
3 Vote

joeblow 3 years, 3 months ago on Fox: I’ve donated to FNM and PLP

"I’m a nationalist. I am trying to understand why they are signaling ‘Brave’ Davis like he did something for me for donations or political favours. He has been a mentor to me.”

A nationalist who has contributed to the erosion of the work ethic while encouraging an addiction that sucks financial resources from the poor who need it most and destabilizing families all while raking in handsome personal profits. Yes Brave has been a mentor and he has taught him well!

2 Vote

Sickened 3 years, 1 month ago on CIVIL SERVANTS BLOCK AUDITOR: Officials holding back documents stopping full probe of finances

Are there penalties for impeding or obstructing these audits? If so, what are they? If not, then I am not surprised.

History has proven that in our government, those that help the sitting government the most, by any means necessary, get rewarded.

3 Vote

KapunkleUp 3 years, 1 month ago on CIVIL SERVANTS BLOCK AUDITOR: Officials holding back documents stopping full probe of finances

Bastian's refusal to even speak names is a clear example of perpetual non accountability which has been rampant for decades. Roaches always run in the light.

1 Vote

joeblow 3 years, 1 month ago on PM presented with Key to the City of Lauderhill, Florida

... I guess no austerity measures are needed in these fiscally challenging times. Only the plebs need to tighten their belts!

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2 Vote

AnObserver 2 years, 10 months ago on When the shark bites back

The pictures posted elsewhere show the boat full of scuba gear, but also call it a fishing boat. Is this going to be investigated? Were they in Bahamian waters?

2 Vote

Dawes 2 years, 5 months ago on Union chief: ‘We’ve been taken for a ride too long’

Pay them a proper wage, but also get rid of the mandatory gratuity. There is nothing worse then having to pay 15% for lousy service and then be asked if you want to tip extra. If the service is good then of course tip, but you shouldn't be forced to tip 15%.

2 Vote

AnObserver 2 years, 3 months ago on Minister criticised over possibility of bringing theatre festival to Bahamas

By that argument we shouldn't have any of the high end Asian, French, or Italian restaurants we currently have in the country, instead we should only feed our guests Bamboo Shack. I'm sure that won't affect our tourism numbers in the least.

5 Vote

birdiestrachan 2 years, 2 months ago on Private land 'makes it difficult for govt to intervene' in shanty towns

It is against the law to construct a building with out a plan and a permit , why is the laws for some and not for others,

2 Vote

Sickened 2 years, 2 months ago on 70 people to travel to climate conference

I doubt the US is sending half of this amount. The PLP is an incredibly cold, heartless and wasteful group of individuals.

5 Vote

yari 2 years, 2 months ago on Pharmacies to ‘temporarily’ close in price control revolt

I am so proud of the solidarity of the pharmacies and really disappointed in the food retailers and wholesalers. The government didn't even pretend to consult with the stakeholders. Let the government provide these drugs and foodstuffs and see if the mark-up they mandated can even cover cost.

6 Vote

Dawes 2 years, 2 months ago on Pharmacies reopen with PM meeting set for 4pm

Shame on a government who put VAT on pharmaceuticals without a care in the world on how people would be able to afford it. That 10% is probably a lot more then the change in price control would be.

5 Vote

tribanon 2 years, 1 month ago on AG DEFENDS THE NATION OVER FTX: Ryan Pinder hits out at assertions over Bahamas regulations


Much like the PLP stealing for decades from the people and getting re-elected time and time again.

And most Bahamian voters just can't seem to get enough punishment and cruelty inflicted on them. The D- minus educated among us who suffer the most have yet to figure out they don't decide who to vote for, but rather get told who they can vote for.

As long as the choice at the polls remains limited to a PLP, FNM or McCartney Party candidate, the standard of living and quality of life for D- minus educated Bahamians is going to get worse and worse. Never in our country's history has the divide between the "haves" and the "have nots" been so great both in terms of number and wealth.

4 Vote

sheeprunner12 2 years, 1 month ago on Deltec tight-lipped over 17 accounts tied to FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried

Thank God that there are international financial agencies and US law enforcement agencies who will investigate these white collar crimes because it affects them as well.

We cannot pretend to believe that our SCB and RBPF will ever solve this FTX mess. Too many Bahamian political hands are in SBF cookie jar to allow SCB & RBPF to be impartial and thorough in any FTX investigation here in The Bahamas.

1 Vote

truetruebahamian 2 years ago on Minister urges greater caution on the roads

Perhaps calling should be disabled when the telephone instrument is in motion over 5 m.p.h.