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nationbuilder 12 years ago on ACCORDING TO ME: Suicide, depression and some facts

This person's statement above is potent evidence of why ms. turner's article is so very needed - the ignorance about this subject is so high that it is frightening given the amount of people who need help and understanding about what they are going through. Thank you so very much ms. turner for this article!!!

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goodread 11 years, 11 months ago on Lack of training blamed for police brutality

Police Brutality can also be verbal/emotional abuse. Everyone who comes into contact with the police is NOT a criminal and they dont seem to realize that. Some officers dont know how to do something as simple as speaking sensibly to law abiding citizens so I am not surprised at physical abuse claims. Much more training is needed, DESPERATELY. From personal experiences, a minor infraction such as a blown brake light can lead to high powered machine guns being pointed in your face and being addressed with foul language. When has it become the place of an officer to make rude comments about an individual's choice of fashion (muscle shirt) at a routine traffic stop or to advance upon your female companion? The lack of professionalism on the police force disgusts me!

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concernedcitizen 11 years, 11 months ago on Lack of training blamed for police brutality

we are a violent people ,we discipline our children w/ violence , we lose our tempers and shout at them and hit them ,this teaches force as a way of conflict resolution ..the U/S murder rate is 4 for 100,000 ours is 27 for 100,000 thosand ,,,violence begets violence ,why do we expect our police not to be violent ,they were beaten and slapped as kids and taught that violence gets results ,,

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ScaredinNassau 11 years, 11 months ago on Lack of training blamed for police brutality

So what you are saying is that if other countries do it, it's acceptable for the Bahamas??

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Ironvelvet 11 years, 11 months ago on Further criticism of Carifta internationally

I was wondering if this would make it to the newspapers at home, glad it did. Well...embarrassing, but true. I and many others have been saying it, Bahamian media needs a mass overhaul. That goes for television and newspapers. However, nothing will happen because mediocrity is something we all accept in our beloved county. Does pride in one's work and concern for reputation matter anymore?

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banker 11 years, 11 months ago on Further criticism of Carifta internationally

Why should Bahamians try harder at anything. As Homer Simpson says, trying anything is the first step to failure. We are quite satisfied with mediocrity. It is accepted with the same acquiescence as our directionless moral compass and our apathy about improving our lot in life. Bahamians honesty believe that they are never going to be better than what they are now, or have more than they have now. So who gives a hoot about excellence?

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BeachBoy 11 years, 11 months ago on Muslim who stepped out of RBDF ranks during prayer wins case

Good for him. Despite Freedom of Religion being enshrined in the Constitution, it's all too often assumed that everyone in the country is Christian. It's nice to have a reminder that our population contains believer (of all religions) and non-believers alike.

The next step is to have an official separation of Church and State - the government has an obligation to represent every citizen, regardless of their religious and/or spiritual beliefs. They should never advocate one belief system over another, implicitly or explicitly.

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concernedcitizen 11 years, 11 months ago on UPDATED: Explosions hit Boston Marathon - four Bahamian runners safe

4 people in 100,000 in the U/S die of homocide ,27 in 100,000 die of homocide in the Bahamas ,,the likely hood of you being killed by violent homcide of any kind is about 6 and 1/2 greater in the Bahamas ,,geez

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CAFS 11 years, 11 months ago on UPDATED: Explosions hit Boston Marathon - four Bahamian runners safe

Your comment is ridiculous. You refuse to go to the US since 9/11? My dear, this could happen anywhere. You have a higher chance of being hit by a car in Nassau than being affected by a terrorist attack in the US. Also, keep in mind that the US has dealt with things far more serious than this and is usually up and running the next day. It's not the Bahamas--they're equipped to deal with this, so the shutting down you speak of is far-fetched

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ADubbs 11 years, 9 months ago on An end to discrimination - except over sexuality

What an IDIOT. Let's wait for loads of complaints come in. Let's encourage people to discriminate based on sexual orientation by INTENTIONALLY leaving it out. How does that make sense?! The leaders of this country REFUSE to be precautionary rather than reactionary. This is why we never get anywhere. This is why there is so much hate in this place. This is why people are suffering. I hope people don't forget to discriminate against her for being utterly STUPID. There's no law against that, right?

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UserOne 11 years, 9 months ago on An end to discrimination - except over sexuality

Idiot, is right. She has made her own prejudices clear in this regard. To omit ANY group of people when you are talking about discrimination is so appalling, I just can't find the words to express it. She sees no discrimination here. How about the rampant homophobia that causes the suicide rate among adolescents to be highest among those with a homosexual orientation? I don't suppose she cares about statistics like that.

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cargyvr 11 years, 9 months ago on An end to discrimination - except over sexuality

Sickening! The rampant discrimination in this country is shameful. Gay, foreigners, non-Christians. Where does it end? Can we single out any other group? Christie needs to put a lid on some of his talking heads. The verbal diarrhea from people in high places needs to stop. They are further fracturing a country already in trouble.

This country is going nowhere if they continue.

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concernedcitizen 11 years, 9 months ago on An end to discrimination - except over sexuality

the strangest thing is we have had gay people in very high places ,need i say one heart attack away from the leadership ,,but its just like the numbers thing ,these so called christians think they fooling their God ,,,,,so very strange that some of these politicians will lie about who they are for the church vote ,when half the revs sweet heartin or gay ,,i guess they god blind ,,,this is a joke ,,end all discrimination

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concernedcitizen 11 years, 9 months ago on An end to discrimination - except over sexuality

the strangest thing is we have gay preachers and politicians peddling homophopic rhetoric ,,,,,,,,,,,,

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Tarzan 11 years, 9 months ago on Delays after US diplomat is robbed

Anyone who persists in making this a PLP versus FNM issue is missing the point. This is a national crisis. There are emergency steps that can be taken to get this under control. So far the current government has done precisely NOTHING but jawbone. This is something that commands a "war footing" and should take precedence over every other one, of the many serious problems facing the Bahamas. There are a plethora of police experts who could be called in to recommend programs that could be initiated immediately to stop this wholesale crime wave in its tracks on an emergency basis. There are new laws required. We have a parliamentary system where the party in power can take those steps. There are no excuses. In the past this has been a difficult balancing act between individual liberty and civil rights on the one hand, and public safety on the other. It is no longer a cause for a balancing act. Public safety needs to be imposed whatever the temporary cost to our civil liberties or there will be no civil society left.

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ThisIsOurs 11 years, 9 months ago on Delays after US diplomat is robbed

Chile don't need to look at people who bought their citizenship to find Bahamians who don't share love of country as did our forefathers.

You gat a bunch of them sitting in a big building on Bay Street for much of the year. They are out for themselves and their friends and they have told us so many times over in less than 1 year. They do not love this country

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ADubbs 11 years, 9 months ago on 'I have been discriminated against for my sexuality'

EVERYONE deserves to be protected. We, as a people, should NOT stand for the absolute FOOLISHNESS and LIES being spewed by the idiots we are sorry to call "leader" of this country. How idiotic to say that we should EXCLUDE a group of people because there are no formal complaints from them. And we KNOW that THAT is a BIG, STINKING LIE.

Good job, Erin Greene! Thank you for speaking up!

I would love to see what dumb ish Maynard-Gibson has the balls to respond with.

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ThisIsOurs 11 years, 9 months ago on Delays after US diplomat is robbed

Fortunately/unfortunately we live in a free country and a Bahamian can say anything they want to say. You will have to look for some other criteria on which to spread jingoistic rhetoric.

We are creeping dangerously towards a 70% debt to GDP ratio. I'm not an economist but I know enough to know that this is crisis time. I am not suggesting that some other country does the job for us, but I would not take our history as evidence of how good a job we are capable of in the future.

Which oil fields have we ever managed? Do you think you could get a team of Bahamians to plug a ruptured oil well 1600ft under water?

Look reality in the face. You have fine notions about how far Bahamians go can go. But to get anywhere you have to be brutally honest about where you are.