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TalRussell 3 years, 8 months ago on PI entrepreneur makes ‘let’s go PM’ challenge

Well, Comrade Toby Smith, it's the driller sludge oils that get leases renewed, extended, expanded, and left go unchallenged before Chief Justice. Comrade Sir Brian's courts.
This is not the time conciliatory tones complex, after intentionally, adversely targeted as a native principal of Paradise Island Lighthouse & Beach Club Company - rather should've been shoutin' to do whatever it calls doing rid the Realm of its incompetent 35 House-electeds' governance.

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ThisIsOurs 3 years, 8 months ago on Reverend arrested for 'offensive' allegations against Commissioner

True. Is libel something you get arrested or questioned by police for? Or do you just get a summons to appear in court? It does seem very Hitlerish. Perry Christie started this when he used the armed forces to threaten a song writer

I could see if the man threatened to kill someone, that's a different matter. I havent seen the notorious video, saying someone got paid this and that to look the other way or slept with so and so doesn't seem like something you'd arrest someone for. If that's the sum total of what was said it looks like we are headed in SS and Ton Ton Macoute territory.

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sheeprunner12 8 years, 9 months ago on THE BIG QUESTION: What would you do to solve the Cabbage Beach access problem?

Put the vendors in the National Training Agency 12 week boot-camp to teach them manners, cleanliness, honesty, work ethic, morals, etc ......... because the owners are tired of them making the Cabbage beach environment a nasty and unpleasant site for the tourists ....... that is what happen when "mentally unwashed" Over the Hill people are turned loose on a 5-star property/beach

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jackbnimble 8 years, 9 months ago on THE BIG QUESTION: What would you do to solve the Cabbage Beach access problem?

  1. If the access was "sold" "granted" or "promised" to the developer, then the Government must immediately get it back and retain it as a public right of way.

  2. If the vendors are the issue, then they need to go to training school.

  3. Have the beach manned by at least one officer. There should be sign posted that any harassment by the vendors is to be immediately reported and after the first warning the vendor will be put off the beach.

First and foremost, however, the access should NOT be closed.

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MonkeeDoo 8 years, 8 months ago on THE BIG QUESTION: What would you do to solve the Cabbage Beach access problem?

Well, I want to get to the beach at Simms Point ( Nygard Cay ) so they better get rid of that security gate at Lyford Cay entrance. Yeah, and I want to go swim at Old Fort Bay beach and I don't want anyone to be stopping me at any gate or asking me any questions. And I wouldn't talk about Albany - going there too. And I used to go camping at Long Beach at the east end of PI so they better get rid of that bloody gate at the Ocean Club Golf course and allow me to go across the property of all those damned expensive houses built right behind the high water mark. And why can't I get out to swim in the harbor like I used to at Prince George Dock by the cruise ships. ? Get rid of that security gate so I could go through please. And Arawak Cay want to se my driver's license before they let me through to go swim out there. Come now Government - open it ALL for we Bahamian people. Make Trespass lawful wherever the sea and beach has to be accessed. We gotta get our shit together Bahamas !

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Economist 8 years, 3 months ago on Vendors claim they are blocked from working on Cabbage Beach

“Three generations of vendors have been on this beach, for more than 60 years,”

Let's see now, the bridge was not built until 1968 , 48 years ago. With the exception of the Porcupine Club and Paradise Beach there were no public operations on HOG ISLAND in 1956 .....emmmmm..... 60 years....nope.

Certainly NOT on Cabbage Beach 60 years ago.

Beach vendors were in very, very small numbers in 1974. It was mainly the parasailing and other water sports, vendors in those days.

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Gotoutintime 8 years, 3 months ago on Vendors claim they are blocked from working on Cabbage Beach

I am a Bahamian but due to the fact that I am white I am considered to be a tourist by the Vendors---When I tell them, as politely as possible, that I am not interested in buying any of their wares I am cursed and ridiculed in the most offensive manner---This is in front of my wife & children---This is a great way to encourage our tourist trade---These people should not be allowed anywhere near the beach!

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TalRussell 8 years, 2 months ago on Vendors claim they are blocked from working on Cabbage Beach

Comrade Bogart, may I spare you the time to research when for over 30 years now I have seen street signs and signs on government buildings in Abaco, in the Haitian Creole, French language. Our own government's of prime ministers Christie and Papa Hubert, employs school teachers for Haitian Creole, French language classes.

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proudloudandfnm 8 years, 2 months ago on Beach vendor claims rejected by property owner

Why and how we ever allowed vendors on our beaches is beyomd me. Incredibly bad idea. Our beaches should be peaceful, a place to lie back and relax. Not hounded by vendors selling cheap chinese crap....

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Sickened 3 years, 8 months ago on ‘Don’t show leniency to COVID test fakers’

If you give the first fakers the maximum penalty then you are unlikely to have more people doing it. However, if you are lenient on the first fakers the chances of MANY more people doing it increases significantly.

For example, if the fine is only $75 then I'll certainly consider saving time and inconvenience and just cut and paste a new date on an old result.

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TalRussell 3 years, 8 months ago on ‘Don’t show leniency to COVID test fakers’

The same issue exists with using fake documents to accompany immigration applications.
Well, ever wonder, why it is that the authorities, never seem to put much effort into going after and charging the individuals who were paid the moneys' to forge the fake documents? Some individuals, could be using fake documents, innocently?

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John 11 years, 1 month ago on Bran's brother shot dead

How about having parenting school for some of these jungulist mothers? They need to learn that Clarks and play station and land belt and samsung galaxy doesn't necessarily mean good children

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bahamiandud3242 11 years, 1 month ago on Bran's brother shot dead

A woman was the instigator of this crime, the Bahamian women are becoming as corrupt as the men, maybe even more. The Bahamas is finished, especially Nassau.

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truetruebahamian 3 years, 8 months ago on The fragility of the monster

'Tis good to broaden your horizons and absorbing intelligent historical events that translate into the most important but least considered foundations of trade and enterprise today .

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sheeprunner12 7 years, 4 months ago on Miller says 'do it now' over death penalty plans

I am not against the Tribune interviewing these old PLP farts .......... I am amused at the fact that the Tribune does not seek to obtain OR rely on the official releases from the political party in question ....... You are too thin-skinned to comment here

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Economist 7 years, 4 months ago on Miller says 'do it now' over death penalty plans

The death penalty won't stop the murders.

Europe Union does not have the death penalty, the United States does. Texas alone has executed some 500 since the death penalty was reinstated.

See were the most murders are committed European Union vs USA.

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joeblow 6 years, 5 months ago on Greenslades put on a stylish show

When will he be recalled for colluding with the PLP for destabilizing the police force through unwarranted promotions before the last election?