242613 7 years, 12 months ago on Pastors' plea to US on gay rights
Pastors' plea to US on gay rights
Why is it they only come out regarding anything gay/LGBT? Crime, poverty, dead beat fathers, adutry, fornication, courrption, sex abuse scandals, etc, these men say not a word. Their obsessed with this! Something's fishy!
Regardless 7 years, 12 months ago on Father of seven says family lost everything in shanty town blaze
Father of seven says family lost everything in shanty town blaze
...seven children. Why so many? Catholic? Let the church deal with this. These immigrants already are getting essentially free education and medical from the state. Come Haitian Day, they can run around with their flags again celebrating a consistently failed state that seems only intent on exporting their invasive culture.
lkalikl 7 years, 11 months ago on Do you think the Government is right to cancel and postpone Carnival?
Do you think the Government is right to cancel and postpone Carnival?
Where is the fooking planning? Why cancel a month out? Did you not know there was an election this year? Fook the motherfooking PLP! They can't plan or deliver anything properly. Stupid fooking PLPs. Fook all PLPs!
concernedcitizen 7 years, 11 months ago on IDB: Bahamas ‘can’t escape’ $7bn debt without fiscal rules
IDB: Bahamas ‘can’t escape’ $7bn debt without fiscal rules
I get so friggin tired of us blaming our problems on others and not taking responsibility ,its all most like a slave mentality .its as absurd as @John claiming the CIA put something in the black mans marijuana that makes them murderous thugs ..How does the CIA make sure only black guys get that smoke lmao .Safford Sands left us w/ a country w a growing tourism product , good banking and insurance industry , and no debt ,and visitors throwing money at us and Cuba closed to the biggest tourism market in the region . We completely on our own went out and borrowed 7 billion to put one in four people on the government payroll .We put them there for votes ,b/c they are family b/c they are our straight and gay lovers .No country can tax enough for 3 low/middle class workers to pay and pension one government employee w/ out borrowing like drunken lunatics .Thank god for FDI or it would of collapse along time ago . B/C we are so arrogant and our service sucks the FDI is going elsewhere and people are staying in houses ,arbnb ,home away All that nation building is BS ,,Pindling was backed by the mob and jews out of NY that lost Cuba and wanting large scale gambling and money laundering here . Now its the Chinese who want our vote in the united nations ,the trick is to make them spend enough ,in the treasury not in the ploticians yes ploticians,, pockets Really w/ our lack of productivity .corruption and teefin I,m surprised we are not Haiti or Jamaica sooner .
shonkai 7 years, 10 months ago on Nygard gave Gibson $94,000: $5,000 a month paid to minister’s US bank account
Nygard gave Gibson $94,000: $5,000 a month paid to minister’s US bank account
So if an MP receives $95K and spends it on bars and restaurants with a girlfriend in his constituency he could claim he is helping the local economy, creating jobs and feeding his constituents ?!?!?!
DillyTree 7 years, 8 months ago on Judge warns CCA: Baha Mar chairs injunction 'rare'
Judge warns CCA: Baha Mar chairs injunction 'rare'
Litigation for 1400 damn lounge chairs????????????????
CCA needs to get on with it and stop making excuses. Now we see exactly what Sarkis had to put up with and what slime he had to deal with. Wonder how the new "owners" feel about all this.
djgross 7 years, 8 months ago on Judge warns CCA: Baha Mar chairs injunction 'rare'
Judge warns CCA: Baha Mar chairs injunction 'rare'
How about you pay people what they're owed? I am one of 200+ expat former Baha Mar employees who are still waiting to be paid owed salary and severance. Bahamians employees were all paid. This discrimination against foreign companies and workers is wrong. It also appears to be Government of Bahamas sanctioned.
In this case it appears that what goes around comes around. The company was not paid what is still due.
How can CCA say that missing this deadline would cause it irreparable harm? It intentionally slowed down work when it missed opening previously. What good reputation?
sheeprunner12 7 years, 8 months ago on $11m in clinics for six patients per day
$11m in clinics for six patients per day
Right sizing our Family Island infrastructure should be a MAJOR priority for this government:
Why does Eleuthera need THREE international airports, while Long Island has none?
Why does Abaco have TWO major port facilities while many islands do not have ONE functional dock?
Why do many islands have primary schools with less than 20 students and high schools with less than 100 students???? Amalgamation should become mandatory where these exist.
Why are there so many islands with government services scattered all over the place in private rental spaces instead on one central plaza for simple logistical service??
Why is there not a Class 1, 2, or 3 health facility on each island or region of the country? Class 1 is PMH or Rand ..... Class 2 is a regional mini-hospital (Abaco, Exuma or Inagua) .... Class 3 is a local clinic
Why is there not island specific agricultural, fisheries, poultry, and pork facilities available to provide niche value-added industries for food security???????
sheeprunner12 7 years, 6 months ago on What kind of policy keeps children out of school?
What kind of policy keeps children out of school?
We are not Canada or USA ....... that is the whole problem with this argument!!!!!!! ....... The Bahamas has its education policy ...... enforce it!!!!!
Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 6 months ago on What kind of policy keeps children out of school?
What kind of policy keeps children out of school?
Both mother and son, and all others in their same situation, should be deported. If Haiti refuses to accept the deportees than we should cease all diplomatic relations with Haiti and request that their embassy personnel immediately leave the Bahamas. At the same time, our Ministry of Immigration should give 6 months notice to Haiti that the Bahamas will be revoking all work permits held by Haitian nationals and will begin rounding up for detention all Haitians who will then have no right to reside in our country, if they themselves or the Haitian government have not made arrangements for their repatriation back to Haiti. As for preventing future illegal immigrants from Haiti, The Central Bank of The Bahamas, in concert with our Ministry of Finance, should order all banks and other financial institutions operating in the Bahamas (as well as the gaming web shops) to immediately cease all currency transactions and international money transfers to financial institutions in Haiti and South Florida involving Haitian nationals unless prior written consent is received directly from The Central Bank of The Bahamas. Bahamas Immigration officials at all ports of departure (land and sea) for travel to Haiti and South Florida destinations should be instructed to undertake a rigorous search of all Haitian passengers and suspected non-Haitian currency mules for cold cash in currencies other than the Bahamian dollar being illegally carried out of the Bahamas for the benefit of illegal Haitian immigrants and their family members back in Haiti. Introducing these harsh but necessary measures would put an end to our Haitian illegal immigrant problem and help build our foreign currency reserves. It is high time we get truly serious about protecting our sovereignty, cultural identity and economy from the ravaging effects of unchecked Haitian illegal immigrants. If we are to survive as a nation, we must do whatever we can to fight the scourge of illegal immigration that has for decades now been eating us alive from within like a deadly cancer. As heartless as it may sound, we must turn a deaf ear to the many sob stories pushed to us time and time again by those who do not have the interest of lower income Bahamians at heart, and this includes the Haitian government itself.
Future 7 years, 5 months ago on Policeman in uniform filmed as he buys beer
Policeman in uniform filmed as he buys beer
If you knew the trash that these officers have to deal with every day, you would buy them a beer. Lord knows they worked hard for that cold one.
joeblow 7 years, 2 months ago on Fish Fry ‘no go’ zone in US alert
Fish Fry ‘no go’ zone in US alert
Go to the fish fry with your significant other and make sure she is dressed casual classy and then come back and post your findings!
Groidal 7 years, 1 month ago on US warning after woman attacked at Goodman's Bay
US warning after woman attacked at Goodman's Bay
undoubtedly a jet ski operator waiting for his jet skis to be loaded up and looking around for more tourists to assault
themessenger 5 years, 6 months ago on 'Total devastation' in Abaco
'Total devastation' in Abaco
Some people obviously have nothing useful or meaningful to contribute and nothing better to do than bash the Government who incidentally have responded beyond expectation. Likewise some of us who are still trying to locate loved ones could really benefit from some positive commentary rather than have to read BS from the Apocalypse Now advocates. If you don't have something useful or encouraging to say please just shut up.
Chucky 7 years, 12 months ago on Pastors' plea to US on gay rights
Pastors' plea to US on gay rights
I would like to suggest an alternative:
Pass laws banning the practice of any religion, in every country in the world.
Here are some good reasons:
Religion is man mad, and has nothing to do with any god. If we came from Adam and Eve, and they had two children- Cain & Able, how did they reproduce...... so many lies in all the " good books"
Pastors and Preachers etc, quite often take the church money to buy big houses and fancy cars.
Religion is the cause of many wars and much violence. While its true their have been wars caused by the non religious, if we ban religion we can eventually grow out of religious wars and violence.
Many in the church are the most despicable people on this earth, take the Catholic church for instance, how many members have been caught up in paedophilia , the whole church including the pope supports transferring these criminals to other jurisdictions to avoid prosecution.
Christians burned " witches at the stake" for 500 years Christians used to burry children in foundations and post holes to appease the weather gods. Exodus verse 21 21 clearly states that you can beat your slaves (just another religious verse supporting slavery and the slaves torcher)
Need I go on? The church is last place on earth we will ever find the "moral high ground"!
Anything good that is done in the name of god, would be better done just because a person thought it should be. Do you really need God to tell you to help others, you'd be a better person if you help others because you believe you should, not needing "god" to tell you to.
Religions collect billions yearly, pay no taxes and for the most part, don't spend the money on people in need. What good is this? Ie the Catholic church is one of the richest institutions in the world. If there was a god, and one worthy of praying to, he'd never want any of these scumbag organizations who purport to do his work. Also, if a god created the earth, he'd easily create money for those in need......
I'm not a fan of, nor someone who can dislike someone because they're gay or lesbian. I can only like or dislike those who I've met. The few I've met are no worse than anyone else, and likely a lot better than the religious freak pastors and preachers who speak all these "good words" and meanwhile take all the church money for themselves..
I know, god works in mysterious ways- Lets stop this foolishness and move on with life.