3 Vote

blackcat 11 years, 3 months ago on BRAVE ROBBERY: Four arrested, one man still at large

How interesting that this case in particular could be solved so quickly- what is that - less than a week ?

Either preferential treatment OR Davis knew the intruders. either way is bad news.

2 Vote

bismark 11 years, 3 months ago on BRAVE ROBBERY: Four arrested, one man still at large

it is ironic,funds recovered?i could understand some but all?what they were going to do open a bank account?well you got them,evidence and all that shouldn't be hard 25 years no long talking,when they see the road again they will need the assistance of a cane that's how old they will be when released.

5 Vote

HolandObserver 11 years, 3 months ago on Wilchcombe: We are making dent in crime

this article is not worthy of a lengthy response. i havve only one question: what is mr wilchcombe smoking?

2 Vote

BDN 11 years, 3 months ago on BRAVE ROBBERY: Four arrested, one man still at large

How is it even possible that the individuals kept the cash on hand? Either stupid or it was never actually taken.. At least, that is my opinion.

5 Vote

Thinker 11 years, 3 months ago on Wilchcombe: We are making dent in crime

I personally don't care what the stats say, I don't feel safer, and neither does anyone else I know that lives here. The US issues warnings every few months, the same ones, with similar stories of frightening robberies and other violent crimes. The dent that is made in the crime is not worth even mentioning, as it's the same rhetoric spewed each time the US issues a warning to its citizens. Hire properly trained outside forces along with adjustments to the penal system and move on with the growth of an honorable society. Why is Big Gov stalling and averting The peoples' wants and needs over every major issue?

3 Vote

incognito86 11 years, 3 months ago on Mitchell: Critics are 'politically motivated'

Would love to see a detailed breakdown of expenses for the trips taken by this minister since taking up the post. There is NO REASON for $120k to be budgeted per annum for travel... BUT I guess when other Ministers are paying $15k PER MONTH for their office rent, why shouldn't he be tripping around the world. Everybody want their piece of the pie.

1 Vote

B_I_D___ 11 years, 1 month ago on New attempt at mortgage relief

Definitely wrong headline for the VAT has failed in MANY Caribbean countries that have similar characteristics to ours...we are the ONLY country moving to VAT that does not already have some other tax structure like income tax already in place. He is now saying the legislation may not be out until the end of February and we are meant to have everything in place to go live 4 months later? They are off their rocker. By all means, look at the other countries that are a close fit to our economy and make up, and compare...LEARN from those around you that VAT does NOT work effectively...oh, but wait...we should just ignore all these other examples around us cause the rest of them are full of crap and don't know how to run a government if we do...our government structure is an absolute archaic joke, and they are wanting to leapfrog into VAT which requires heavy reporting, tracking, accountability and the technology to back it. Bull crap. We couldn't be ready for a VAT set up for YEARS...let alone 4 months. Idiots.

1 Vote

Emac 11 years, 1 month ago on Operation Potcake gets under way

I was looking forward to this program. I would like to get involved as there are surrounding neighbours (mostly Haitian villages) that have many stray dogs that are a nuisance to the area.

1 Vote

Cornel 10 years, 9 months ago on LADY PINDLING OWES $306,000

This comment was removed by the site staff for violation of the usage agreement.

4 Vote

blackcat 10 years, 10 months ago on World Bank 'irrational' to intervene over anti-gay laws

The last two paragraphs that quote Mr. Kim say it all; discrimination is WRONG no matter how you look at it. In order to develop and move forward, we MUST eradicate it. Unfortunately, due to our lack of education and overall ignorance (heavily linked to our cherry-picked religious ties), the Bahamas is so far behind. This is a sickening and shocking threat to human rights. Very, very sad that we have brought an individual like this here to our country. What next?

2 Vote

blackcat 10 years, 9 months ago on Nottage says crime down - despite recent spate of murders

“What we are finding is that the residents themselves have said crime is down, the violence is down, the arguments are down, but there will be incidents from time to time. What we are hoping is that eventually the atmosphere and environment created by this police presence and by the programmes that we are running will cause this to be a lasting effect.” LIE #1

“ Unless provoked, criminals engaged in property crimes do not generally engage in gratuitous violence. LIE #2

I guess we have proven ourselves so stupid as Bahamians in the past, Nottage thinks we believe this crap today. 10 years ago I enjoyed going to fish fry on the weekends with you wouldnt catch me dead there on a friday night and when I go home I am looking around frantically to make sure no one is lurking or hiding. A fenced in yard or gate is a plus if you can afford it. Window bars and security screens are necessities. There are few people you can trust,even women and children are in on some of these horrific crimes. We are reaping what we have sown all these years.

2 Vote

PKMShack 10 years, 7 months ago on Tourism minister 'concerned' about latest spate of murders

these guys, where you concerned when the bill boards where posted around the city when election was going on? WOW you all are not serious. Call election

6 Vote

Sickened 10 years, 6 months ago on Gang leader’s suspected killer found shot dead

"She also said her son was a “loving, kind-hearted” person and that he had two young children. She also called on the government to deal with crime and “hang” murderers."

I'm confused... is she saying that she would prefer for her murder 'accused' son to be hanged???

1 Vote

proudloudandfnm 10 years, 6 months ago on FNM identify areas of government to be probed by anti-corruption investigators

Let me introduce our financial consultant to you Ishmael Lightbourne. Mr. Lightbourne was very instrumental in our VAT plans. No sir he's not the same Ishmael that refused to pay his property taxes for 20 years sir, that was another Ishmael... Meet our Governor General, no sir she's not the one that refused to pay her taxes for 14 years.... Scuse me sir I have to go down to the web shop and make a payment on my mortgage and transfer some money to my cousin in Inagua.....

2 Vote

harri 10 years, 5 months ago on PHOTO GALLERY: Carnival outfits launched in style

Got 9M$'s for Carnival...

00$'s for traffic lights repair...

No vehicle plates...


5 Vote

banker 10 years, 5 months ago on Minnis warned he is ‘playing a dangerous game’

Loretta, I am sorry, but you do not have the intelligence, the enlightenment nor the education and background to lead a party or lead a country. The first act of patriotism, is to rationally determine where you can add value, and you are not adding value to a unified opposition that needs to destroy the cancer of the current government. To quote the Bible, you have been weighed in the scale and found wanting (no euphemism intended on your weight). Please, if you are truly a Bahamian patriot, sit down, shut up, and get behind your party and your leader.