242wedo 5 years, 11 months ago on Don’t ‘reinvent the wheel’ over Abaco mega project
Don’t ‘reinvent the wheel’ over Abaco mega project
This must be why realtors have such a great reputation.. lol.. Talks smack about another part of the island he works on just to try and promote his dumpy Treasure Cay listing..Mercy.. and asks the government to interfere in the free market to steer developers his way while he's at it! lol this nation
Baha10 5 years, 11 months ago on Don’t ‘reinvent the wheel’ over Abaco mega project
Don’t ‘reinvent the wheel’ over Abaco mega project
Clearly mr. Newell (even as a Foreigner) is disgruntled that he was cut out of a Commisssion, so much so that he seeks to bash this new Investment, rather than support in the interests of Abaconians. Reality is as a Treasure Cay Resident of nearly 40 years, what was once the pride of our Family Islands is anything but prestigious, having seuffered years of neglect. Just yesterday, this Top 10 Beach was over run by Haitians playing loud music, walking pit bulls and fighting with each other and their Ghetto Princessess, all in front of what once were Million Dollar Estates that are virtually “unsalable” by even the great mr. Newell, with this situation only getting worse, not better, as evidenced by the lack of Customers at the supposed upscale “Treasure Sands” Club, which found itself instead of “Nikki Beach” more akin to Ghetto Central, so I can see good reason why any “new” Investor would opt for a “Greenfield” Project well away from what has become Treasure Hell for me! Obviously as a Home Owner, writing in such manner does me no financial favors, but sometimes “the truth” is more important than your self interest in a 10% Commssion mr. Newelll. As for mr. Newell’s concern for our Parrots, I wonder why he does not mention that Treasure Cay was the site of the first Settlement on Abaco, namely Carlton, the specific site of which is currently For Sale by mr. Newell’s?!?
licks2 5 years, 11 months ago on ‘Irreversible’ harm fears on $580m Abaco project
‘Irreversible’ harm fears on $580m Abaco project
The usual jack legs. . .THEY KNOW THAT THERE WILL BE THE DESTRUCTION OF THE AREA. . .BUT THEY DON'T HAVE AN EIA AS YET!!! Yall never fail to amaze me with the way yinna does let any white person with "a name" that sound important swing yinna so easily!!
It really speaks to the level of post-slave mentality residuals remaining in our peoples them. . . a white face can tell us all kind of crap and we will "suck it down" because of whom it came out of. . .NO GUTS TO THINK FOR OURSELVES. I suggest that instead of going to Florida or South Africa. . .lets put the development right smack dab in the middle of DDK "front room". . .dig the marina right through his/her back door. . .OH, MY BAD. . .WEEN GET NO EIA FOR HIS/HER HOUSE YET. . .DRATS!! Oh well, he/she is entitled to an EIA before I go off half cocked and determining what can work in DDK house of not!! Hehehehehehehehehehe!!
242wedo 5 years, 11 months ago on ‘Irreversible’ harm fears on $580m Abaco project
‘Irreversible’ harm fears on $580m Abaco project
White radical environmentalists care more about their ideology than jobs for the people of South Abaco... A sustainable low density development... doesn't touch the park but they acting like its the devil. lol Keith Bishop probably wanted the EIA job but got passed over. What a joke.
242wedo 5 years, 10 months ago on EIA findings crucial for $580m project
EIA findings crucial for $580m project
A little less conspiracy theory, a little more knowledge would be helpful. The EIA costs a fortune and employs Bahamians. The government controls it and the developer is made to foot the bill. Works this way around the world.
242wedo 5 years, 10 months ago on Environmentalist slams ‘national park targeting’
Environmentalist slams ‘national park targeting’
The national park is 30 TIMES the size of Paradise Island. How is a small development the size of the Ocean Club OUTSIDE of the park going to wipe out anything? You don't need to be an environmentalist to see how ludicrous these claims are. Parrot doesn't even breed in the park, breeds north of it. No wonder this nation is starved for cash.
242wedo 5 years, 7 months ago on Petition targets PM on $580m Abaco project
Petition targets PM on $580m Abaco project
What a surprise.. The competing interests in South Abaco have an objection to a competitor! Shameful that they would hide behind concern for 'historical sites'. A small pile of stone rubble covered in bush that can easily be preserved. Where was Blackfly Lodge's concern when a pristine beach was torn up at Schooner Bay for their marina? Islands by Design made good money working on that development too! Same old same old in this nation...These jackasses do real preservationists a disservice.
Clamshell 5 years, 7 months ago on Disney key to South Eleuthera 'survival'
Disney key to South Eleuthera 'survival'
I’ll bet 95% of the people who signed are from the US, Canada or England. Besides, on Lutra both the PLP and FMN support the Disney plan. Mr. Sands is from a staunch PLP family.
242wedo 4 years, 10 months ago on One newly confirmed case of COVID-19 in New Providence
One newly confirmed case of COVID-19 in New Providence
Maybe we should start seriously considering the myriad costs of this lockdown vs. a policy of cautiously opening up. With a population of 300K people, we essentially risk 7-10K hospitalizations on a rolling basis and 700-1000 deaths - if we were to do nothing at all. We are all already social distancing and wearing masks. There is a serious argument to be made for letting the young and healthy achieve herd immunity here, in the face of what joblessness and crime would bring from an extended period of lockdown and economic inactivity.
Baha10 4 years, 10 months ago on PM promises: 'I'll bulldoze red tape'
PM promises: 'I'll bulldoze red tape'
I like this KISS approach:
- Repeal Appeasement Financial Legislation of past 20 years.
- Grant Passports (excluding right to vote) to Investors of $1mil.+.
- Eliminate Govt. Approvals for Real Estate Investments (like Cayman).
- Eliminate VAT.
- Close Web Shops.
- Close BahamasAir.
- Privatize Water & Sewerage.
- Privatize BPL.
- Sell remaining interest in BTC.
- Reduce Civil Service by 50%.
Pretty simple, and if we could do this like any “normal” business by 1st June, we “might” be able to retain our sovereignty and avoid the IMF taking over our Economy.
242wedo 4 years, 10 months ago on PM promises: 'I'll bulldoze red tape'
PM promises: 'I'll bulldoze red tape'
This is the smartest thing I've seen written here in weeks. One small correction: - Grant Residency, not Citizenship. But make it a seamless process.
If Government eliminated real estate approvals and freed the market we would see a substantial boom in jobs-creating foreign investment (and correlated tax revenue). It is such an obvious move to make and so easy to implement. Bahamians need to consider that a big reason we see shady characters they like to label foreign devils come here is BECAUSE of the onerous approvals process, not in spite of it. The smart and reputable investor goes where he/she is welcome, and there is plenty of opportunity across the globe to choose from. If we liberalized like Turks or Cayman we would get a much bigger slice of the pie.
242wedo 4 years, 9 months ago on Bahamians urged: Abandon foreign investor 'xenophobia'
Bahamians urged: Abandon foreign investor 'xenophobia'
This man makes eminent good sense. The tide has gone out and we are left swimming naked. Liberalizing this economy and opening up to foreign investment without the ridiculous hurdles, red tape and waiting games that scare good capital away would benefit every tier of this country, and it would cost us nothing. It was the obvious answer years ago, now it's the only one. We will either sink or swim depending on decisions being made now.
Economist 4 years, 9 months ago on Bahamians urged: Abandon foreign investor 'xenophobia'
Bahamians urged: Abandon foreign investor 'xenophobia'
Very good Dr. Rodgers. Agree completely. It is time that we, as a people, grew up and joined the rest of the world. It is much more difficult to do business in The Bahamas compared to other countries.
We are scared of change insted of imprasing it and moveing forward. The rest of the world is leaving us behind.
Insted of folowing the Cayman Island,s to success and low unemployment, we are folowing Haiti, to failure and high unemployment.
DWW 4 years, 3 months ago on Investment deal's anatomy exposed
Investment deal's anatomy exposed
If the cost of the infrastructure is covered what is the problem? The area is economically stagnant and would benefit from some activity. Aside from whether the project will actually be profitable or not.
SP 5 years, 11 months ago on Abaco development pledges $2bn impact
Abaco development pledges $2bn impact
Bahamians are strange. If the same dynamics today were in place 70 years ago, Lyford Cay, Paradise Island, Freeport, Cable Beach, Old Fort Bay, Sandyport, Port New Providence, Palm Cay, and every other major development throughout the Bahamas would not exist today!
Hopefully, the present government has more sense than the three dumb stooges gang of Pindling, Ingraham, and Christie, and after "proper" due diligence, allow this developer to move forward with his plans.
It is stupid and totally unreasonable to expect badly needed sustainable growth without some environmental impact, we cannot have our cake and eat it too!
Congratulations to this spinless FNM government for attracting potentially serious major investors. With very little effort, simply by proximity alone, the Bahamas could become the biggest tourism mecca in the region by far, easily surpassing Florida and the Dominican Republic.