November 4, 2015
Stories this photo appears in:
INSIGHT: A financial lesson from Jamaica
The Bahamas can learn some lessons from Jamaica when it comes to the capital markets. Richard Coulson looks at the activity on the Jamaican Stock Exchange and compares it to the Bahamas International Stock Exchange.

NASSAU LIFE: Too close to call for a man and his people
POLLS have proven unreliable in forecasting ‘Brexit’ in the UK and Trump in the US, and here in the Bahamas, amazingly, we don’t even have them.

INSIGHT: Nassau’s Ground Zero
Richard Coulson bemoans the lack of progress in re-developing the downtown area of the Bahamian capital city.

NASSAU LIFE: What sort of Bahamian benefactor is Peter Nygard?
A prominent column in the Freeport News on February 13 reminded me of the amazing qualities of Peter Nygard - enough to get him sanctified as our patron saint.

RICHARD COULSON: The rebirth of Baha Mar
While the deadline remains tight, Richard Coulson senses renewed optimism over the April opening of the Cable Beach luxury resort . . .

NASSAU LIFE: New view of the Duke of Windsor is not just black and white
Sir Orville Turnquest’s recently published book, ‘What Manner of Man is This?’ is becoming a best-seller in The Bahamas - as well it should be.

INSIGHT: Trump, Hillary and the curse of living in interesting times
Voters in the United States and the Bahamas are facing a similar depressing choice between candidates they distrust the least, Richard Coulson says . . .

INSIGHT – BPL and BEC: Siamese twins of electric power
The legacy debt of $450 million and more from BEC will keep Bahamians in the dark for a while, Richard Coulson says . . .

INSIGHT: National stock can rise by spreading share ownership
As the country begins the recovery after Hurricane Matthew, Richard Coulson says now more than ever the BISX needs to be reconstructed to help the Bahamian economy grow.

RICHARD COULSON: Halkitis must be heroic in facing ratings agencies' questions
THIS WEEK and next, the warriors of the dreaded international rating agencies will ride into town to pick at the bones of our financial structure. Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s (S&P), each with its own rigid criteria, will send their best and brightest analysts whose lances will be lap-top computers loaded with data from our own Department of Statistics and Central Bank, all sent to the World Bank and International Monetary Fund for the world to see.

RICHARD COULSON: The Sears manifesto promises political revolution
Richard Coulson welcomes the emergence of a new leader for The Bahamas and predicts a rapid political rise.

RICHARD COULSON – Parliamentary Privilege: the right to talk nonsense
MARATHON MP and Minister of Education Jerome Fitzgerald has been wrapping his rugged frame in the mantle of Parliamentary Privilege (PP), enshrined in English law since the Bill of Rights of 1689 and governing procedures not only in the House of Commons but also in the US Congress and our House of Assembly.

NASSAU LIFE: An everyday story of Bahamian issues
Richard Coulson offers a succinct (and opinionated) summary of the recent spate of hot news topics.
INSIGHT: Can the magic return to the Magic City?
Richard Coulson detects encouraging signs of a renaissance in Freeport.

NASSAU LIFE: Time to face up to mortality
The aged and infirm are shockingly neglected in The Bahamas - and any NHI scheme must address the provision of hospice care, Richard Coulson says.

NASSAU LIFE: Our friends, the Chinese
We imagine a scene this week in the office of Perry G Christie, Prime Minister, joined by Philip “Brave” Davis, Deputy Prime Minister, Fred Mitchell, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and favourite speechwriter nicknamed “Bright Boy”. They are discussing his keynote address at this week’s Bahamas Business Outlook Conference.

NASSAU LIFE: A plan for Baha Mar
Richard Coulson suggests a compromise of interests can be found to preserve the stalled mega-resort development

NASSAU LIFE: The lessons we can learn from New York in fighting crime
I am not a criminologist. Nor am I a cop, a judge, a prosecutor, a public defender or a prison warden.
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