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jamesg30 8 years, 11 months ago on Munroe: Flog the immigrants

Cuba is going to kick Bahamas ass and if we don't get our act together with what really is important, Haitains taking $5/hour jobs from not a Bahamian that would work for that amount is last on the list. Noise, noise, noise. Cuba is a very attractive location for the same tourists that Bahamas is trying to attract. What are we doing to impact their decision to come to Bahamas? Rip on the poor, cheap labor that is holding things together? Come visit our hideous and stinky downtown? Give them a tour of a $3.5B albotrous? Go over the bridge and have the U.S. Shopping mall and water park come to them in the Bahamas versus leaving their home. Such beautfiul assets this country has, but the pigs at the trough are too busy trying to eat and breath at the same time, and it impacts their ability to deal with the real issues. Flogging? Flog him. When was the last time he picked up a broom or a shovel? Ask your local Hatian. He/she will tell you.

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Baha10 6 months, 1 week ago on Bahamas last CARICOM member to recognise Palestine as a state

Why “buck heads” with the “powers that be” upon whom our Economy depends and from whom we seek assistance in times of disaster?!? Makes absolutely no sense … stay out of World Politics and focus selfishly on making decisions that will benefit The Bahamas. One thing is for sure when the next Hurricane decimates us, we don’t want to be told “Call Gaza”!