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jasoncooper456 12 years, 8 months ago on 'Meet your promises, don't just spread propoganda'

Is the FNM serious? They are trying to call out a party for committing politics? The FNM is not safe from this accusation either. There really is no point to this, but to well spread propaganda themselves, which is hilariously ironic. For the FNM to talk about something, really the only successful thing they did with utilities as some form of evidence that they are free from criticism is just brazen. Point is no party can claim they have fulfilled all their promises around elections. Period. MY blog:

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spoitier 12 years, 8 months ago on Ingraham given no chance to tell House goodbye

I think Charles Maynard needs to keep quite, because everytime he talks he sounds more foolish. Do you think that the average Bahamian people are foolish to believe anything that a politician says, HAI set the bar by not allowing Mother Pratt and others to officially resigned, granted he is the former PM of the country that still doesn't means much because his statement to them was their not entitle to that, so the same thing to him. Another point is he can just wait until the house open up on the 25th to officially resign. Keep quite Maynard and let others speak because every subject you hit, the FNM recently did sometime similar.