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hrysippus 7 years ago on What a stinker – daming report reveals extent of problems at WSC

Are Bad smelling contracts at Water and Sewerage, .. . . . .... Rank ministerial abuse of privilege? .. ... . . . ... These contracts for cronies just won't go away, . . . .... No matter what Davis or Mitchell might say, . . . ..... The plp cabinet look like a bunch of buffoons, . . . ... ... With the same amount of sense as that duck in Looney Tunes, . . ... Corruption in the government always leaves a trail, . . . .... .. That ends up with a minister applying for his bail, . . . ..... I for one think that if youre low-life scum, . . . . .. .... You deserve to be in jail when your trial is done.

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BahamasForBahamians 6 years, 10 months ago on Signed and sealed – Freeport jobs boost

Until we reduce the cost of energy in The Bahamas - articles like this will come and go without any real activity.

We cannot compete with countries who charge less than a fraction than we do for most expensive fixed cost in the tech sector, electricity. Additionally, we have archaic laws that deal with intellectual property and other tech related factors. When we see changes in that regard, then these Silicon Valley pipe dreams can actually come to fruition.

5 Vote

B_I_D___ 6 years, 9 months ago on Web shops facing taxation 'wipe out'

What blows my mind is that the people who play the numbers can't seem to grasp the concept that the money Flowers and Sebas are raking in is insane...it's not about 'everybody wins'...everybody loses...to the tune of a collective 100M+ per year if we assume Flowers saying he is in the highest bracket. The end game in any gambling organization is to WIN...you the public LOSE. What potential could come from having those hundreds of millions of dollars sucked up by the gambling houses, actually doing some good in the broader economy, buying tangible goods, buying homes, paying bills, etc, etc. Damn fools to be running numbers.

2 Vote

ThisIsOurs 9 years, 1 month ago on MP reacts to senator’s criticism of colleague

No one has torpedoed his reputation more than Dr Minnis himself. Unfortunately for him, no one ever wins the argument of I'm awful but they're worse so don't scrutinize at me.

If I were Minnis (and I'm not), and I wanted to redeem myself, I would ensure Duane Sands was always by my side. He may not be popular with the electorate but his responses always seem to be on point and appropriately timed. Whoever is advising Dr Minnis, and that includes Dr Minnis, is making a gigantic mess of the situation.

3 Vote

sheeprunner12 9 years, 1 month ago on MP reacts to senator’s criticism of colleague

I predict that Loretta Butler Turner will be the next leader of HM Opposition in the House of Assembly and the next Prime Minister of The bahamas after the next general election is called ............ either that, or we might as well kiss this country goodbye ...... I will vote for LBT and Brent ........ and I invite Greg Moss and Bran to get on board with the new movement to bring change to this country and get rid of the PLP and the FNM

4 Vote

proudloudandfnm 6 years, 12 months ago on Boys arrested after 'dangerous drugs' found at high school

Marijuana is not a dangerous drug. Now these young men will have a criminal record. Stupid. Legalize marijuana and stop making criminals out of people...

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concernedcitizen 6 years, 10 months ago on Signed and sealed – Freeport jobs boost

actually medium and small hotels are losing favour..Arbnb and home away is whats up .Who wants crappy service w an automatic 18%gratuity .Both Abaco and Exuma are being propelled by vacation home rentals to high end guest .On Exuma we are doing good as Bahamians renting them cars ,captain boats , having resturants ,fish fry etc ,,building the homes etc .managing them ,,and yes owning home and cottages to rent .Another question how come Abaco does well w high end second home owners and rich yacthees etc w out gov help and Grand Bahama sucks and cries for the government to do something .

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Tryin 6 years, 12 months ago on EDITORIAL: Passport Office a throwback to a bygone era

If you thing that is bad try going to the imergration office ,think how they treat non bahamians

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Dawes 6 years, 11 months ago on Doubling fisheries exports is 'most insane concept'

The minister is right we can double our exports if we do all this. Of course it also means that in 10 years or so we won't have anything left to fish, but that's someone else's problem and not ours. Those of us still here can just buy tilapia from China to make up the loss. At a guess even without trying to do all the minister is saying in 5-10 years we won't be eating conch like we were used to, and soon after other fish will follow.

1 Vote

hrysippus 6 years, 11 months ago on Full steam ahead for FOI act

The Freedom of information Act, . . . . . .... ... Is just a dream and not a fact, . . . . . . . . All that extra money lynden pindling got, . . . . .. . ... We will not ever find out where came by that lot, . . . . ....... And the millions he stashed abroad with the Swiss, . . . .. They a family favour not needing a kiss. . . . . . . ..... Corrupt govnent ministers have stolen so much, . . . . .
They have left our economy needing a crutch, . . . . .. .... Propped up with large loans from the IMF, . .... . . . To fiscal sanity pleas these jokers are deaf, . . . . . .. ... So passing this act will change nothing at all, . . . . . ... To alleviate the economic short-fall.

1 Vote

Dawes 6 years, 12 months ago on EDITORIAL: Passport Office a throwback to a bygone era

You were lucky. I was there most of the day last time and just as it was getting near to my number being called it reach 2.45pm and most of the staff left for school pick up and the place basically shut down for an hour. Yes i understand kids need to be picked up, but schedule it correctly. Also i have heard from friends who have citizenship from other nations that when they are getting a renewal they just have to send their passport off and it comes back in the post. Except for using the post over here (which would take years) why can't we do something similar. It's not hard to do right but at a guess it is all set up for the first reason you give, and that is pay offs, because if thats not the case, then we have some seriously intelligence challenged people setting these things up.

2 Vote

Well_mudda_take_sic 6 years, 11 months ago on Doubling fisheries exports is 'most insane concept'

Renward Wells seems to be in bed with either Beaver Street Fisheries in Jacksonville or Red Lobster throughout Florida, or possibly the Red Chinese in their homeland. Someone had better check on exactly who is buttering his bread these days!

4 Vote

OldFort2012 7 years ago on Don’t panic - EU’s ban won’t last long


The EU can tax our exports: what, lobsters? slow down access to the global financial system by our offshore financial industry: they have done it already through the blacklisting. They can't do it twice. put up barriers to the movement of people (both ways including tourism): how exactly? It is up to us who we let in, not them who they let out. And if they put up Visa requirements for Bahamians...so what? It's not like we all go to the EU every fortnight. In fact I would wager that 95% of Bahamians have never, nor ever will, go there.

3 Vote

joeblow 7 years ago on Don’t panic - EU’s ban won’t last long

The EU blacklisting is just another form of neo-colonialism designed to place never ending financial constraints on national development while using human rights and tax arguments to spread their globalist ideology. They are using financial pressure to create conformity to their view of what the world should look like and yes they believe it should look like them!

3 Vote

OldFort2012 7 years ago on Don’t panic - EU’s ban won’t last long

As usual, people here just do not get it.

Why has the EU blacklisted the Bahamas? Because of Brexit. The UK is leaving and now the main user of the Bahamas as a tax shelter (the UK) is no longer in the EU. The remaining EU nations have tax shelters of their own: Luxembourg, Malta, Cyprus. They naturally want the business to go to them and to keep the money in-house, so to say. Which is normal.

Therefore, whatever we do, obstacles from the EU will keep on appearing.

Our best interest is obvious: do whatever gets us the most business from the rest of the world. Forget the EU. Their aim is to keep their business in-house. Nothing we do will ever satisfy them as it is not satisfaction they seek. It is obstructionism they want.

2 Vote

Socrates 7 years ago on Don’t panic - EU’s ban won’t last long

hope for the best, but expect the worse... we need our people at the UN, who are living large in NY at our expense, to get in the huddle with the other despised States and see what we can do together, if only in a symbolic way, to push back. call it an act of aggression or something, but dont just sit on your ass and accept everything thats pushed in your direction.

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Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years ago on Don’t panic - EU’s ban won’t last long

Meanwhile there are huge backlogs in just about every government department, agency and corporation because of a bloated civil service choked with obese, illiterate and non-productive hires, including temporary workers, who owe their public paying jobs to corrupt politicians. Each is given a menial task that they take their own sweet time doing while tripping over one another, causing very costly serious delays at just about every point in all of the dysfunctional systems that frustrate taxpaying businesses and individual taxpayers virtually to death. Our average government worker spends two hours a day planning their lunch, another hour and a half eating it, a couple of hours of chit chatter and listening to radio talk shows with fellow workers, and an hour or two doing special favours for their own friends and family members (including friends and family members of politicians) while everyone else waits ever so patiently unless they are prepared to 'grease the system'. A truly pathetic state of affairs that has our country well on its way to bankruptcy!

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hrysippus 7 years ago on Don’t panic - EU’s ban won’t last long

Brutal but unfortunately accurate except that you left out the afternoon school run.