Gotoutintime 6 years, 8 months ago on High-end real estate market in 'shock, panic'
High-end real estate market in 'shock, panic'
Yep---All the foreigners will be gone and then we'll be happy, right??
ThisIsOurs 2 years, 10 months ago on Make San Salvador World Heritage site
Make San Salvador World Heritage site
What historical structures are people going to see at this world heritage site? Asking, I dont know. It would be counterintuitive to name it a heritage site if theres nothing linked to "heritage" there, trails, houses, campsites, graves, landscape linked to a battle etc etc
temptedbythefruitofanother 2 years, 3 months ago on FTX founder extradited
FTX founder extradited
Those are US marshals, making sure SBF don’t run across the tarmac at LPIA jump de fence and hoof it down JFK to the Baha Mar entrance and run up to the Sky Bar for a drink and an appetiser.
The marshals tend to not be as fat as the RBPF boyz who seem to need 4 inch buckles on their belts to hold in their massive guts (see picture)
Baha10 12 years, 1 month ago on Christie 'will not be deterred'
Christie 'will not be deterred'
This is laughable! So The Naasau Guardian now has a Horse in the Race, but the PLP doesn't. What next?!? I personally, like many people I expect, had intended to vote Yes, as I truly believe we should all be free to make our own decisions in life, but a Yes vote now is akin to acknowledging you have no issue with being manipulated, which is an intellectual insult and indeed, condones such manipulation, hence I intend to vote No tomorrow as a matter of self respect, as the issue at hand has become irrelevant.