While I do not condone the LGBT lifestyle, Ms. Greene is correct.
Where was the uncondition and all-inclusive LOVE of God in Myles speech?
As The MASTER JESUS, THE CHRIST, said to the religious nuts of his day,
I say the same to the self-righteous bigot, Myles and other religious hypocrites:
" He that is without sin cast the first stone."
The most famous verse you so-called Christians like to quote, John 3:16, reveals that God's LOVE is ALL-INCLUSIVE and UNCONDITIONAL, regardless of ones sins or lifestyle.
Furthermore, we are told that those who are born of GOD have this same UNCONDITIONAL and ALL-INCLUSIVE love shedd abroad in our hearts.
Since we " know them by their fruit " it is safe to conclude that Myles condemning speech was not give from GOD'S HEART but his.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is why I got away from man-made religion and I stay the-hell-away from these condemning so-called religious leaders.
There are LGBT who attends, or, are members of BFM. Perhaps it is time Myles stop receiving their tithes and offerings, if he IS really serious about his position then he should return all of the tithes and offering back to his LGBT members and attendants.
We know that ain't goon happen, hey, TALK IS CHEAP !
reverendrichlive 10 years, 4 months ago
While I do not condone the LGBT lifestyle, Ms. Greene is correct. Where was the uncondition and all-inclusive LOVE of God in Myles speech? As The MASTER JESUS, THE CHRIST, said to the religious nuts of his day, I say the same to the self-righteous bigot, Myles and other religious hypocrites: " He that is without sin cast the first stone."
The most famous verse you so-called Christians like to quote, John 3:16, reveals that God's LOVE is ALL-INCLUSIVE and UNCONDITIONAL, regardless of ones sins or lifestyle. Furthermore, we are told that those who are born of GOD have this same UNCONDITIONAL and ALL-INCLUSIVE love shedd abroad in our hearts. Since we " know them by their fruit " it is safe to conclude that Myles condemning speech was not give from GOD'S HEART but his.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is why I got away from man-made religion and I stay the-hell-away from these condemning so-called religious leaders. There are LGBT who attends, or, are members of BFM. Perhaps it is time Myles stop receiving their tithes and offerings, if he IS really serious about his position then he should return all of the tithes and offering back to his LGBT members and attendants. We know that ain't goon happen, hey, TALK IS CHEAP !
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