BahamasForBahamians 6 years, 9 months ago on ‘We’ll tackle any illegal web shops’
‘We’ll tackle any illegal web shops’
Both of your comments are Bull$ht.
I assume you are both senior citizens sitting on your ass looking at the world as it USED to be.
If you purchase an item from eBay or Amazon - does it require Central Bank approval? No.. No matter the amount.
E-purchases have effectively and legally rendered exchange controls obsolete.
Secondly, there is no bank account required in 2018 for online gaming.
When you sign up - you purchase credits in your e-wallet similar to making a purchase on AMAZON or EBAY ... and your earnings can be collected from a prepaid credit card, cheque, deposit through paypal or another e-processor.
The 1990's impediments you guys describe is what the government would want you to believe in 2018... There are no restrictions.. Its the same way Going Places travel is now forced to complete with Expedia - while Expedia pays no taxes to the Bahamian government and it does not require a customer to "enter a bank" or "create a bank account" to execute a transaction.
You morons need a lesson on technology.
BahamasForBahamians 7 years, 1 month ago on DPM: 'Don't bully' Tax Department
DPM: 'Don't bully' Tax Department
These guys are dismal failures.
realitycheck242 7 years ago on BPL: Nine fail drug testing
BPL: Nine fail drug testing
This partially exposes the urgent need for updated marijuana laws in this country.Get with the times Bahamas, stop destroying peoples careers and families over a joint !
BahamasForBahamians 7 years ago on FNM MP warns: People are angry
FNM MP warns: People are angry
Politics aside the good reverend deserves commendation for speaking on his conviction and for the people.
BahamasForBahamians 7 years ago on Auditor reveals emails saying: ‘We need to deal with FNM cronies’
Auditor reveals emails saying: ‘We need to deal with FNM cronies’
I'm not sure Bahamians have an issue with this kind of thing.
Sh*t while the FNM are trying to distract us from the Oban deal with this story they are presently guilty of the exact same thing.
Even in this story.
They villiify the opposition for no-bid contracts yet E & Y was awarded this audit without any bids or any opportunity for a Bahamian firm to apply.
Marlon Johnson, the Finanicial Secretary was unilaterally selected, presumably because of his FNM-background (given that the man has no practical knowledge in the financial sector) without any signs of an open or fair recruitment or hiring process.
Adrian your party cant point fingers if you're complicit in the exact same thing and expect not to be judged.
Further - I'm not sure if Bahamians have an issue with this kind of thing. Bahamians helping Bahamians.
Every PM, Minister or MP has been on record to empower ones they consider supporters. It is how they get elected.
Oban (Peter Krieger, Kwasi thompson, James thompson, Zhivargo Laing) pledges campaign support in return for a rushed approval on an oil refinery deal.
Minnis returns the favor to his supporters with a Heads of Agreement committment and tax-concessions.
You're going to have a hard time proving an impropriety here (as the cases against Frank Smith and Shane are proving) when the controls and legal framework aren't in place... but the propensity to do the same is still there with the same begging supporters who feel they are entitled if their party is in government.
Let us remember - the only convicted case in this country is an FNM MCM Member related to BEC and faulty generators.
BahamasForBahamians 7 years, 1 month ago on Govt happy with Oban project
Govt happy with Oban project
This article is a clear indication that this government has lost its way and is obviously disconnected from the electorate.
It is very sad - less than 12 months into the term and it wreaks of the same deficiencies that plagued the last government.
When will parliamentarians ever get it?
Your allegiance is to the wider majority of Bahamians not just to the team of 35 that sits in Parliament nor The Cabinet team.
This is a government of resource so I'm sure they've seen the concerns - expressed by even some of their own supporters - on the feasibility and financing of this project.
Rather than embrace the concerns, this administration is determined to silence them.
Newsflash Hubert and Gang - We do not care if you guys are happy with the Oban team and their deal.
BahamasForBahamians 7 years, 1 month ago on PM dismisses Oban Energies concerns
PM dismisses Oban Energies concerns
This article is a clear indication that this government has lost its way and is obviously disconnected from the electorate.
It is very sad - less than 12 months into the term and it wreaks of the same deficiencies that plagued the last government.
When will parliamentarians ever get it?
Your allegiance is to the wider majority of Bahamians not just to the team of 35 that sits in Parliament nor The Cabinet team.
This is a government of resource so I'm sure they've seen the concerns - expressed by even some of their own supporters - on the feasibility and financing of this project.
Rather than embrace the concerns, this administration is determined to silence them.
Newsflash Hubert and Gang - We do not care if you guys are happy with the Oban team and their deal.
observer2 7 years ago on Auditor reveals emails saying: ‘We need to deal with FNM cronies’
Auditor reveals emails saying: ‘We need to deal with FNM cronies’
BahamasForBahamians, you make an excellent point. What is the difference between what is going on at the W&S and what is going on with the Oban project? There is no difference because Oban has been green lighted without an environmental impact study, without consultation with the people in east Grand Bahama, with no proof of funds or due diligence on the "cleanness" of the money for the project. We already know that the principals of Oban are not "blue chip" to say the least and have no experience in the oil and gas industry.
The PLP and FNM bring Commissions of Inquiry and forensic audits but at the end of the day nothing changes except we sink deeper and deeper into debt and corruption on both sides.
More importantly there is no effort to privatize water and sewerage, post office, Bank of the Bahamas, BEC etc. In any developed world country all of these services are performed by the private sector.
Secondly, there is no effort to change the structure of government so that the Executive Branch is not filled with politicians versus industry technicians like in all other developed countries. Example, what does Adrian know about water and sewerage? He is not an engineer, he is an lawyer. The same goes for Banister and BEC.
Thirdly, there are no changes to the legal structure of government to hold anyone accountable for anything. Campaign finance reform, freedom of information, local government etc.
So, my fellow Bahamians please expect this nonsense to continue when the PLP is returned to power 4 years from now. By that time Oban will be a complete mess.
observer2 7 years ago on Auditor reveals emails saying: ‘We need to deal with FNM cronies’
Auditor reveals emails saying: ‘We need to deal with FNM cronies’
Also BahamasForBahamians, the politician's flip once they are in power. Take for example D'Agular. When he was a director of Baha Mar he critized the new owners with statements I can't even repeat here. Now that he is the Minister of Tourism he says they are doing an excellent job.
In the meantime the original investor must be thinking to himself, what duplicity. He get swing.
hrysippus 7 years ago on Wreckage IS from crash plane
Wreckage IS from crash plane
Yep, how dare the government vilify this pilot just because he did not have a commercial pilots license and was flying commercially and crashed his plane killing several people. Next thing you know the government will expect all us drivers on the road to have a drivers license, or even all these businesses to have a business license.
proudloudandfnm 6 years, 11 months ago on Shock slump in Minnis’ support
Shock slump in Minnis’ support
The FNM definitely gets an F- in Freeport...
tetelestai 6 years, 11 months ago on Shock slump in Minnis’ support
Shock slump in Minnis’ support
Porcupine, you do realize we can only elect who is presented to us, right? It's not as though we can "write in" votes for a leader. So, if we are choosing the worse of two evils, how is this situation the people's fault?
proudloudandfnm 6 years, 11 months ago on Shock slump in Minnis’ support
Shock slump in Minnis’ support
Yep. Freeport has a contunuing problem with poorly vetted investors. Ginn gone. Pegasus was just criminal. Associated Grocers built an 8 million dollar warehouse and never even moved in. Princess properties abandoned. Our Lucaya abandoned. Even Pirates of the Caribbean pulled out a full year early.
And the first big deal the FNM made was with a convict, a guy who faked his resume and a car/boat salesman....
The trend continues....
BahamasForBahamians 6 years, 11 months ago on Minister suggests biometric solution to immigration issues
Minister suggests biometric solution to immigration issues
Wait what.
Why is he, in his official capacity, speaking on immigration issues?
...especially given the fiasco surrounding his election to office and its legitimacy from an immigration perspective.
Frankie X is ridiculous having admitted that his mom was an illegal immigrant who hid in graveyards to avoid the maintenance of law and order in a sovereign Bahamas.
joeblow 6 years, 11 months ago on Minister suggests biometric solution to immigration issues
Minister suggests biometric solution to immigration issues
Not sure what Immigration matters have to do with Road and Traffic issues, but that aside biometrics are a good idea and should have been implemented decades ago, but I believe we should have DNA testing as well. Especially for those who claim to have Bahamian fathers, starting with Mr Campbell!
stillwaters 7 years ago on Left in limbo: Locked in Fox Hill three years ‘without charge’
Left in limbo: Locked in Fox Hill three years ‘without charge’
Anytime you hear these parents saying 'I know he is not perfect' , that's a bad ass child they brought up. Only one other place for him, maybe Sandilands, but please not back into this community.
birdiestrachan 6 years, 9 months ago on D’Aguilar: Govt won’t move on web shop tax
D’Aguilar: Govt won’t move on web shop tax
perhaps the web shop owners can invest their money into wash houses and import duty free washing machines. It is a good idea to invest in other arears. Airlines is another good idea.
Well_mudda_take_sic 6 years, 9 months ago on 70 percent against tax rise in survey
70 percent against tax rise in survey
Repost: The current Minnis-led FNM government are just as spendthrift as the last corrupt Christie-led PLP government. This is evidenced by the simple fact that the proposed 2019/20 budget does set out any detailed plans for the implementation of desperately needed austerity measures to address the grossly over-bloated size of our public services sector. Turnquest and Minnis have elected to take what is for them the easy road of imposing new taxes, rather than take the hard and politically painful road of significantly reducing the size of our largely non-productive civil work force in the shortest time possible notwithstanding the resulting civil and political unrest that would surely (and must) follow. We would be crazy to feed the Minnis-led government additional tax dollars before they demonstrate to us a sustained meaningful effort on their part to reduce rather than grow the size of the public services sector. All of our 7.5% VAT dollars went towards bigger government in an effort to buy political support as opposed to reducing our annual deficits and national debt. And we are now at the end of the road and can ill-afford to make that same mistake again. Cabinet must start tightening the belt in a most serious way - there are no other sensible options, period!
hrysippus 6 years, 9 months ago on Dames: ‘No reason to feel unsafe’
Dames: ‘No reason to feel unsafe’
I remember that crooked old hypocrite Bernard Nottage saying the same thing as he travelled around in his chauffeured limousine wearing a bullet-proof vest and carrying a hand gun. I wonder what sort of character this ex-policeman is? Does he carry a hand gun? Does he too wear a bullet-proof vest? Does he ride easy in a chauffeur driven limousine? It would be so refreshing to have a cabinet minister who is not a hypocritical lying self-serving Waste of space.
BahamasForBahamians 6 years, 10 months ago on Gibson insists water contract was clean
Gibson insists water contract was clean
Perry's first term was in excess of 15 years ago.
Since then there are many qualified Bahamians whose ability to lay pipes and build roads are ABOVE market standard.
If your only argument to defend this clear case of corruption, cronyism and nepotism is the fact the HOTMIX HAD A MONOPOLY on road works nearly a decade ago your tribune242 screen name should PROUDANDLOUDASSHOLE
There is no reason BRENT SYMONETTE should've received this contract having submitted a bid almost DOUBLE that of the runners-up whose company has been passed the trial and test of public works.
This contract is not in the best interest of The Bahamian people and on the surface its benefits only span to Brent $100m Symonette and Adrian Gibson who - after this contract signing - may have cleared his first $1m.