
5 Vote

alfalfa 8 years ago on Dorsett calls protest organisers ‘arrogant’

Why is it arrogant when the people peacefully protest the mismanagement of the country by the PLP? Would Mr. Dorsett call the protest by the people in the Burma Road riots, and the throwing of the mace out of the house, arrogant? I don't think so. It is only OKAY when the PLP protest. What a crock of s--t.

6 Vote

Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 2 months ago on BPL’s elite list 'just a privilege'

Here are just a few of the secret lists for privileged elites that should be made public:

  1. The "do not disconnect" BPL/BEC list
  2. The "do not trouble" for non-payment of VAT list
  3. The "do not trouble" for non-payment of Business License fees list
  4. The "do not penalize" for non-payment of Real Property Tax list
  5. The "do not disconnect" Water & Sewerage list
  6. The "do not trouble" for non-payment of Customs Duty list
  7. The "do not pay stamp duty" on property transactions list
  8. The "giveaway Crown Land" list
  9. The "lease my property to government" for outrageous rental income list
  10. The "my free money from Bank of The Bahamas" list
  11. Etc., etc. etc. ....list after list, after list!
1 Vote

DonAnthony 1 year, 6 months ago on CORPORATE TAX PLAN REVEALED: Govt favours proposal of 10-12 percent rate for most businesses

I agree, this is very good and will lead to a fairer tax regime. Some companies now ( like grocery stores and gas stations) that have high turnover but low profit margins pay a huge percentage of their profits in business license fees. In some instances they pay more in business license fees than the company earns in net income.