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EDITORIAL: Nygard lawsuit shows our failings as a nation

THE allegations against Peter Nygard are horrendous.

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DWW 2 years ago on Sebas: $6.4m Abaco dome contract leaves ‘bitter taste’

Once again, the wrong people making decisions in secret and we all get screw. When will the silo mentality of the Bahamas and the government change for the better. Maybe next time consult with the person's you intend to help/hurt before making these big decisions. Acting like an overlord from some dystopian movie is fit for Qatat but not the way it should be done in "sunny" bahamaland. Or are we still stuck in the corrupted 80s? Sebas can easily swallow a relatively small loss on a not so smart decision. LOL say service to the country, I bet he never done a single selfless act in his entire life. He should try it sometime.