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sheeprunner12 6 years, 9 months ago on Glenys demands: Were we misled?

Ok, Glenys, let's talk real talk........... You served in a Cabinet that was a cornucopia of crooks ......... smh

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sheeprunner12 6 years, 8 months ago on Trump: US, allies attacking Syria to stop chemical weapons

Don't know what world you have been living in ...... USA has been meddling in governments from the days of Teddy Roosevelt in Cuba and Puerto Rico ...... to Israel ....... to Vietnam ...... Who orchestrated the election of Hubert Ingraham?????

So, if the USA would not remove Assad, that is a political decision beyond the SEALs .... and it has little to do with the Syrian civil war.

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sheeprunner12 6 years, 8 months ago on BPL unveil job cuts

The Government will make headway with BPL ........ Bannister is a bulldog Minister.

The Unions might as well accept this fact and shutup and prepare for downsizing......... Too much deadweight, overheads and national financial liabilities for 1000 workers at a BROKE public entity.

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OMG 6 years, 8 months ago on BTC failure

Unbelievable company. Bills 2 months behind. Cut you off even if your credit limit exceeds the amount owed by $500 and raised the rate of $19.99 to $29.99 without my consent and now have raised it again to $59,99 without my consent or informing me. Bloody shambles.

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screwedbahamian 6 years, 8 months ago on Sex offender register by year’s end

Maybe the Bahamas Law will also include that any Foreign registered Child Sex offender be placed on the Bahamas Immigration stop list. Lets make a difference not only in the Bahamas but in the world.

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stillwaters 6 years, 7 months ago on Impossible policy to stop gaming

If they close down the web shops, people on this blog will lead the pack complaining about how this government is putting people out of work. Make up yall minds what it is you want!!!!!!Suck teet!!!!!

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bogart 6 years, 7 months ago on IDB: 20% NIB rates needed to avoid pension crisis



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Well_mudda_take_sic 6 years, 7 months ago on Web shops blast 'disparaging' call for tax increases

There you go again playing that tired old racism card. All you're doing is giving away your age. Younger Bahamians today (the under age 55 crowd) are not fooled by the evil ways in which elitist politicians manipulated our grand parents.

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bogart 6 years, 7 months ago on Turnquest defends VAT hike


HOW IN THE WORLD...?..... CAN FOR THE PREVIOUS FIVE (5) ?.....YEARS CAN A OPPODITION PARTY collrcting monthly salary, brnefits....REPRESENTING THE PEOPLE SITTING....ACROSS ....A THREE FEET .(3) ...WIDE TABLE...AND HAVING LAWYERS....OTHER PROFESSIONALS INCLUDING ...ACCOUNTANTS..former shadow Finance Minister.?.now PRESENT ....FINANCE MINISTER........ALLOW AND....get dis now BLAMING DEM..OTHERS IN GOVT...across 3 foot wide table....same room.....fer gross inefficiencies..????????.and a bunch of other tings.....!!!!!...WHILE THEY WERE ALL ACROSS THE SAME THREE 3 FEET WIDE TABLE....together.....supposeddly.. LOOKING.....out for the best interests of the BAHAMIAN PEOPLE IN .....RUNNING A NINE (9) BILLION DOLLAR ECONOMY...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........and in an environment of major global powers ...China and?.US...an EU..........

And despite FULL KNOWLEDGE ...of what is going on....ministries losing millions, ..monies wasted....AND NOBODY IS PUNISHED....NOTTIN CHANGE....they just gets voted out and ....those who sat at the same table. Did nuttin....now playing innocent ....an throwing all da blame on others .... SERIOUS REVISION OF THE GOVERNING SYSTEM REPRESENTATION OF THE PEOPLE NEEDS TO BE LOOKED AT WHERE HUGE MESSES ARE MADE AND IT TAKES ..?A NEXT ELECTION TO TRY AND CORRECT....if population lucky And .....NOW MUCH WORSER.......ONLY HAVING FOUR.....(4) OPPOSITION MEMBERS ...PAID TO OPPOSE AND SAY...SOMETING...AGAINST ....35 MMEMBERS ...ACROSS THE SAME THREE 3 FEET WIDE TABLE....?????.......THE REST OF THE POPULATION .........LESS THE ......SAME LEGISLATORS........JUS GETTIN GOOSIED....TIME AN TIME AGAIN....crazy talk bout the economy swing couple weeks ago...!!!

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ThisIsOurs 6 years, 7 months ago on Labour Day tragedy: PM gives national address (video)

@bogart I agree 100%. I've made so many mistakes over the years in any number of areas and you can just put yourself in someone else's shoes and imagine how in one second any one of those mistakes could have taken a turn for the worse. I empathisize with the gentleman, he is in trouble, I pray he's able to deal with the consequences of his actions, at the same time I sympathize with the families and friends who lost loved ones or have family members with serious injuries, possibly bread winners in the family.

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sheeprunner12 6 years, 10 months ago on Abaco suffers power crisis

Why does the Government not sell off each BPL island facility and let them privatise it??? ...... I will bet that a privatised Abaconian BPL facility will be more efficient than a public corporation that is burdened by Unions and deadweight workers. ...... at least think about it.

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Seaman 6 years, 10 months ago on Abaco suffers power crisis

Mad........The jokers at BEC tried to blame everyone in the PLP for the situation here in Abaco. I don't know where the PM head is ..........people are ready for war....The two people here talking for BEC are number one a$$ kissers....dumb as a bucket of rocks. just think ...I supported this lousy PM.....money and ground work.....went into the heartland of PLP country for him and the FMN.....and he sends two jokers who have all the wrong answers.

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juju 6 years, 10 months ago on Abaco suffers power crisis

MOST Abaconians are hard working people with a good thing going in a very special part of the Bahamas. Isn’t it so very sad that the few things that Abaconians look to the gov’t for, FAILS them? Security, safety, and electricity.... Gov’t has it’s hands full in Nassau,but please support the needs of our Family Islands Dr. Minnis.

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TheMadHatter 6 years, 10 months ago on DPM: 'Don't bully' Tax Department

He says ""We are going to have to look at that to ensure we don't cause significant shocks to..."

Sir, you don't have to "look at" anything. You ARE the Min of Fin. You can make a regulation that no property tax bill be more than double what it was the previous year. Then it would take 3 years to reach 8-fold instead of immediate. That would give "the people" (who's "time" it supposedly is) time to catch up instead of the valuation system being given time.

Which is more important? People? or Valuation System?

You have the power to decide.

4 Vote

hrysippus 6 years, 10 months ago on DPM: 'Don't bully' Tax Department

The taxman deserves every bit of bullying. He or she is a fiscal parasitic lackey secure in his or her government job living at the expense of every tax paying Bahamian. Constipated petty bureaucrats are the lowest form of social life, right alongside corrupt politicians and predatory pastors.

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Sickened 6 years, 9 months ago on Glenys demands: Were we misled?

I hope no-one crosses the floor. If anything they should go independent! To cross the floor and be aligned with Davis and his same old PLP is to shoot yourself in the temple (not foot).

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bogart 6 years, 10 months ago on DPM: 'Don't bully' Tax Department

Differences in govt valuation assessments from $10,000 to $82,000 plus, and $30,000 to $137,000. ......well...,,,..???? Simply tooooo big to not hit the roof..?

"Too often people believe they can go to the Press and Politicians and get them (the Department) to make adjustments."....."Thats how we get ourselves in trouble......".....free speech censored?....freedom of association...??...these are critical issues of DEMOCRACY at stake. If it was not for the politicians and press we would ......silll be be trying to get commerce restored......we would never get a change of government.....we would hav to put up or shut up..... people would tek bread outta we mouts......if it was not for the politicians...our MPs politivians standing up fer whats right.....dawg would eat we lunch....Incompetant people need to be fired.Of add places govt people need to add and subtract and value PROPERLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!