FOLLOWING Dame Joan Sawyer’s suggestion that there were no grounds present to seal in court the new deal to open Baha Mar, Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson said she is “deeply concerned” about people “who know better” undermining the integrity of the judiciary and called on right-thinking people to “cease and desist” these public pronouncements.

Attorney General defends independence of judiciary
ATTORNEY General Allyson Maynard-Gibson yesterday defended the independence of the judiciary and underscored the resources allocated by the government for their protection, in the face of allegations that a former member of Parliament was involved in efforts to intimidate a Supreme Court judge.

AG: Freedom of Information Act will take time to implement if passed
ATTORNEY General Allyson Maynard-Gibson said that while the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) will be debated in the Senate on Monday and passed by Thursday, she is unsure what will happen to the legislation should there be a change of government at the election.

We March protest against 'Spying Bill' called off
WE MARCH Bahamas has called off a planned protest on Wednesday afternoon against the Interceptions of Communications Bill after an announcement on Tuesday night by the Attorney General of a "period of public consultation" before the legislation is implemented.

Attorney general: Interception Bill will enhance privacy, not harm it
ATTORNEY General Allyson Maynard-Gibson yesterday defended the Interception of Communications Bill as an important anti-crime tool that would enhance the privacy of law-abiding citizens rather than encroach upon it, as detractors claim.

AG dismisses DNA claim of interference on granting of bail
DEMOCRATIC National Alliance Leader Branville McCartney alleged yesterday that some government officials interfere with the course of justice by “making calls” to have bail granted to people who are accused of serious crimes.

Baha Mar documents ‘to be unsealed before opening’
THE release of the sealed Supreme Court Baha Mar documents is “most definitely” expected before the opening of the $3.5bn West Bay Street mega resort, Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson said yesterday.

AG instructed to seek to lift seal on Baha Mar documents
AFTER months of fierce scrutiny levelled at the government over the sealing of documents related to the new deal to open Baha Mar, Prime Minister Perry Christie told reporters yesterday that Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson has been directed to have the records made public at the “earliest opportunity”.

Attorney General denies business interest conflict over Sandals
ATTORNEY General Allyson Maynard-Gibson yesterday dismissed rumours that her family has a business interest in the Sandals Royal Bahamian Resort.

Review of data systems after 'Bahama Papers' leak
ATTORNEY General Allyson Maynard-Gibson confirmed yesterday that officials have undertaken a review of data systems at the Registrar General's Department following the leak of 1.3 million files from the corporate registry.

PLP chairman backs AG for ending case against resort
PROGRESSIVE Liberal Party Chairman Bradley Roberts has defended the Attorney General’s decision not to issue a no prosecution direction to the court, effectively stopping criminal proceedings brought by union officials against Sandals Royal Bahamian and two of its senior executives.

Nolle prosequi for Sandals is 'an abomination to justice'
ATTORNEY General Allyson Maynard-Gibson’s issuance of a nolle prosequi to discontinue court proceedings against the Sandals Royal Bahamian Resort and two of its senior executives was an “abomination” to justice, said Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner as she questioned whether the government conspired with the hotel when it terminated hundreds of workers.

AG drops case against Sandals
COURT proceedings against Sandals Royal Bahamian and two of its senior executives brought by union officials were dropped by order of the Attorney-General on the day the Cable Beach resort terminated nearly 600 staff to facilitate a $4m renovation programme, it has emerged.

Justice system set for new procedures to handle juveniles
NEW judicial procedures that govern the way juveniles would be processed and handled by the justice system going forward should be implemented “soon”, according to Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson.

PM is defended over Baha Mar
AMID questions surrounding which “world-class hotel and casino operator” will acquire Baha Mar and the concessions awarded to bolster the deal to open it, Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson, QC, said there is no need for concern, adding that Bahamians should “trust” that negotiations are being handled by the “capable hands” of Prime Minister Perry Christie.

Attorney General: We will monitor Sandals closely
THE government will be closely monitoring innovations at Sandals and its rehiring process in a bid to hold the resort accountable to its “promises” after more than 600 workers were fired this week, according to Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson.

Conviction rate now 71%, says Attorney General
THE conviction rate for Supreme Court cases up to April of this year was 71 per cent, a dramatic improvement from the 31 per cent that was recorded by the end of 2012, Attorney General Allyson Maynard Gibson revealed yesterday during her contribution to the budget debate in the Senate. Up to April of this year, the acquittal rate was 29 per cent.

AG hits back at suggestions referendum is unnecessary
THE Attorney General has shot down assertions that the impending equality referendum is unnecessary.

Voting no to referendum over same-sex fears a ‘shame’
ATTORNEY General Allyson Maynard-Gibson said it would be a “terrible shame” if Bahamians vote “no” to the constitutional referendum’s questions because of concerns about same-sex marriage.

AG seeks to ease same-sex fears
AMID growing concern that the fourth Constitutional Amendment Bill could lead to same-sex marriage if passed in next month’s referendum, the Office of the Attorney General released a statement last night to allay those fears.

Pastors' fears are dismissed
ATTORNEY General Allyson Maynard-Gibson yesterday dismissed the concerns of a group of local pastors over the fourth Constitutional Amendment Bill, charging that those in support of the upcoming referendum will not “live our lives” around a “what if”.

Government applies to overturn emails injunction
THE government has moved to file a motion against an injunction that bars members of Parliament from disclosing confidential information about Save The Bays during parliamentary proceedings, Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson confirmed yesterday.

MPs ordered not to disclose more confidential information
SAVE THE Bays has been granted an interlocutory injunction against Foreign Affairs and Immigration Minister Fred Mitchell, Education Minister Jerome Fitzgerald and Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson, restraining them from further disclosing the group’s confidential information in Parliament.

Court backlog down by 322
THE backlog in criminal matters before the courts has been reduced by 322 cases since 2012, Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson said yesterday.

Senate approves gender equality Bills ahead of planned referendum
THE Senate unanimously approved the four Constitutional (Amendment) Bills on gender equality last night, bringing the country a step closer to having a long awaited referendum on the issue.

Attorney General calls on women to campaign for equality
ATTORNEY General Allyson Maynard-Gibson has urged women to get involved in the gender equality referendum campaign and vote yes “for our sons and daughters.”

Attorney General responds to Tribune columnist
ATTORNEY General Allyson Maynard-Gibson last night issued a press release in response to Tribune columnist Adrian Gibson’s article in Thursday’s edition.

$10m penalties in Bill for damage in oil exploration
THE Petroleum Bill 2014 seeks to enforce penalties of up to $10m for damage to this country’s environment during oil exploration should they occur, Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson said in the Senate yesterday,

Attorney General: Removing Privy Council a major task
ATTORNEY General Allyson Maynard-Gibson yesterday said while The Bahamas is “obliged” to enforce the death penalty in accordance to law, the removal of the London-based Privy Council would require “serious consideration” and “extensive consultation” with the Bahamian people.

Attorney General: Be more hesitant to grant bail
ATTORNEY General Allyson Maynard-Gibson, QC, yesterday urged the judiciary to be more hesitant to grant bail in cases of murder and other serious offences.

Attorney General hits back at Greenslade over bail
ATTORNEY General Allyson Maynard-Gibson yesterday pushed back against Police Commissioner Ellison Greenslade’s recent criticism of the performance of the judiciary when it comes to dealing with those responsible for violent crime.

Concern raised over Baha Mar receivership
IN the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to put Baha Mar into receivership, Attorney General Allyson Maynard Gibson reiterated yesterday that the government will “only take steps that are in the best interest of the Bahamian people”.

Izmirlian ‘planned to make Baha Mar redundancies’
ATTORNEY General Allyson Maynard-Gibson denied suggestions that Baha Mar’s workforce would not have been laid off if the government did not push for court appointed liquidators to oversee the property.

Eight bail applications for murder granted this year
ONLY eight bail applications for murder have been granted by the Supreme Court so far this year, Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson revealed yesterday.

‘Don’t play politics over Baha Mar’
ATTORNEY General Allyson Maynard-Gibson yesterday fired back at the Official Opposition over its accusations that the government was to blame for the more than 2,000 jobs lost at Baha Mar.

Negotiations begin again over stalled Baha Mar resort
NEGOTIATIONS to push forward the completion of the stalled Baha Mar resort began in the capital yesterday with all three major stakeholders, its court-appointed joint provisional liquidators, and the government.

BEC bribe probe ‘nearly complete’
ATTORNEY General Allyson Maynard-Gibson said yesterday that the probe into an alleged Bahamas Electricity Corporation bribery incident that took place over a decade ago is “nearly complete”.

Attorney General backs Christie for leadership
ATTORNEY General Allyson Maynard-Gibson said yesterday that she supports Prime Minister Perry Christie as he gears up to launch another leadership bid in the Progressive Liberal Party, adding that the nation’s leader has done “a lot of heavy lifting” this term.

AG defends judiciary after Nottage comments
ATTORNEY General Allyson Maynard-Gibson defended the judiciary after Minister of National Security Dr Bernard Nottage blamed the body for the country's crime problem earlier this week.

Attorney General to go public ‘soon’ over BEC bribe
ATTORNEY General Allyson Maynard Gibson said yesterday that officials are reviewing the files concerning an alleged bribery of a former member of the Bahamas Electricity Corporation, adding that she will soon go public about the next course of action in the matter.

Baha Mar staff ‘likely’ to be paid until $21m runs out
ALTHOUGH the Supreme Court has approved the appointment of provisional liquidators to ensure that Baha Mar’s resources are not depleted, the resort’s Bahamian workers are still likely to be paid until the $21m set aside by the Christie administration for salaries runs out, according to Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson.

AG’s husband has Baha Mar leases
ATTORNEY General Allyson Maynard-Gibson has revealed that her husband Maxwell Gibson owns the retail jewellery store chain that has been granted storefront leases in Baha Mar, while rejecting accusations that she has a conflict of interests due to her role as government negotiator for the stalled resort.

Christie and the AG under fire over ‘conflict of interest’
FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis yesterday called for Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson to resign from Cabinet in light of what he sees as a conflict of interest with her role as a government negotiator on Baha Mar and her daughters owning stores that have leases with the stalled project.

AG: No Baha Mar conflict of interest
ATTORNEY General Allyson Maynard-Gibson has said there is no conflict of interest regarding her daughters owning stores that have leases with Baha Mar and her role as a government negotiator over the stalled project.

Govt says Baha Mar statement 'misleading'
THE Christie Administration continued its public feud with Baha Mar Friday, calling the resort's most recent press statement concerning Friday's Supreme Court adjournment of its winding up hearing "misleading”.

UPDATED: Attorney General praises contractor
THE Attorney-General has expressed the Government’s “profound gratitude” to Baha Mar’s contractor for its role in attempting to resolve the dispute over the $3.5bn project, implying that some progress had been made at last week’s Beijing talks.

Attorney General leads delegation to China
ATTORNEY General Allyson Maynard Gibson, QC, has led a delegation to China where Baha Mar executives, China State Construction and the Export-Import Bank of China are expected to hold discussions on the way forward for the unopened $3.5bn West Bay Street resort.

Government to pay Baha Mar workers’ salaries
ATTORNEY General Allyson Maynard Gibson today confirmed that the government will pay the salaries of more than 2,000 Baha Mar workers this month as negotiations over the fate of the stalled $3.5bn project continue.

Apologies for ‘stress’ caused by fuel spill
AMIDST widespread criticism for delays in making a Black and Veatch International report on the Rubis underground gasoline leak public, key members of the Christie administration yesterday laid out remediation plans and insisted that recommendations made in that report were acted on “immediately”.

‘I’m not an expert’ says Maynard-Gibson over long wait for Rubis report
ATTORNEY General Allyson Maynard-Gibson yesterday dodged questions over whether the government should have expedited the release of an independent report into the 2012 underground gas leak in the Marathon community and related public health assessments, stating that she was not an expert.

Attorney General has been given Gray report
COMMISSIONER of Police Ellison Greenslade confirmed yesterday that the report on the investigation into alleged judicial interference by MICAL MP V Alfred Gray has been completed and passed on to the Office of the Attorney General.

Attorney General awaits Gray police report
THE Office of the Attorney General is still awaiting a police report on the investigation into alleged judicial interference by MICAL MP V Alfred Gray, Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson said yesterday.

No sign of progress on campaign finance pledge
THREE years after Prime Minister Perry Christie called for the establishment of campaign finance laws, it remains unclear when, or if, his administration will ever introduce them.

Date for appeal of coroner’s ruling on Aaron Rolle’s death ‘shortly’
A HEARING date for the appeal of the Coroner Court’s ruling on Aaron Rolle’s death in police custody as unlawful will come “shortly”, Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson said yesterday.
Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 2 months ago
Crooked Christie and the Evil Wicked Witch Maynard-Gibson are liars of the highest order and nothing they say should ever be believed.
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