Bahama7 6 years, 11 months ago on Oil explorer's licence' under consideration'
Oil explorer's licence' under consideration'
using modern technology there are very minimal risks for one single drill. Lets not forget that any potential drill will be the 9th or 10th drilled offshore in the last century - all the others had no impact.
I would be in favour of a drill for the huge economic upsides that are possible.
Bahama7 6 years, 11 months ago on Oil explorer's licence' under consideration'
Oil explorer's licence' under consideration'
" The fortunes of The Bahamas are right in front of us. The sun, sea, sand, tourists, Clean clear water, healthy air to breathe and clean water to drink ".
Our country is drowning in debt and the economy is in tatters - tourism is simply not enough to sustain current spending levels.
A single drill for oil last 2 months and is will not harm the environment. There may not be oil there!! ... that's why we need to find it.
Bahama7 6 years, 11 months ago on Oil explorer's licence' under consideration'
Oil explorer's licence' under consideration'
The Bahamas needs to drill one well to confirm if the vast amounts of oil are actually in place - all the work done to date is encouraging and would transform the country on a successful drill.
realitycheck242 6 years, 10 months ago on IMF’s bitter pill - find extra $240m
IMF’s bitter pill - find extra $240m
When we strike Oil in the Back of Adros our dept problems will all be solved ....then we could let the PLP back in power to so they could continue to party like drunkin sailors.
Bahama7 6 years, 9 months ago on Oil explorer targeting 'window of opportunity'
Oil explorer targeting 'window of opportunity'
Hopefully BPC will be drilling with a major oil company next year. The budget was dire, I dont see any of the doom mongers above coming up with any other ideas to kick start the economy. There is little risk here, no more than currently exists with tankers passing through the waters every day loaded with oil.
Bahama7 6 years, 6 months ago on Oil explorer shrugs off end to ‘exclusive’ talks
Oil explorer shrugs off end to ‘exclusive’ talks
Hope they get drilling next year.
Oil explorer shrugs off end to ‘exclusive’ talks
A Bahamas-based oil explorer yesterday said it was now locked in joint venture talks with “multiple parties” after a “major global oil company” ended their exclusive negotiations.
Bahama7 6 years, 5 months ago on Oil explorer says Oban, BPL sign of govt backing
Oil explorer says Oban, BPL sign of govt backing
After many years of BPC trying to secure funding it sounds like they are finally close which is great news for the Bahamas.
The jobs and billions in oil revenue will be most welcome!
proudloudandfnm 6 years, 5 months ago on Oil explorer says Oban, BPL sign of govt backing
Oil explorer says Oban, BPL sign of govt backing
Willing to bet none of you naysayers know a damned thing about oil rig ops.
Stop the hysteria. Chill and let us professionals have our damned day.
Resume ready. Bring it!!!
Bahama7 6 years ago on ‘Fresh impetus’ for oil explorer
‘Fresh impetus’ for oil explorer
Great news.
Let’s get drilling.
Fred_Smith 6 years ago on Activists claim Ferreira misled them over oil
Activists claim Ferreira misled them over oil
When oil is found in Bahamas it will solve a lot of this countries problems. Look at the oil country of Norway - the kindest, least corrupt country on earth. Oil can improve the lives of the poorest and most vulnerable. If the people firmly support good government, responsible management, oil is a blessing no doubt. Why do these rich lifestyle activists want to stop the Bahamas people's big opportunity?
Bahama7 6 years ago on Activists claim Ferreira misled them over oil
Activists claim Ferreira misled them over oil
The majority of the public are in favour of oil drilling - they want change in the Bahamas.
The seismic was done years ago... what’s the point being raised?
We want the jobs and revenue. My resume is ready to hand into BPC when they get ready to drill.
ThisIsOurs 6 years ago on J Lo and A-Rod make it a match in the Bahamas
J Lo and A-Rod make it a match in the Bahamas
I wonder why they get married so quickly given that the divorce rate is so high. In any event I hope they've both learned the tricky art of cohabitation and compromise and this will be a loving lasting marriage for them. Dont have any kids before three years!!! Freeze eggs if necessary.
proudloudandfnm 6 years ago on Oil explorer’s $2.54m is ‘certainty we’ve craved’
Oil explorer’s $2.54m is ‘certainty we’ve craved’
Bring it! Resume ready to go!
Bahama7 6 years ago on Oil explorer’s $2.54m is ‘certainty we’ve craved’
Oil explorer’s $2.54m is ‘certainty we’ve craved’
Ma Commardes - we need change, jobs and revenue.
This company must drill and diversify our economy.
stoner 6 years ago on Oil explorer’s $2.54m is ‘certainty we’ve craved’
Oil explorer’s $2.54m is ‘certainty we’ve craved’
You can't stop progress.It will bring much needed money/revenue to the Bahamian Economy and balance the budget within ten years.In addition, it will employee Bahamians and create a landbase jobs like other nations around the world who are producing offshore oil and gas,
realitycheck242 6 years ago on Oil explorer’s $2.54m is ‘certainty we’ve craved’
Oil explorer’s $2.54m is ‘certainty we’ve craved’
We may have commercial quanties of oil in the Bahamas, "Trunp just approves sonic testing for oil on the US east coast from Maine to the Bahamas...Somthing Obama refused to allow. The environmentalist ga be Vex about this... see link…
bogart 6 years ago on Oil explorer’s $2.54m is ‘certainty we’ve craved’
Oil explorer’s $2.54m is ‘certainty we’ve craved’
DA ...BRE-X....OIL FELLA BEEN LIVING IN DA CABLE BEACH....YEARS AGO......AN DA COMPANY WAS DRILLI G FER OIL....IN ONE COUNTRY CROSS DA WORLD.....PEOPLE DERE WID UNDERWEAR AN BOWS AN ARROWS IN JUNGLE DERE..... GOOD BESTEST LUCK ON OIL DRILLING IN DA BAHAMAS.......personally best site might be by Clifton....da area by Carmichael rd by Church...da Eleutheraarea by storage......da area by Pinders Point......
Bahama7 6 years, 9 months ago on Drilling for oil in our waters is not smart
Drilling for oil in our waters is not smart
Norman - Take a read of the budget and smell the coffee yourself... you need to get in the modern world.
Drilling for oil (closer to Cuba than these shores) is smart when it will earn the Bahamas potentially billions in revenue.