pablojay 10 years, 4 months ago on Mitchell: Resistance exposes nation’s homophobia
Mitchell: Resistance exposes nation’s homophobia
If you had watched Fred Mitchell over the years, you would have noticed that he is very good at lecturing and very bad at answering questions, because he thinks himself to be the most intelligent Bahamian that ever lived . He speaks and walks off feeling that we are indeed very fortunate to have been able to see and hear him in person. and that his infallibility should not be questioned. Many of his constituents encourage this attitude, even in church. They were graced by his presence about two years ago in a baptist church,where he lectured them on the history of Fox Hill and he ended his lecture thus: '' In the words of Eric Minns, i want a Fox Hill gal when i get lonely, i want a Fox Hill gal every time i sing,i want to lose my heart to a gal from the eastern part,when i get married,she's the one who ga wear my ring" THEY APPLAUDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A boldfaced lie in church!
EasternGate 9 years, 2 months ago on FNM Deputy asks if we should rebuild after the hurricane
FNM Deputy asks if we should rebuild after the hurricane
It is time to be sensible. Stop spoiling Bahamians. We can not afford to administer some of these far flung Family Islands. In fact, the residents have been depopulating for years. As soon as children get old enough the abscond never to return, except for home commings
HarryWyckoff 10 years, 10 months ago on Mitchell: US could cut assistance over Bahamas stance on LGBT rights
Mitchell: US could cut assistance over Bahamas stance on LGBT rights
Christian values are only important to Christians who decided, against all common sense, scientific fact and everything else that is actually really real in the real world, to live their life worshipping a fictional character in the sky because they pay an organised business (read: church) every Sunday, and it gives them something to blame when the world doesn't go their way.
So this is relevant to human rights, how, exactly?