February 11, 2016
Stories this photo appears in:

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Sad sacrifices must be made to follow a political calling
Today, I write that dreaded parting column.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: New Year resolve required to energise a modern Bahamas
By all accounts, in 2017 the major political parties will no doubt be conducting a scorched earth policy in the lead up to what will likely be a hotly contested general election.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Why I’m proud to stand and serve Long Islanders and the FNM
Wow! It is amazing what a week makes in local politics.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Revolt in the ranks leaves FNM in political no man’s land
In the wake of yesterday’s coup d’état within the Free National Movement (FNM), the political landscape in the Bahamas has shifted. The FNM is in a state of flux, it is in a state of alarm.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: No place for political partisan ploys when the people rise up
Black Friday was a wonderful day for democracy in the Bahamas.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: No prosecution, no explanation - again
ATTORNEY General Allyson Maynard-Gibson must be held to account for the number of ‘nolle prosequis’ being issued by her office.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Radical reforms required to improved public trust in our political system
The Bahamas’ electoral process and the parliamentary registration procedures are seriously flawed and are in desperate need of a complete overhaul.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Political parties need to make their mark with new generation of voters
There is lingering political fatigue that has contributed - in large part - to voter apathy.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Who will play the Trump card in Bahamian elections?
The world was shocked early yesterday morning when it was announced that billionaire developer Donald Trump was elected President of the United States. The collective jaws of many across the globe hit the deck, flabbergasted by his thumping of Democratic challenger Hillary Clinton, a long-time figure in American politics who has clearly worn out her welcome with the electorate.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: The PLP is rushing us towards a China crisis
Move over Christopher Columbus, the Chinese have come to conquer us …. one island at a time.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Too many questions and not enough answers over Baha Mar
THE Chinese Government, the China Export-Import Bank (CEXIM) and their co-conspirators, the Bahamian Government, all appeared to have “gooseyed” Baha Mar developer Sarkis Izmirlian, ripping his brainchild from his hands and ignoring him like the rude child in the room.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Let me suggest how you pay for hurricane recovery, Mr Christie
The goalpost shifting, public relations gaffes, wobbling ways and revisionist spin in the wake of Hurricane Matthew is on full display this week, with Prime Minister Perry Christie jamming his foot into his mouth and launching an avalanche of rebukes when he told The Tribune and ZNS that the Cabinet would consider, when they met yesterday, the introduction and implementation of a special tax to help finance repair and recovery efforts.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Matthew exposes failings in authority and fractures in society
For the governing Progressive Liberal Party (PLP), Hurricane Matthew will either be the straw that finally breaks the camel’s back in the minds of the electorate or the lifeline they needed to convince voters that they are worthy of another term.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: The voodoo economics of Junkanoo Carnival
The delayed Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival Economic Impact Report is yet again demonstrative of the lack of transparency that has come to define this government’s term in office. Even more glaring, the voodoo economics and glaring mismanagement leaves one to wonder if the government, and the organisers of the event, collectively view us as chumps who they could intellectually insult without a resounding rebuke.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Long Islanders make their voices heard over lacklustre Loretta
There were political fireworks in Long Island on Monday. The embers are still smouldering and the talk about what transpired has graced the front pages of the newspapers, revealing that certain politicians are more proficient political spinners than Rumpelstiltskin.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Carnival report delay just doesn’t add up
In April, it was revealed by Bahamas National Festival Commission Chairman Paul Major that the government would spend $7m to host this year’s Junkanoo Carnival.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Self-serving unionists holding the country to ransom
In recent years, it appears that some unions are electing grubby little ingrates, position seekers and tunnel-vision headline hunters to front office positions. There appears to be little interest in the members, as these so-called leaders are not seeking solutions to labour issues but instead are contributing to the ongoing mêlée consuming so many unions.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Our freedom of speech is being challenged
OF LATE, the troubling trend of arresting and charging or threatening to charge people for criminal libel has been an ongoing exercise on the part of the Royal Bahamas Police Force and has set tongues wagging, with many Bahamians expressing dismay and disdain at what appears to be a steady regression towards becoming a totalitarian, fascist, police state.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Wherever you look with Baha Mar, conflict of interest abounds
Astoundingly, it seems that certain members of the governing Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) appear to be mired in an apparent and actual instances of conflicts of interest.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: How Perry Christie has sold out the country over Baha Mar
Prime Minister Perry Christie’s “non-announcement” announcement on Baha Mar, where he asserted that construction at the stalled $3.5 billion resort will resume in September, was nothing short of insulting, vacuous and a political red herring meant to distract a disconcerted populace from yet another downgrade by the credit rating agency Moody’s.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Give us a sporting chance for more golden moments
The entire Bahamas paused on Monday night to cheer on our nation’s golden superwoman Shaunae Miller as she ran and captured the gold medal in the 400 metres final at the Games of the 31st Olympiad in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Of mice and men and political gods
We are steadily becoming a country that is being ruled by persons who appear to have adopted the mindset of dictators, of the infamous Tonton Macoute of Haiti, which was a unit of the Haitian police force that was created in 1959 and used to disastrous effect by dictator François “Papa Doc” Duvalier.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Object lessons in how to be a political leader
As we march towards yet another hotly contested general election, it is clear that The Bahamas needs measured, resolute and insightful leadership.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: A would-be leader cannot be starfish and fowl at the same time
If the Free National Movement (FNM) is to survive this next round of warfare between Long Island MP Loretta Butler-Turner, her flatterers and those who prop her up, the party must now decide to give her an ultimatum to fish, cut bait or get the heck out of the boat.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Hands up all those who want Perry Christie to stay as PM
Based on the Prime Minister’s comments this week, it appears that the post-Perry Christie era within the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) will be interminably delayed.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Mitchell’s credibility at stake in war of the travel advisories
Over the last few days, many Bahamians have pulled up a chair to observe the war of the travel advisories between The Bahamas and the United States.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW ON INDEPENDENCE: 43 years on and still we need to break the shackles
WHILST WE have accomplished much since our Independence in 1973, we continue to be a country that celebrates “flag independence”, more so than what it means to be truly economically and socially diverse and self-determining.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Spiralling debt brings a downgrade dangerously close
The Bahamas is on the fast track to an economic downgrade.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Questions flying around broke Bahamasair
It is clear that something funky has been going down at Bahamasair, given the government’s rogue - almost dictatorial and sneaky - advancing of $30m to the airline to purchase its new fleet from the French company Avions de Transport Régional (ATR) at a price tag of $100m to replace its aging Dash-8 300 fleet.

YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Time for the creation of a Police Complaints Authority
The Complaints and Corruption Branch/Unit (CCU) of the Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF) should be disbanded and replaced by a Police Complaints Authority.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Out for the count - why Christie should resign
THE outcome of the higgledy-piggledy, directionless Constitutional Referendum on Tuesday demonstrably shows that the public believes that the governing Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) has unclean, “dutty” hands and, given its shunning and circumvention of the electorate’s repudiation of the gambling referendum, there was much distrust, suspicion and disinformation.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Yes or no? Stay or go? Mitchell changes his tune
THE CHRISTIE Administration has lost its mandate to govern. It has lost two consecutive referendums in one term.

INSIGHT: Questions of reform and constant review
Adrian Gibson explains why his desire for equality in The Bahamas overrides his misgivings about some of the referendum bills . . .

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: The hypocrisy undermining the referendum campaign
THE STINK of rank hypocrisy engulfs the upcoming constitutional referendum.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Chinese whispers as Christie speaks in riddles
In yet another filibusterous performance in the House of Assembly yesterday, Prime Minister Perry Christie opened the 2016/2017 budget debate with a prevaricating talkathon that, generally, lacked substance or radical reforms.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: The undignified saga of Senator Lanisha Rolle
LAST week, former senator Lanisha Rolle resigned from the Senate after the publication of the content of recordings made by fellow Free National Movement (FNM) political hopeful Lincoln Bain.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: The tiefin’ at the heart of our society
EVERY time Auditor General Terrance Bastian and his team releases a damning report, I become more and more convinced that we live in a society where “tiefin”, in one form or another, has become the order of the day. To use a phrase I heard bandied about this week, “we don’t need no VAT, we need a moratorium on ‘tiefin’!”

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: The culture of criminality that pervades our nation
THERE is a culture of criminality that is alive and well and pervasive in The Bahamas. It transcends the fabric of our nation.

Police sued for $3m for ‘assault’ at traffic stop
TRIBUNE columnist and attorney Adrian Gibson yesterday launched a $3m law suit against the Attorney General, the Commissioner of Police and two police officers who allegedly assaulted him after stopping him for a supposed traffic violation on Sunday night.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Once again, MPs fail to obey law on disclosures
MUCH like in previous years, we see widespread lawbreaking by lawmakers who have yet again failed to abide by the law that mandates that they file annual financial declarations.

YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Losing trust in the police force
ON Sunday, I suffered a harrowing experience at the hands of two officers of the Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF). It opened my eyes to the abuses, disrespect and breaches of constitutional rights that so many Bahamians have been subjected to by rogue elements of the police.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Beleaguered government faces a summer of discontent
IT IS clear that sometimes in life, the truth is much stranger than fiction.
A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Carnival strikes a discordant note - again
THOUGH the governing Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) is not likely to scrap the Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival (BJC) any time soon, this is one programme that deserves a stiff dose of stop, review and cancel.

YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Chairman Moncur can put much-needed fight into the FNM
THE Free National Movement is in a ‘quagmire of web’. The so-called Official Opposition has become the laughing stock of Bahamian politics … and the jokes aren’t even funny.

YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Fred Smith’s decision to run will liven up 2017 election
Callenders Managing Partner Frederick Smith QC told me last night that he is so disappointed with the Free National Movement and that the governing Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) is so corrupt that he has decided to run for election in 2017. Mr Smith stated that he is considering his options and will likely enter the political fray.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Election outlook appears bleak for the FNM
THE Free National Movement has failed in Opposition.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: A grieving mother waits for answers, Mr Mitchell
Over the last few days, I was attacked and/or maligned by two government ministers, one, a pseudo-intellectual and undiplomatic wannabe diplomat and, the other, a political bust who now sings for his daily political bread and is hanging on for dear life in his constituency.
A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: The shame of Jerome Fitzgerald
This past weekend, I gave great consideration to whether I would respond to the lies being spread by faceless cowards on social media and other platforms. After many calls and messages from right thinking Bahamians of all political stripes, I have decided to do so.

YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Nygard’s boorish disrespect demeans Bahamian authority
LAST week’s exposé in court documents and videos of conversations between Peter Nygard and two gangsters, and the references made to high-ranking politicians therein, is a sad indictment of our politics and shady political dealings. What’s more, it demonstrates to the electorate that heard the utterances of Mr Nygard that such a circus can go on in the Bahamas without immediate or significant repercussions.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Regardless of allegations, we must improve hospital
THIS week, the Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) finds itself at the centre of yet another public relations disaster where apparent claims of medical malpractice are being levelled against the facility by an American man.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Fred Mitchell and his petulance in government
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration Fred Mitchell has been demonstrating arrogant petulance, a disregard for divergent views and a penchant for attacking the messenger.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Pilot’s death in Haiti jail raises questions for Mitchell’s ministry
The tale of the death of Christopher Prescott Adderley, affectionately known as Scottie, in a prison in Port-de-Paix, Haiti, is a harrowing tale of negligence, a callous disregard for the pleas of a distraught mother by the Bahamas Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) and has, in the aftermath, left a family grieving and in pursuit of answers.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW – Swift Justice: A response
THIS week, Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson released a non-responsive, vacuous retort to my last column, where I advocated for the independence of our judicial process and dismissed her version of swift justice as nothing more than a farcical nightmare, a headline hunting, political scheme and catchphrase. I stand by that notion.

A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Swift Justice is nothing but a catchphrase
THE so-called Swift Justice Programme has yielded little and has, in all truth, the potential to negatively impact the public’s perception of judicial independence, undermines any notion of public confidence in the justice system and infringes upon the constitutional separation of powers.
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