
3 Vote

Grillup 11 years, 9 months ago on FNM deputy slaps PLP MP in House

He said ......she said................ But they all do nothing.

6 Vote

B_I_D___ 11 years, 9 months ago on ‘Unions must fight for BTC’'s a real b*tch working for a private company and not a government run employee slush house. You mean BTC is actually expecting WORK out of their staff?? Unbelievable!! Government never made them work, so why should you? Please...get on with your work. Just because CWC are actually holding the staff accountable to the contracts laid down and worked out by the UNION, they are going to start making noise. The ONLY reason for any government run utility is to house employees that would not be employable elsewhere in the industry and for political gain.

6 Vote

banker 11 years, 2 months ago on Tourism ‘still good’ despite crime spike

Reminds me of the story of the guy who fell off a skyscraper. As he passed every window on his way down, the folks at each window heard him say "So far, so good!".

2 Vote

HarryWyckoff 11 years ago on Minnis: If you reject 'no' vote, then call a general election

Oh, and Ms Turnquest needs to check a dictionary when writing articles... I don't think unanimous means what she thinks it means.

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CANDACESCOTT 10 years, 10 months ago on Bran: I don't feel safe in the Bahamas any more

That being said, while I hate the idea of the death penalty, I fully support the idea of sweating the small stuff. Fine people for minor infractions - no helmets on motorcycles, running red lights, speeding, reckless driving, etc. If the public knows that they're being watched closely and will most likely be punished for something small, then someone larger is bound to cause even larger punishment.

I AGREE WHOLE HEARTEDLY....something needs to be done urgently!

2 Vote

newcitizen 10 years, 10 months ago on Bran: I don't feel safe in the Bahamas any more

God doesn't choose the Prime Minister. Bahamian citizens do. Maybe thinking God has a say in it is why we are in such a mess with our governments.