KapunkleUp 3 years, 12 months ago on Don’t make taxation reform ‘money grab’
Don’t make taxation reform ‘money grab’
When VAT started, it was "suppose" to reduce our national debt, pay for improvements in services and infrastructure. Well it's 2021 and the national debt is at record levels, services still suck and infrastructure ain't much better. SO... what are the odds of life getting better in a few years if VAT is increased, income tax is introduced and property tax is increased? ZERO! Our leaders are simply too dumb and/or corrupt to run the country.
tribanon 3 years, 12 months ago on Scale of children abused laid bare
Scale of children abused laid bare
This is what typically happens in countries after decades of being run by corrupt and incompetent elected officials who really could not care less about the people they were elected to represent. Sadly the more vulnerable children and elderly end up paying the dearest price. Minnis's absurdly unscientific and arbitrary lockdown policies ultimately will be found to have caused much more harm to our society than the Communist Chines Virus itself.
Lacking the intelligence, common sense and leadership skills necessary to tailor an appropriate response suitable to our nation's unique circumstances, Minnis just simply and unquestioningly implemented the very worst of the draconian measures recommended by the ChiCom controlled W.H.O. The irreparable damages done under his more thoughtless and arbitrary emergency orders and protocols rest squarely in his lap.
The_Oracle 3 years, 12 months ago on $3m earmarked for GB hotel and airport
$3m earmarked for GB hotel and airport
A joke with no humor. The GB airport could get a basic clean up for $3m if the government is involved. Another Government fiasco smothered in incompetence.
tribanon 3 years, 11 months ago on EDITORIAL: Trust the medics as they lead the way
EDITORIAL: Trust the medics as they lead the way
Get a grip. GodSpeed's not the one trying to jab you or anyone else with anything. LOL
GodSpeed 3 years, 11 months ago on EDITORIAL: Trust the medics as they lead the way
EDITORIAL: Trust the medics as they lead the way
"Trust" 🤣🤣
Yeah "trust us guys!".... the giant pharmaceutical companies that rushed this bioweapon don't even trust themselves. That's why if you get a terrible reaction to the bioweapon or even die, they made sure you and your loved ones can't sue them.
Big Pharma I thought we had something real here ya know? I thought we had trust, but you got a prenup! You've pre-planned for failure you liar! How can you ask me to trust you with my life when you're protecting yourselves from damages and out to make money? I can't even sue you if you screw up? In fact, now you can just push anything into my body without repercussion... tsk tsk, you're so manipulative. How can I trust with a relationship like that? The moral contract is all screwed up. This feels like this is a toxic relationship with a manipulative psychopath.
So I won't be "trusting" the giant pharmaceutical companies looking to make billions from their rushed BioWeapon. Let the 🐑🐏🐑 who blindly trust authority take it and thank you for your service. Maybe after 10 years I'll take it, ya know, if I feel like it 😊 my body, my choice.
tribanon 3 years, 11 months ago on EDITORIAL: Trust the medics as they lead the way
EDITORIAL: Trust the medics as they lead the way
The only thing dumber than that argument is you. LOL
GodSpeed 3 years, 11 months ago on EDITORIAL: Trust the medics as they lead the way
EDITORIAL: Trust the medics as they lead the way
just go take your shot, stop trying to convince others to be as gullible as you are.
FreeUs242 3 years, 11 months ago on EDITORIAL: Why do we allow this abuse to continue?
EDITORIAL: Why do we allow this abuse to continue?
We need to do better as parents, neighbors and leaders to not fail the youths of our country. Give them hope that they don't have to do bad things to make it. Stop only focusing on one group of youths but all walks of life the opportunities and encouragement to believe in themselves, skills, the political system, family and community.
liv242 3 years, 11 months ago on PM has no intention of relaxing New Providence curfew hours
PM has no intention of relaxing New Providence curfew hours
This is not pratical anymore as unemployment numbers rise, violent crime as it relates to homicide rising but covid numbers are declining and its the FNM government sole objective, I guess those other numbers have no statistical significance.
tribanon 3 years, 11 months ago on Royal Caribbean to return to The Bahamas in June
Royal Caribbean to return to The Bahamas in June
Not so. See link below. Our more knowledgeable and expert health officials really need to start telling us the truth about these vaccines developed at warp speed using mRNA technology.
tribanon 3 years, 11 months ago on Minister: ‘Prioritise’ tourism workers on COVID-19 vaccine
Minister: ‘Prioritise’ tourism workers on COVID-19 vaccine
D'Aguilar is as stupid as they come and our more knowledgeable and expert health officials really need to start telling us the truth about these vaccines developed at warp speed using mRNA technology.
FreeUs242 3 years, 11 months ago on ALICIA WALLACE: How can people still think it’s a woman’s job to look after the home?
ALICIA WALLACE: How can people still think it’s a woman’s job to look after the home?
Everyone deserves to be happy and follow their dreams. Nothing is wrong with women dominating in roles, that's just a small minded perception to keep women below. We should support each other and be happy that we all can succeed.💯😃👍
FreeUs242 3 years, 11 months ago on Miller tight lipped over independent candidacy
Miller tight lipped over independent candidacy
Are there any truthful leaders out there...👀😒
birdiestrachan 3 years, 11 months ago on EDITORIAL: $1 for an airport - but it’s no bargain
EDITORIAL: $1 for an airport - but it’s no bargain
Thanks for writing that the airport is no bargain. They have not lived up to their commitment They are making them pay severance pay. the Government paid all of the severance pay for the Our Lucayan hotel.
Now the PM will be selling lots to 18-year-olds who will have to build homes in two years They appear to be foolish people that are taken for a Jitney ride.
KapunkleUp 3 years, 11 months ago on WE HAVE TAKE-OFF: Govt to buy GB airport in deal seen as vital to save ravaged economy
WE HAVE TAKE-OFF: Govt to buy GB airport in deal seen as vital to save ravaged economy
Wonderful. That's exactly what the tax payers need. More state owned assets and more government employees on the payroll. I guess the 10 BILLION dollar national debt is already yesterday's news.
Proguing 3 years, 11 months ago on WE HAVE TAKE-OFF: Govt to buy GB airport in deal seen as vital to save ravaged economy
WE HAVE TAKE-OFF: Govt to buy GB airport in deal seen as vital to save ravaged economy
When will the government spending binge end? There is now no doubt that massive tax increases are coming after the election.
tribanon 3 years, 11 months ago on WE HAVE TAKE-OFF: Govt to buy GB airport in deal seen as vital to save ravaged economy
WE HAVE TAKE-OFF: Govt to buy GB airport in deal seen as vital to save ravaged economy
But our country's tax base is now limited to the wealthy political elite and their favoured cronies in the private sector. The vast majority of Bahamians are flat broke. The wealthy Bahamian political elite, their wealthy cronies and the wealthy foreign residents among us would all rather leave our shores than remain and pay hefty taxes under the kind of very steep progressive tax structure that would be needed to dent our ever increasing unsustainable national debt. Just pause and think about the consquences of that for a moment.
Even the government's favourite lending teat ('tit'), the IDB, is too stupid to fully appreciate what's happening here within the context of Communist China's growing stranglehold on our country. And the last time I checked, Communist China was not a member state of the IDB. LOL
bahamianson 3 years, 12 months ago on ALICIA WALLACE: Another night to feast on the highs and lows of the Grammys
ALICIA WALLACE: Another night to feast on the highs and lows of the Grammys
Who cares... Feast on making yojrs3lf a better person . Tjose fools are all millionaires because of empty people whom enjoy watciing them celebrate their millions.