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GBPA Director Rupert Hayward

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‘Ease immigration to help Freeport’

GRAND Bahama Port Authority (GBPA) executive director Rupert Hayward said excessive red tape, strict immigration policies, and regulatory changes have hindered Freeport’s investment growth, while also expressing frustration with the slow pace of government approvals for projects in the pipeline.

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GBPA has made contributions to both parties, says Hayward

GRAND Bahama Port Authority (GBPA) director Rupert Hayward said the authority has made equal financial contributions to the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) and the Free National Movement (FNM), insisting the GBPA is “politically agnostic”.


DiverBelow 1 month ago

The Nassau Political Elite will not allow Freeport to compete & succeed. Only after Nassau has run out of space, extreeme heavy traffic, very high a cost of living & housing, with environmental & health concerns from overpopulation will they consider other islands opportunities... THERE YET? Reason why Atlantis was moved from Andros to NP. It should have been the seed for theme-tourism, expansions of the seat of government in an ample location with resources of water & space for development. A win -win scenario for NP as a historical-cultural center, Nearby Andros as governmental administrative service center and GB as industrial educational research center, opening the door to world skills for Bahamians without having to leave. The easiest method to control people? Limit opportunities by poor education, poor housing, poor health, high population, cost & polution...Mumbai comes to mind.

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