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rkey62 11 years, 7 months ago on Businessman shoots would-be robber

Happy to read this story !! Need more like it. Need to shoot all these S.O.B. Criminals. We need to give hand gun licenses to the good people of this Bahamas land.

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paul_vincent_zecchino 11 years, 7 months ago on Businessman shoots would-be robber

DOJ/FBI crime statistics tell the tale: More guns in the hands of law abiding citizens reduce crime.

Gun controls, on the other hand, increase crime by shifting the balance of power to the criminal who is then able to prey freely on disarmed, defenseless citizens.

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paul_vincent_zecchino 11 years, 7 months ago on Businessman shoots would-be robber

Agree, Sir. Thirty years of relaxed gun laws in many states in America have resulted in a drop in crime, as criminals know that citizens can now defend themselves.

A few more valiant men such as this store owner defending themselves against the bad guys, and the rest of them will get the idea: perping on honest citizens is dangerous.

Florida Concealed Carry Permits and firearms ownership stand at record highs, while crime stands at record lows.

By comparison, in Chicago, crime is rampant because criminals know the law abiding citizens are defenseless.

Want more crime? Pass more gun laws. Want less crime? Give citizens their gun rights and have more guns.

It may sound strange to some, but life often works in a counterintuitive way.

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CRock 11 years, 7 months ago on Businessman shoots would-be robber

I will say this:

I live in the USA and we are VERY grateful to have the right to carry a firearm to defend our safety. My wife and I both carry a sidearm daily. As I say I would rather have a gun and not need it,than to not have one and need it. "I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6"

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superUser 11 years, 7 months ago on Businessman shoots would-be robber

You would need to have the law changed then, because shotguns are only licensed for hunting pigeons and must be kept unloaded and locked away in a gun safe whenever you are not on a hunt - and ofcourse hand guns are totally illegal (unless you know someone special).

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Bahamianpride 11 years, 7 months ago on Businessman shoots would-be robber

It is time for Law Abiding, honest, hard working Bahamian Citizens to be given the right to carry hand guns, including concealed hand guns. At this point U cannot wait or depend on Police Protection. If they can shoot A Police Supt. at his home, nothing is secure...

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Bahamianpride 11 years, 7 months ago on Officer in hospital after robbery bid

I am a Cop, ThisisOurs this is how it works.. Lets look at Police response to incidents.. If u call the Police your call goes to the Dispatch Center, they have to process whats going on and hopefully a unit is in the area, if not lets just say it takes a minimum of 5 to 10 minutes to get much needed critical assistance...Lets say response time for RBPF is double what I quoted u r dead in either situation...The problem is these guys are not just taking the merchandise and leaving, they are killing and raping... People who own firearms should be honest hard working Bahamians of sound mind, who also undergo back ground investigation and training...I now live in he U.S and I can tell u I have a shot gun and a Pistol and so do many of my neighbors. We are responsible people, but we also understand that each of us need to protect ourselves and Our family... I have lived in this neighborhood for a while and have never heard one of my neighbors shot anyone or produce a firearm, but I know if they need too its there... The criminals have Guns and U have none is that fare... Try a baseball bat vs hand gun and see how that works..

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SP 11 years, 7 months ago on DPM: No one safe

"Mr Davis said Bahamians, from all walks of life, need to come together to help in the fight against crime"

Shut the hell up Davis and you and your government get off your ass's and do what has to be done to get a handle on the crime situation.

What is so damn hard and allusive for the PLP & FNM to implement simple strategies i.e.:

1) Build low cost wooden low security cell blocks for prisoners incarcerated for stupidity such as being caught in possession of personal use drugs to make room in maximum security for serious offenders. Or better yet follow the rest of the world and make personal use drug possession a misdemeanor offense punishable with a minimal fine. Through out Hubert Ingrahams stupidity.

2) Close the bail revolving door. Change the bail act immediately and round up all the jackass's out on bail for serious offenses.

3) Carry out the law relating to death sentences for serious crimes. Give the middle finger to the Privy Counsel, and do what the hell needs to be done to get criminals attention. Put the animals to sleep! Works exceedingly well in Singapore, China and everywhere else.

4) Stop talking and start doing. We do not care to hear any more excuses. Get it done, or get the hell out of the way and allow those with the fortitude to do so.

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TalRussell 11 years, 7 months ago on Anti-crime campaigner hopes more parents will be arrested

When a well-to-do family member who steals $100,000 from work and they take it home, will you want the policeman's to also arrest the entire household family, if the proceeds are found on the premises? Or is this just for the poor folks? Why hasn't all these outspoken Comrade Preacherman's, been asking the police the arrest the families of all those whose great fortunes are well known to have come from the proceeds of crime? I guess it all comes down to the size, ya go'in toss in the Sunday morning collection plates?

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ThisIsOurs 11 years, 7 months ago on Deputy PM hits back at Turnquest over crime record

"No social strata is immune to crime", hmmm.... well that is exactly what I thought you meant, and I find it very insulting. A few months ago, apparently when you thought only the lower strata were affected, you and your colleagues were grinning in the House at how well Urban Tenewal was working, BJN had a brilliant smile as he gave the crime report. Today, when you realize you are no better than us, we should all be concerned and pitch in. It smacks of a sense of entitlement and privilege that is unbecoming of persons who pledged themselves to serve the people. I await Halkitis' statement regarding no social strata being immune to the rape of the public treasury and rising debt.

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ThisIsOurs 11 years, 7 months ago on Deputy PM hits back at Turnquest over crime record

Urban Renewal..though I guess it wouldn't matter if it were called Tenewal since it does not begin to touch what urban renewal actually means.

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banker 11 years, 7 months ago on Archbishop speaks out over lawsuit

I love your "Comrade Shtick". My Twitter followers think that it is hilarious. But getting on topic, the school system was never a democracy. Teachers ruled. The whole idea was learning through discipline and obedience -- something that most Bahamian youth do not have. In my day, the teacher's word was the rule, and if you disobeyed, you were punished. It was the social paradigm and it instilled law and order in the school and in the fabric of Bahamian society. Societal institutions such as the church, and the church run schools can operate in whatever way they wish, and if you don't like it, vote with your feet -- leave. Too many of our young people think that laws and rules are for other people, and the Ten Commandments are the Ten Suggestions. It's about time that these young people learned collectively that there is always a higher authority in life that must be obeyed. And our parliamentarians will eventually learn that as well.

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Bahamianpride 11 years, 7 months ago on Firm says its Nassau route 'unsustainable'

The problem is the Government is to big & there is just too many people stealing money.. Then u have poor planning & incompotence on many levels.. Many of services provided are ran poorly or would be better if privatized and ran by Good Bahamian Businessmen.. Politicians want it this way to keep jobs for Government employees which equals political votes and power..then when money run low the public is punished with excessive fees paying double the price for goods and service because of higher taxes.. Capitalism and ecotourism is one the long term solution to this big Government mess, but investment must be made in getting ownership of land and changing mentalities. Otherwise the Government will continue to destroy its own people with massive inflation, doing further harm to the poor ..

7 Vote

banker 11 years, 7 months ago on PM says he ‘can’t wait’ for stem cell debate

Quote Christie: "I want them to tell me about all those FNM politicians who does be down at Nygard house."

This is our Prime Minister? How embarrassing. He is illiterate!

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ThisIsOurs 11 years, 2 months ago on Bahamas could benefit 'from family planning'

Good message. Of late, little boys and girls in cute little outfits seem to have become badges of honour, but how are those children treated otherwise? Are they helped with their homework? Are they accompanied on their playtime? Are they taught life lessons and interpersonal skills? Are they given a good education and fed properly? Are they protected? OR are they only useful as ornaments, a nuisance when we're busy, abused in the name of spare the rod. Dr Nottage is speaking truth (ex abortion), all sexually reproductive individuals need to think seriously about the challenges of bringing a child into this world. How much hard work, patience, sacrifice, intelligence, time and money will be needed for the next 20yrs in order to prepare that child to walk alone in this world.

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ThisIsOurs 11 years, 2 months ago on Government approves BEC double dipping

Yes we've had the discussion before. My stand, NIB is insurance against lost wages due to sickness. The intent of the plan is clear. If an employee has not lost wages and they claim the benefit in my estimate, that is fraud. You may call it a twilight-zone government approved loophole.

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dondem23 11 years, 2 months ago on Government approves BEC double dipping

I don't like the implications of this. There are (reportedly) 24,000 government employees who double dip and I do mean 'double dipping'. Our NIB insurance is intended to supplement/ mitigate against employers having to pay employees - that's why employers pay 5.8%. It is also intended to support or provide a hedge for employees who are sick, when (legitimate) deductions are made for sick leave.

If the ruling is to allow 'double dipping', then the question has to be what about the 50,000 private employees (not counting the 40,000 unemployed) who have been receiving reduced pay from their employers from inception? Is this the precedent we wish to establish? What are the implications for private sector employers? What do we now tell the private sector workers, who have been forced to apply for the NIB benefit to compensate for the deduction.

In other words, those of us in the private sector, who are basically paying the public servants, have to stand around and accept that we can only expect to (correctly) receive 100% pay while our public-sector counterparts 'double dip'.

Where is the equity? With this newly established precedent at hand, can we seek and claim our retroactive 'double-dipping' benefits?

I love my country and my fellow Bahamians to death but we cannot afford to allow greed and selfish inequitable behavior to continue to hold us hostage. We have a country to build and a hurting economy to sustain.


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banker 11 years, 2 months ago on 'How else can the Bahamas attract FDI?'

The Bahamas can attract foreign direct investment in the following ways:

  • Eliminate the cronyism, kleptocracy and influence peddling like the way that Snake Wilson built his fortune
  • Have a non-corrupt government
  • Have a robust economy and an efficient civil service to process business requirements such as licenses and work permits
  • Have competent, non-corrupt cabinet ministers
  • Diversify the economy
  • Have transparent governance and Freedom of Information
  • Not have criminals in the ruling political party
  • Have modern infrastructure
  • Have a global outlook
  • Have a convertible currency
  • Have a literate, honest workforce
  • Disband the PLP as a mafia-type of organisation
  • Have real patriots running the country for the good of the people instead of the criminal retards in the HOA
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rory 11 years, 2 months ago on Minnis: Tragedy could have been avoided if planes were working

Deuteronomy 21:18-21: If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother ... Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city ... And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die. <-- great book lol.

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concernedcitizen 11 years, 2 months ago on Minnis: Tragedy could have been avoided if planes were working

its also a case of poor or no birth control and making more babies then any GDP can absorb ,not unlike others in our region and something we are doing ourselves .The results are crime and poverty ..