Fitmiss 8 years, 7 months ago on Miller: Exile transgenders (with audio)
Miller: Exile transgenders (with audio)
Where does one start pertaining to such an article? First this man needs to have his medication adjusted. He has valid points but he has them thrown in with so much ignorance and hate. Nonetheless it is his opinion. Regardless of a person's sexual orientation, he or she should be treated with respect and not shipped off to a deserted island. Yes I am concerned about what kind of country and world my child will face when he becomes an adult. I can only train him in the way he should go and teach him to respect other persons regardless of how much he may disagree with their choices. At the end of the day the person who sleeps with someone of the same sex is not going to a hotter hell than the married folks sleeping with someone that is not his or her spouse. Yes certain sins the Bible calls an abomination, but at the end of the day all sin will get us to hell. Mr. Miller, just like the rest of us, need to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, before we are so quick to call for The Rapture. Some of us may be shocked to find ourselves in the same hell has many of these persons who we feel are less than us. I love you doesn't mean yes do what ever you want. It simply means I won't discriminate against you but you will know that I am not ok with your lifestyle. The same way I will let anyone who is in error know they are in error. I am not without sin so I cannot cast the first stone. My being content to live as the gender I was born into and marry someone of the opposite sex doesn't absolved me of the other sins I have committed. Be careful Mr. Miller. This is not something someone in your position wants to give out to the world even if it is how you feel. I agree I do not need to know who anyone is sleeping with whether it be a heterosexual or homosexual relationship or whatever. If you are two consenting adults God will deal with you as he also will deal with me.
bogart 8 years, 7 months ago on Bishop calls for yes vote, slams Dame Joan Sawyer
Bishop calls for yes vote, slams Dame Joan Sawyer
There should be greater need for the Church ---some 3,000 Church units? plus to preach the TEN COMMANDMENTS, ....thou shall not kill,......bear yer neighbour.......etc so that with religious broughtupsy we can be better at being Christians ..people....AND let the STATE LEGISLATORS whom the majority of citizens voted to earn their pay in providing LAWS for us to do lawful things and run the country as one of the 194 countries of a group of countries in the world. What your neighbour does in the bedroom noone should be peeping and if one suspects and does not like it one can use Christian scriptures to convince them remembering your LEGAL rights end where that person's face or fence begins. Church and state are separate. Lawfully NATURE is not perfect and noone, no CITIZEN should be deprived of rights to happiness, liberty, guided by religion or not etc because they are born with two organs, or 11 fingers, or physically or mentally challenged.
sheeprunner12 8 years, 2 months ago on BPL trucks out of action
BPL trucks out of action
WTF????? .............. If the local BEC fellas in Long Island planted 800 poles in two weeks with one drill truck and hung them with two bucket trucks, why those lazy ass Nassau fellas cannot work with whatever limited resources they have????? ......... stop the BMW (bitch, moan & whine)
Well_mudda_take_sic 8 years, 2 months ago on Cabinet says no to tax on alcohol
Cabinet says no to tax on alcohol
Crooked Christie is about to start blaming any and everything on the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew as his corrupt government seeks to add $150 million more to our existing unsustainable national debt or introduce a special tax. Any significant increase in our national debt at this time would almost certainly trigger a downgrading of all of our country's debt to "junk bond" status with severe consequences to follow for all Bahamians. Introducing a new special tax would assuredly cause another round of horrific consumer price increases for all Bahamians, and would undoubtedly result in even more marginally viable small and medium size businesses having to close their doors for good. This in turn would greatly increase unemployment to a dangerously high level with obvious implications for more crime in our society. Crooked Christie's failed social and economic policies have already created a grossly mismanaged, very dysfunctional and unsustainable welfare state in which many Bahamians and Haitian-Bahamians have been made dependent on the government for their jobs in exchange for voting the "right way" come general election time. But now even Crooked Christie must face the fact that blood cannot be had from a stone to support his bloated non-productive public sector and the graft and corruption that have unjustly enriched his very greedy chosen few. Honest hardworking Bahamians and the vast majority of Bahamian businesses not owned by Crooked Christie's cronies have had all they can take and stomach. We have reached the fork in the road that all honest hardworking Bahamians had hoped and prayed they (and their children) would never arrive at. If you look at Christie's waistline, it's easy to understand why he thinks he cannot tighten his government's fiscal belt, which is precisely what needs to be done. Crooked Christie should start by scuppering the very costly idea that politicians need to continue flying all over the Bahamas to survey the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew. All of this unnecessary travelling by politicians in the age of digital photos and in the run up to a general election takes on the appearance of campaigning by the political parties at the people's expense rather than at the expense of the parties. Crooked Christie should tell Fred Mitchell and all of his other government officials that travelling first class is not an option for him or them over the next few years....he should also have them cut out attending many of the silly conferences abroad that they attend, often tacking on vacation and shopping time. I can think of $150 million of unnecessary fat (lard of the worst kind) That Crooked Christie has padded into his annual budget for the benefit of his cronies. He needs to take a scalpal to it and cut deep.
Sickened 8 years, 2 months ago on Legal advice sought amid low voter registration
Legal advice sought amid low voter registration
I'm waiting for a non-tarnished, dare I say - honest, person to vote for.
Tom_Liberty 11 years, 7 months ago on ‘I do not blame Bahamas for boatmate’s death’
‘I do not blame Bahamas for boatmate’s death’
My name is Tom Crowley, Business Manager for the schooner Liberty Clipper. Kyle Bruner was our Chief Mate. Kyle was murdered on Sunday morning, Mothers Day. I have been in Nassau since Monday morning with the other young man from our crew who was with Kyle when he was attacked. I echo and support the brave and intelligent words of his father, Rick Bruner. Over the last 48 hours we have been working with the Bahamian Police, the American Embassy, and the Ministry of Tourism to ensure that Kyles death was not in vain and that his murderers were found and will be prosecuted. Yesterday, the prime witness identified the shooter, last night we saw Kyle at the Butler Funeral Home and paid our respects to honor him. We have had nothing but support, encouragement, patience, and diligence by everyone in the Bahamas. We have been further supporting by the sympathies of the Bahamian people from the Cricket Club to the Towne Hotel and everywhere in between.
I want to clarify the accounts in this paper and every other news service on a very important point; The schooner Liberty Clipper was NOT passing through the Bahamas. We have been here since 2009 taking up to 24 passengers a week from December to May on 6 day sailing adventures to the outer islands. Our crew and passengers spend a lot of time and money here eating in your restaurants, staying in your hotels, and visiting the many wonderful sites in Nassau and the outer islands. Five years is not passing through. It is a commitment to and a significant investment in the Bahamas. Accordingly, we have the same hopes, dreams, and expectations of all Bahamians for truth, justice, and extreme diligence in the protection and safety of all persons living in or visiting the Bahamas. No life is worth more than another. An 11 year old Bahamian or a 34 year old American. We must all demand that every effort is made to increase this protection and pursue criminals with speed and diligence that must transcend politics and posturing by government officials. As the Captain on the ship orders when there is a job to be done : "MAKE IT HAPPEN!" You may look for the Liberty Clipper again next year. After all, we are from Boston, Massachusetts where we are proud to say "BOSTON STRONG!" Thank you - Tom Crowley, Liberty Fleet of Tall Ships, and the Schooner Liberty Clipper" from Boston & The Bahamas.