Well_mudda_take_sic 5 years, 11 months ago on Police departures: Why the big deal?
Police departures: Why the big deal?
In other (more accurate) words, no pay in lieu of vacation time or pay for accrued vacation time without express written authorization in advance, and then only up to a maximum of four work weeks.
sheeprunner12 5 years, 11 months ago on Police departures: Why the big deal?
Police departures: Why the big deal?
Excess vacation should be treated just like casual leave ...... use it or lose it.
If you can only accumulate 15 weeks of vacation ........ and you opt to accumulate 60 weeks of vacation ........ Well you lose the 45 weeks!!!!
There must be order and accountability in the Government.
rawbahamian 5 years, 11 months ago on Two more killed in late night accidents
Two more killed in late night accidents
Bahamians not use to driving on multi lane roads but a lot of these same Bahamians can navigate a car on I-95 in Florida which has 6 lanes per side ! This is the stupidest statement I have ever heard uttered !!!
hrysippus 5 years, 11 months ago on No drinks, no phones driving laws pass
No drinks, no phones driving laws pass
birdieScream, you carry your license in your wallet or purse and not in the vehicle that you are driving. Sigh...….
thinkingbigin19 5 years, 8 months ago on Free tuition grades for university are revealed
Free tuition grades for university are revealed
You need to create incentives to do better than a 2.0! Scale it from 100% subsidized at 3.5 and scale it down from there so that the 2.0 may get a 75% subsidy. Stop rewarding mediocrity!!
Well_mudda_take_sic 5 years, 8 months ago on BPL blackout - the misery drags on
BPL blackout - the misery drags on
Only one person to blame - Minnis! And most of you got swing by him when you cast your vote for the FNM candidate in the general election back in May 2017. All of us would be better off voting for anyone but an FNM, PLP or DNA candidate. Always vote for the best independent candidate who runs in your constituency, and if no independent candidate is running then don't vote for anyone, period. We need to break the tyranny of the current corrupt party system.
jackbnimble 5 years, 5 months ago on Shanty legal fight: Smith warns govt cannot use Dorian to take away people’s property rights
Shanty legal fight: Smith warns govt cannot use Dorian to take away people’s property rights
This man needs a personal ‘Dorian’! Couldn’t hear sh#t from him after all his people got killed and he suddenly resurrects to talk about property rights? If I were the Government I would leave that sh#t pile right there for another ten years or take the land back by Compulsory Acquisition if he’s bad let him bring the papers to show their claim to it
Please-Sir 5 years, 2 months ago on Police: Drivers must abide by regulations to reduce traffic deaths
Police: Drivers must abide by regulations to reduce traffic deaths
The big problem is that there are no consequences for poor behaviour. If driving without a licence meant confiscation of vehicle and mandatory jail time, ditto driving without insurance; if speeding limits were rigorously enforced with licence forfeiture on a points-based basis; if drink driving led to jail time, no questions asked, no favouritism, improvement would be immediate. However, it seems there is no will, there is no fundamental desire to improve. You need leadership for that to happen, and there isn’t any.
hrysippus 4 years ago on BLOODY NIGHT: 10-year-old boy dies, two more kids shot and another man killed
BLOODY NIGHT: 10-year-old boy dies, two more kids shot and another man killed
In other news police officers were able mount a large operation that successfully removed a couple of dozen gummy bears with CBD from the streets. Does anyone else think that the state security apparatus is focusing on the wrong things?
KapunkleUp 2 years, 11 months ago on ‘Law must change to protect minors’
‘Law must change to protect minors’
Changing the legal age of consent is sidestepping the underlying issue. Obviously legal age had no impact on this case. We need laws that provide for prison time for the first offense.
tribanon 2 years, 7 months ago on My son didn’t have to die
My son didn’t have to die
Doesn't the Lyford Cay Clinic have a decompression chamber? If so, why didn't they rush him there?
K4C 2 years, 6 months ago on Murder victim was star student
Murder victim was star student
There is a lot more to this tragic event,
pro_test 6 years ago on How much is this ’frolic’ costing?
How much is this ’frolic’ costing?
WOW. He could actually produce figures. Too BAD if it was under their watch we wouldn't know this much, All we would see is them putting on weight.