September 16, 2019
The aftermath of Hurricane Dorian on Abaco. (Sjoerd Hilckmann/Dutch Defense Ministry via AP)
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Hurricane shelter shortage exposed
THE International Organisation for Migration has warned The Bahamas is not ready for the 2020 hurricane season.

Insurer 'praying' Abaco 90% paid in six months
A top Bahamian insurer was yesterday “praying” that 90 percent of Abaco’s Dorian-related claims will be paid out within the next six months given the scale of the island’s devastation. Anton Saunders, RoyalStar Assurance’s managing director, told Tr

INSIGHT: Sensitivity must be set aside as the government prepares for future superstorms
THREE weeks after the most traumatic experience The Bahamas has ever faced we are still picking up the pieces for what may be a years-long recovery and rebuilding process. The physical and psychological damage experienced by the victims, as well as other citizens that have listened to the many nightmarish accounts of surviving Dorian is palpable.

Dorian 'totally destroys' 80% of fishing industry
Fishermen yesterday said Hurricane Dorian had “totally destroyed” 80 percent of the industry in Abaco and Grand Bahama amid uncertainty over how the government will aid recovery.“Eighty percent of the fisheries sector in Grand Bahama and Abaco is tot
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