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FROM LEFT: Delanzo Cartwright, Marquin Williams, Dondre Williams, Rashad Stubbs and Patreco Ramsey.

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Five face court for murders

FIVE men were yesterday charged with murder in the Magistrate’s Court in connection with five separate incidents - including one man accused of five murders.


stislez 3 years, 5 months ago

What happen to the man dem who kill the 6 men the other week? Yall sweeping that under the rug. Yall lock up who yall want lock up. Matter of fact, ya don't hear nothing about it! Bahamas is a sad place! The level of corruption in this country, we soon have a civil war trust! People are tired of this shit, myself included. Yall act like yall above death, all yall politicians, police, immigration, defense force. One day! One day that government house will burn to the ground! If the slave masters of old were to come back to life in this 21st century they would smile with happiness to see how well training black people are, they would feel comfortable going back to the grave because they would see themselves still here, in the faces of people who look nothing like them. @tribune242 Yall need start keeping stories like that massacre in front of peoples faces and mind! Don't allow it to be forgotten! Push these issues or atleast help! Yall just report but don't seem actively involved in the role yall should be playing which is also being a voice for the people. I'm sure yall is read the comments. Yall see how passionate people feel about certain things when yall report, take it further than reporting. @tribune242 yall don't have no investigation journalist?

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