Franklyn Moore


3 Vote

Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years, 6 months ago on China proposes major Bay St. Redevelopment

If the Chinese love Christie so much, as he would have us believe, then let's tell our yellow friends we will give them Christie (by banishing him to China forever) in exchange for affordable and reliable electricity.

2 Vote

DonAnthony 10 years, 4 months ago on BEC bills won't show 25% oil price decline

Is there anyone who can save us from this incompetent moron? Mr. miller your excuse sounds like a little child telling their teacher that the dog ate their homework. Please grow up there are 5000 homes in this country without electricity because it costs too much. We are tired of excuses, my bill is sky high yet oil has fallen 25% in the last 4 months. So this fuel charge really is a sham, my surcharge has been increasing not decreasing! Get someone to run the company who can stand up for us, demand accurate fuel bills from shell or go to another supplier. We are tired of your pathetic excuses. Give us accurate lower bills or resign.

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JohnBuchanan 9 years, 8 months ago on Why Baha Mar filed for bankruptcy

This pathetic and simplistic, superficial explanation from "Sandy" Sands illustrates why he has become a laughing stock -- a joke -- to journalists in the Bahamas and the U.S. The two key facts he leaves out are: 1) The Chapter 11 process is based on the evidence showing that a company or venture is VIABLE going forward, based on the facts, and 2) If the entity is NOT deemed to be viable (lacking funding, being too far gone in terms of debt, etc.), then indeed liquidation of assets by the court, with that money being distributed among creditors, is the remedy. If the negotiations this week in China were not successful, then the hearings July 20 in the Bahamas and U.S. will begin the end of Baha Mar. The project has been bungled by Sarkis Izmirlian from ther start and the gross incompetence of his "management team" has likely doomed it. And no one deserves to be out of work and disgraced more than the BS artist "Sandy" Sands.

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newcitizen 9 years, 8 months ago on Why Baha Mar filed for bankruptcy

That is not at all true. Baha Mar has a lot of options to obtain more financing, from taking on new equity partners, to having someone else buy the debt held by the Chinese Bank. This is precisely why Chapter 11 exists, to investigate those options.

The other option was to let Baha Mar be foreclosed on here in the Bahamas, allowing the Chinese Bank to take control and they would not be required to pay anyone a dime if the liquidated the property for less than what is owing to them. Meaning there is not a chance in hell that any Bahamian creditor would ever get paid anything.

So according to you, if Baha Mar can't show evidence that it can continue to operate (which it has many options at it's disposal), then it will be liquidated, which is exactly what would happen if they had not done this. So why are you complaining that they are attempting to save the project and pay back the Bahamians that are owed money?

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TalRussell 9 years, 8 months ago on PM hits back at Baha Mar 'untruths'

Comrades I am shocked that the PM's defense of the "Bahamaland Brand" is not the echoed sentiment of every true-blooded citizen and resident. If not the nation's PM speaking out against the potentially damaging statements being made by the likes of Izmirlian who seeks to control the international perception of his lack of talent to bring Baha Mar on-board as 'the' tourism resort destination of the Caribbean, who then will stand up against this man to defend your nation? Looks like Izmirlian is about to discover our nation's PM, is far from the indecisive, meek pushover the media have worked so hard paint him to be.

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TalRussell 9 years, 8 months ago on PM hits back at Baha Mar 'untruths'

Comrade Banker to avoid walking like an Andros crab you should at least try waking your facts sideways as cautiously as da crab does, so as not attract attention how wrong you are.

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SP 9 years, 8 months ago on PM hits back at Baha Mar 'untruths'

Who Or What You Believe In All This, Simply Depends On What Flavor Cool Aid You Like

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JohnBuchanan 9 years, 7 months ago on Bank: Baha Mar ‘stripped us’ of $2.45bn security

The Chinese bank is not an equity partner. They are the lender of 2/3 of the project cost. They have a secured loan. That is the whole point.

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JohnBuchanan 9 years, 7 months ago on China: Baha Mar conspiracy claim is ‘preposterous’

It's not a "conspiracy" that the government is working with China to get Baha Mar completed and opened. It's the result of the fact that Izmirlian and his incompetent "management team" totally bungled the project and went broke -- then blamed China and the Bahamian government. And since the bankruptcy filing, Izmirlian has alienated all of this "partners." He's about to get what he deserves, which is worldwide humiliation. I just hope that for the good of the Bahamas and the Bahamian people, Baha Mar can be opened and saved from failure.

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banker 9 years, 4 months ago on $660,000 missing from Road Traffic

The list is endless of what was ignored. A proposal for an automobile environmental solution was ignored. A proposal for the creation of a new knowledge-based industry was ignored. A proposal to create a universal eGovernment framework so that all departments would be universally computerised was ignored. The trouble is that these proposals were ignored because the people who would approve them, couldn't see any direct monetary benefit to themselves to approve them.

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BaronInvest 9 years, 4 months ago on PM 'impressed' with names of investors in Baha Mar talks

"Mar" is actually spanish and means sea. So when i came here the first time the hotel translated for me as "Bahamian Sea" - i'm german. It makes perfectly sense as the Theme for the hotel is to bring the mediterranean riviera to the Bahamas - very smart concept, as it attracts anyone who has been to Monaco, St. Tropez, Costa Del Sol - which is usually a very high-paying european tourist.

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The_Oracle 9 years, 4 months ago on Bahamas abandons ‘seat of the pants’ approach

Au Contraire Mr. Rolle, there has been a National plan, it just has not been for the country's benefit! The plan has been simple and well implemented: Steal as much as you can while in office! Dismantle the rule of law so there is no prosecution for stealing! And so, how will the "New Plan" co-exist with the old (and still thriving ) plan?

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JohnBuchanan 9 years, 3 months ago on Baha Mar winding up petition stayed until February

There is apparently plenty of blame to go around on both sides. But based on the fact that as a journalist in the U.S., I scooped the whole world with my March 24 story at Hotel News Now that the alleged March 27 opening was a total scam by Izmilirlian and his totally incompetent PR team -- led by the infamous Sandy Sands and the equally incompetent and deceitful Alyssa Bushey from the U.S. -- the obvious question your question raises is : IF all that about CCA were true, WHY did Izzy remain silent until after t5he opening was canceled -- two hours after my story broke. And in the end, the developer is responsible for the performance of the contractor. Izzy simply did not have the experience to pull off Baha Mar. And Daddy's money alone was not enough. But the primary fault for the failure lies with him, not China, based on the facts that are known and not in dispute.

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JohnBuchanan 9 years, 3 months ago on Baha Mar winding up petition stayed until February

All I can tell you is that I covered Baha Mar for Hotel News Now, the #1 hotel business website in the world, and did three major articles. They lied to me repeatedly, attacked the facts I reported in the last two stories, etc. And again, it is the developer's responsibility to manage a project. IF CCA did shoddy work, why did Izmirlian not disclose that and challenge them long before he cancelled the phony March 27 opening two hours after my March 24 story came out? And most of all, why has he never apologized to the thousands of innocent consumers he ripped off with the two phony opening dates? The facts speak for themselves. If you cannot see them, that is your problem, not mine.

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sheeprunner12 9 years, 3 months ago on Vehicle plates move from ‘night to day’

Franklyn, take the pattern of government support for Bahamians from BTC, BEC, the dump, NHI, SLOPIA/NAD, BAMSI, Rubisgate, NProads, Downtown, Bahamar, ................ the big contracts usually go to foreigners and the politicians get the kickbacks

3 Vote

MonkeeDoo 9 years, 3 months ago on Weep for the country

birdie: the PLP has been the Bahamas kiss of Death !

5 Vote

Honestman 9 years, 3 months ago on FNM calls for early election over poor leadership

The PLP will mismanage the country until the last hour of the last day of their five year term. They will peck the remaining flesh off of the rotting carcass that is The Bahamas. This is what you get when you vote for vultures.