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Matt Aubry, executive director of the Organization for Responsible Governance.

Photo: Shawn Hanna/Tribune Staff

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ORG renews calls for Integrity Commission amid police corruption claims

THE Organisation for Responsible Governance (ORG) has renewed calls for the establishment of an Independent Integrity Commission in the wake of serious allegations involving high ranking police officers, insisting that such a body would be effective in handling and reducing corruption cases.

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ORG disappointed on govt’s budget for FOIA

THE Organisation for Responsible Governance (ORG) is disappointed that Davis administration has only budgeted $140,000 for the Freedom of Information Act unit in the upcoming fiscal year, the latest indication that fully enacting the law is not a priority for the administration.

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Bahamas ‘playing in a very dangerous space’

The Bahamas is “still playing in a very dangerous space” despite the government’s optimism it will hit its $1.327bn deficit target for 2020-2021, governance reformers warned yesterday.

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Commissioner ‘a major step forward’

THE Organization for Responsible Governance has described the appointments of the nation’s first freedom of information commissioner and deputy commissioner as a “major step forward” but noted there is still much more work to be done.

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Information Act critical to assess FDI risks posed

A governance reformer yesterday said freedom of information is critical to assessing foreign direct investment (FDI) risks as oil exploration opponents demanded further disclosures by the government.

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Governance reformer defends Fiscal Act on govt ‘latitude’ concern

THE Bahamas must strike “a balance between functionality and best practice”, a governance reformer said yesterday, after its fiscal responsibility law was criticised for giving government “too much latitude”.

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$141m deficit increase ‘a tremendous warning’

The $141m increase in the Government’s forecast 2021-2022 fiscal deficit “is a tremendous warning” that The Bahamas’ must urgently address long-standing structural woes to maximise COVID recovery.

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‘Election should be fixed date’

A representative from a local non-profit organisation says a fixed election date will bring more stability to the Bahamian election process.

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Organisation calls for full FOI Act implementation

ORGANISATION for Responsible Governance has renewed calls for full implementation of the Freedom of Information Act, insisting all available resources be committed to its enactment.

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‘Election should be fixed date’

A representative from a local non-profit organisation says a fixed election date will bring more stability to the Bahamian election process.

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'Let's get out of the private sector's way'

The Bahamas must not lose sight of urgent structural reforms as it focuses on immediate needs, a governance reformer warned yesterday, adding: "Let's get out of the private sector's way."

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Bahamas ranked 81st in world for corporate bribery

The Bahamas 81st ranking in a new global bribery index must serve as a wake-up call to “keep our foot on the gas pedal” in the fight against corruption, governance reformers urged yesterday.

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Economy fears: Bahamas ranked world's sixth most expensive state

The Bahamas’ ranking as the world’s sixth most expensive nation to live in highlights “a fundamental challenge related to the country’s economic viability”, it was argued last night. Matt Aubry, the Organisation for Responsible Governance’s (ORG) ex

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Bahamas back as 'least corrupt in the Caribbean'

The Bahamas yesterday regained its status as the least corrupt country in the Caribbean despite governance reform activists arguing that this “does not tell the full picture” on widespread graft.Matt Aubry, the Organisation for Responsible Governance

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Parliament 'must get serious' on corruption

The bribery probe involving the Defence Force’s $150m fleet “speaks volumes” about the need for Parliament to take the anti-corruption fight “as seriously as the country”, governance reformers urged yesterday. Matt Aubry, the Organisation for Respon

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Bahamians must 'mobilise corruption outrage to action'

Bahamians must “mobilise their outrage into action” if this nation is to defeat both real and perceived corruption plaguing society, governance reformers urged yesterday.Matt Aubry, the Organisation for Responsible Governance’s (ORG) executive direct

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‘Call out’ public sector on multi-million waste

Governance reformers yesterday demanded that the public sector be “called out” over its multi-million dollar waste and inefficiency, and warned: “Audits don’t make it go away.”

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Bahamians told: Corruption war begins with you

Governance reformers yesterday warned Bahamians that their tolerance of low-level graft creates a breeding ground for multi-million dollar corruption which ultimately hurts them.

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‘We need transparent, fair and accountable government’

ORGANISATION for Responsible Governance has renewed calls for the debate and passage of the highly anticipated Integrity Commission bill, asserting that its passage would assist in the handling of corruption cases.

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Non-Profit Bill too one-sided

The Government’s Non-Profit Organisations Bill is too one-sided because it neglects the positive effects of the sector’s growth for Bahamian society, a governance reformer argued yesterday.

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Bahamas urged: ‘Heed’ fiscal council warning

The Bahamas would be “very wise to heed” findings that a new fiscal watchdog’s credibility will be enhanced the more independent it is from the Government.

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Activists fear FOI Act will not be enacted as election looms

AS the general election looms, activists fear that the government’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2017 is heading for the same fate of its predecessor, which was passed by the previous government months before the 2012 election but never enacted.


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