Abaconian 8 years, 6 months ago on Constitutional Referendum updates: Results coming through
Constitutional Referendum updates: Results coming through
I will be embarrassed and ashamed of my country if we vote NO.
Economist 8 years, 6 months ago on Constitutional Referendum updates: Results coming through
Constitutional Referendum updates: Results coming through
The no vote will just hasten the downward spiral of the country.
Backward thinking of Bahamians is why the economy is so bad and this proves that it will get worse.
But you can't expect much from a grade "D".
Publius 8 years, 6 months ago on Constitutional Referendum updates: Results coming through
Constitutional Referendum updates: Results coming through
Former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham is pictured after voting today. He reportedly said he had voted “Yes” to all four bills.
That's what a national leader is supposed to do on a matter of national import, say what he or she has done.
OMG 8 years, 6 months ago on Constitutional Referendum updates: Results coming through
Constitutional Referendum updates: Results coming through
The no result is and unbelievable result showing ignorance and selfishness beyond reason. The paranoia stirred up by the pastors and no campaigners has succeeded in denying so many men women and children of their rights , unlike most other countries.
Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 6 months ago on ‘People are cynical towards politicians’
‘People are cynical towards politicians’
This pudgy small minded corrupt man with the short stubby grubby dirty yellow sticky fingers needs to take a hard look at himself in the mirror. He personifies the very reason why Bahamians have little to no faith in their politicians today, especially one like himself!
BMW 8 years, 6 months ago on Silence on plan to stop killings
Silence on plan to stop killings
They do not have a plan. We need foreign police from top on down plain and simple!
Regardless 8 years, 6 months ago on Web shop jobs to beat Atlantis in ‘2-3 years’
Web shop jobs to beat Atlantis in ‘2-3 years’
...the difference is that the casinos derive their revenue from foreigners and not the food off the table from locals.
Publius 8 years, 6 months ago on BPL ‘clamping down’ on light bill duckers
BPL ‘clamping down’ on light bill duckers
Funny thing is, the same Bahamians who yell "privatize it" get mad when they are made to make good on their arrears. They seem not to understand that once the government is no longer managing it, it might actually have a chance of being run like a business - which means pay or no way.
lkalikl 8 years, 6 months ago on Miller: BPL deal was a mistake
Miller: BPL deal was a mistake
F$%^ Leslie Miller and f$%^ the motherf$%^ing PLP!
ohdrap4 8 years, 6 months ago on Wilchcombe: We are all to blame for crime levels
Wilchcombe: We are all to blame for crime levels
the copy desk made a mistake:
We Are All To Blame For Crime Levels
should read:
We, the PLP, Are All To Blame For Crime Levels
Calypso 8 years, 6 months ago on Miller: BPL deal was a mistake
Miller: BPL deal was a mistake
If we keep politicizing these situations we will get NOWHERE. When will Bahamians learn that the only way to facilitate meaningful progress and change is through COOPERATION. It does not matter who comes up with the idea so long as the idea advances all Bahamians together. Our MP's act like children and it is a sickening reality that cannot continue!
lkalikl 8 years, 6 months ago on Mother Pratt in Facebook fraud alert
Mother Pratt in Facebook fraud alert
How f$%^ing stupid are these people! F$%^ the motherf$%^ing idiotic PLP!
DillyTree 8 years, 6 months ago on Mother Pratt in Facebook fraud alert
Mother Pratt in Facebook fraud alert
When it comes to getting their hands on money, there's no end to the stupidity of people!
Just ask yourself, why the hell would Mother Pratt be sharing any money with you to begin with? And if she already knows you, why does she need your contact information again?
This is so telling of the intelligence of our voters out there....
concernedcitizen 8 years, 6 months ago on Mother Pratt in Facebook fraud alert
Mother Pratt in Facebook fraud alert
Teifs tryin to teifs from teifs ,,,Can you believe someone gets paid from our taxes to be urban renewels face book analysis ,,I swear you can,t make this shit up
banker 10 years, 6 months ago on Lady Pindling's tax bill paid in full
Lady Pindling's tax bill paid in full
Take your pills and return to your bed in Sandilands, and the babbling will stop. May God Bless You and Cure you of your blindness.
ThisIsOurs 8 years, 6 months ago on PM: It’s time to vote YES
PM: It’s time to vote YES
Why don't they let people vote in peace already??? If you hold a referendum so "I" can voice my opinion, then don't tell me how I should vote or make me feel guilty for voting either way. Enough already. And for God's sake don't show up in any vote X shirts outside the polls watching people.